Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2501 A face specially tailored for Xiao Su

The bright and brilliant sun shines on this group of beautiful creatures loved by nature, and their hair glows with a flavor called warmth in the light.

The elves took good care of the unicorns and spirit deer. The whole group was beautiful and quiet, creating a harmonious and beautiful scene.

You Xia carefully stroked the head of a small deer. It was still young, so the antlers were not very big.

Indeed, as Xiao Su said, such a cute and well-behaved child, how can he bear to use a rough domination ring? Touch and rub him more, what a lovely child.

The spiritual grass and fruit brought by Ye Lin had extraordinary effects. After eating them, many unicorns became surging with magic power, their eyes glowed with light, and every hair seemed to be dripping with magic power. The overall strength of the group increased a lot.

Some energetic unicorns even engage in courtship behavior, waving their beautiful hair and horns in front of female unicorns.

In the cool shade of a tree somewhere, in a white dress, with a pure temperament, Alice, who looked like a beauty in a scroll, looked at the curator and said, "Do you think there is everlasting peace in the world?"

She is a little worried about gains and losses, always worrying that the beautiful world will be destroyed one day.

"It doesn't exist." The curator smiled gently and immediately gave a very definite answer.

Absolute and eternal peace only exists in ideal Utopia.

When the light of wisdom comes to a living body, it also brings the seven negative sins, which are the original sins that coexist with wisdom.

There are saints with cool breeze on their sleeves and noble character.

But not everyone is a noble saint. The negative side of wisdom gives rise to the shadow called sin, which lingers throughout life. Therefore, the scene of peace cannot last forever, including the beautiful world.

"But, I have been to many worlds and seen a lot of chaos. For example, in the dimension of chaos, there are only two cities of light left." The curator smiled and continued: "As long as there are still people in the world who are willing to fight for justice. , fighters who fight for peace and truth, goodness and beauty, the future of the world will still be peaceful and beautiful."

Alice was thoughtful.

On the other side, Ye Lin lay down on the green grass in a lazy posture, and swore that it was definitely not to see the beautiful skirts of Xiao Su and the little witch, and said: "So do you understand, as the strongest elf, Elda Knight, and me, why don’t you destroy the ice dragon and the evil dragon and deliberately keep them.”

It is just to give those adventurers who are full of passion and eager to make a name for themselves a few goals, so that adventure can be meaningful and cultivation can lead to success.

Including Alice's previous letter of apology from the fifth coach, which was about the special state of the demon world and Arad that caused the transfer phenomenon to be unable to be completely stable, Ye Lin had no idea of ​​​​helping to repair it.

Just imagine, a world where there are no external disasters or internal threats from powerful monsters. The monsters are only third-rate goblins and cat monsters. However, a very brilliant cultivation civilization has been born, with a large population base.

Then fighting against heaven will turn into fighting against people.

Human beings are extremely gifted beings blessed by wisdom, but as a result, the impact and expressiveness of original sin will be particularly terrifying.

The lady in black dress once said bluntly that the hidden evil and despicable behavior of human beings made her, the goddess in charge of the power of death, slightly shiver and moved by it.

Of course, the noble qualities of human kindness have also composed many long-lasting songs that will remain famous in the Kingdom of Heaven for a long time.

Narrow eyes admit that human beings are the most magical race under the influence of the power of life and wisdom.

Xiao Su was quiet and delicate. She tied up her skirt with her hands and sat on a flat stone. On the one hand, her legs were numb from standing for a long time, and on the other hand, although she was wearing safety pants, the perverted teacher's eyes seemed to be through perspective. A pair of The little fat meat is cool and sizzling.

Then the lying sugar cane suddenly transformed into a flexible snake and smashed the stone with its head.

Sit on my face!

Ye Lin had a lot of explanation for this. You see, my face is barely flat, and it just corresponds to your two little elastic pieces of fat.

