Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2517 Multiple Personality Held

Ravisi recognized the big coach who was hiding behind everyone, and he could smell the smell of a bad woman on her from a long distance away.

Moreover, she was very familiar with every face in Ye Lin's team, and had changed their appearance before, but she could not remember a woman whose face was blurry and clearly had magical hidden abilities.

The cold and dark wailing cave, being forced to divide the soul into seven parts, and surviving in humiliation, is the kind of past that is nothing if not thought about, but makes you angry when you mention it, and your head is on fire.

The big coach shouted to stop him, and Ravisi became more and more proud and aggressive. She pretended not to hear him and suppressed the fifth coach with absolute strength, making him unable to move.

One of her jade arms transformed into a winding vine. Although there were no sharp needles on the surface, it had the grainy texture of having the sharp thorns removed. Then it slowly tightened and rubbed against the fifth coach's body like a noose.

The plump and mature curves were perfectly outlined and exposed, and the vines deliberately tied up Coach Wu's hollows, causing her cold and beautiful eyes to be shockingly evil, mixed with a hint of shame, anger and incomprehension. She didn't know how to offend the other coach. A Shylock.

The big coach couldn't bear it anymore. Although she could arrange a barrier to isolate her five senses and keep herself safe, she couldn't watch her other self being so humiliated in front of everyone.

She took action, waving her hand to shake out powerful energy, and a magnificent and bright space magic array was formed. In an instant, Mr. Luo, Luke and other apostles were transferred back to the devil world. You have nothing to do with them anymore.

Although the Great Coach has never possessed the power of space, as the mastermind behind the transfer phenomenon and the apostle who once led the demon world to wander the universe, her space accomplishments are actually second to none in the universe.

The four-color elements gathered into a sea, bursts of thunder, and filled with murderous intent, overwhelmingly swarming towards the taunting Ravisi...

"Transcendent level, you hide the bad woman very well. There must be a sub-personality in your spiritual consciousness." Lavisi frowned in surprise. The bad woman is much stronger than before.

However, compared to myself who has evolved four times and is at the peak of transcendence, there is still a long way to go.

Lavisi retreated, not being able to take the bad woman's angry attack lightly. The arm that turned into a vine regained its strength, and then tugged hard.


The large cloak and bikini that supported the figure behind Coach Five were deliberately torn by Ravisi's vines.

"Wow! So big and round."

The little witch quickly covered her eyes and quietly opened her fingers. We were all from the demon world, and the difference in stature was too obvious.

With a curvy front and a curvy back, the only person in the Demon Realm who can rival Lord Held in terms of mature figure is probably the director of the ancient library, Monica.

Aunt Katie is actually quite flat, Smila's waist is too thin and has no sense of plumpness, and Niu has a girl-next-door youthful style.

The fifth coach's delicate body was trembling, and he was already out of anger. He waved his hands to build a canopy of elements to cover his perfect body curve.

I began to wonder if it was a mistake for me to put down the butcher knife, and I should throw Sirocco to a place without light or heat.

According to the original plan, the next transfer apostle after the Dragon King is the invisible Sirok.

Ye Lin appeared in time with a large coat, and asked her with concern: "Are you okay? The other Shilok has a bad attitude towards you because you two in the main dimension have a history of blood and tears and hatred."

Before Coach Five could speak, Ganzhe took the initiative to put on her coat with a warm gesture and said, "If you are curious, I will tell you later."

Coach Wu's eyes gradually became complicated. Although Ye Lin looked familiar and cordial to her, they didn't interact much with each other.

She was extremely ashamed, angry, and humiliated just now. More importantly, she felt inexplicable towards Ravisi's hostility. For the fifth coach who always relied on his intelligence and talent, this feeling was very unpleasant to her.

Now that Ye Lin had given me a brief explanation, I felt that my mood was no longer so depressed, and I felt a little more open and transparent.

Ravisi's attitude has never been very pleasing, and the Kahn who appeared just now is extremely domineering. On the contrary, Cane Cane is extremely powerful, but also gentle, gentlemanly and polite, and the coat was delivered in a timely manner.

The contrast was very eye-catching, so Coach Five felt pretty good about him in every aspect and even said thank you.

Little did he know, Gan Cane had a panoramic view of everything and shouted crazily in his heart... My wife, my wife, has a really perfect figure.

Lavisi was stronger and could still spare some leisurely time in the face of the big coach's attack. She appeared in front of Ye Lin in an instant and thrust a bikini with very little fabric into his hand.

"Here, what you asked me to get."


The fifth coach's face, which had a crush on him, was instantly filled with an astonishing evil spirit, and the only exposed left eye was gloomy and cold. It turns out that you are not a good person either.

"No, please listen to my explanation~" Sugarcane Man is a bit numb. Although the resources of the Demon World are poor, the fifth coach's clothes are all made of the highest-grade silk, with excellent texture.

"Lavisi is slandering and framed. We are husband and wife in the main dimension and have children. How could we covet your underwear?"

Ganzhe explained quickly, and then subconsciously said smoothly: "Bikini, can I help you put it on?"


Coach 5 was completely confused, his thinking was in a mess.

She touched the fingertips of the great coach who had appeared at an unknown moment, and an astonishing light burst out in an instant, and an even more powerful aura bloomed.

Sharing the same origin, they merged smoothly, and Coach Five appeared in the mind of Staff He as a kind-hearted sub-personality.

Then Coach 5 became numb and full of regrets, he might as well stay true to himself.

She shared the memory of the great coach and understood the whole story at a glance, starting with Sirocco's grudges and grudges.

There was a reason for the other party's hostility. He almost killed Sirocco with his transfer ability, which made him miserable.

All the apostles of the main dimension have been plotted by their other self. She is the "evil" who is opposed to the good side. She is the person who is obsessed with reviving the planet Terra. It penetrates into the bones and souls, and cannot be forgotten all night long.

Then, the appearance of Yako emerged in the memory of the fifth coach. He was cute, cute, and very lively. Because of