Moreover, my protruding and stylish nose bridge can fit right into the middle of your little bow-style underwear, which is a perfect fit.

It turns out that my face was grown just to be Xiao Su’s stool.


Xiao Su took out the wand and hit him directly on the head, causing sparks to fly. This guy was rough-skinned and thick-bodied, so it didn't matter if he got hit twice.

Xiao Su pulled his coat over and spread it on the ground and sat down, facing the gentle breeze, her hair fluttering lightly, her bright and delicate face flawless, the girl's youth and beauty blooming vividly at this moment.

"Have you heard a story? Ector came to tell me." Xiao Su said with regret in her eyes: "In ancient times, the elves were the second largest race after humans."

Dark elves were also elves before, so the number of elves was indeed considerable in ancient times.

"However, one day, the evil imperial army attacked a branch of the elves. With no choice, the elves abandoned their bodies and transferred their souls to some spiritual creatures, thus escaping the pursuit of the empire. "

The imperial army refers to the empire in ancient times, not the current Dros Empire.

Ye Lin also heard about that elven tribe, called "Devils". Their appearance is slightly different from Mailu's elves, similar to a variant of dark elves.

Majin elves possess powerful magical powers. Both men and women are taller in physique and have more original dressing styles.

According to legend, the elves named "Demons" still exist in the bodies of certain creatures, waiting for some kind of fate and energy to unseal them and then transform into the original elves.

The elves who have been released from the seal can make a wish to them.

Although Xiao Su and You Xia are girls who pursue reality more, they don't have much resistance to this fantasy-like story that looks like a djinn.

"I think so." Ye Lin didn't know romance and began to destroy the harmonious atmosphere, saying: "Instead of making a wish to the devil and the elves, you might as well go and make a wish with the eldest lady. She is now half the goddess of fate and has very good luck. "

If Bayana hadn't been busy with her graduation exam, she wouldn't have known about the eldest lady's transformation. Otherwise, she would have eaten and slept with Siatt for half a month, soaking up some European energy.

Xiao Su frowned and said, "What do you know? What matters is the process of discovery, not the final wish. The process is the meaning of life, and wishing is a candy after hard work."

"Your words sound a bit familiar to me~" Ye Lin put his hands on the back of his head, looked up at the clouds in the sky, and said, "Feng Ying and Gu Yu also told me so seriously when they couldn't catch fish that the important thing is the process. , not the results.”

"Perhaps, the same is true for this big universe. From the beginning to the end, the process in between is extremely gorgeous, and in the end only empty nothingness is left..."

"Hey, I'm just fishing, but I'm not an army. How come you seem to have seen through the vicissitudes of the world, all kinds of glitz, and the true meaning of the universe." Feng Ying came over with a fishing rod in hand, with a look of displeasure on his face. Paired with black silk leggings, she has a pair of beautiful legs that are slender and well-proportioned.

There was a fairly wide river nearby, and she invited Gu Yu and Mavis to take a look.

Erda said that the elves have fish ponds where they can go fishing, but Feng Ying flatly rejected it.

Catching farmed fish is boring and not challenging at all. Real men should fish in the wild.

Ye Lin stood up, slapped his forehead, and said, "By the way, we agreed with Mailu that we would go to her original orphanage today to visit her. Do you want to come together?"

The Mailu sisters are all in the same condition, with different races, and there is also a mixed-race child like Yin Su, but they actually have no detailed parents, and it is impossible to trace them back in history. They all grew up in orphanages or alone and strong.

Because in a real sense, the Mailu sisters are actually the incarnation of Nimer's will, so their parents are not the parents of Nimer, the god of wisdom. Who can bear such a huge cause and effect?

Ye Lin originally wanted to call the little witch, but the little witch was tinkering with the "horsetail". She discovered that the tail hair and hair of unicorns have particularly powerful magical powers. If used as silk thread for puppet needles, the effect will be increased by 30% .

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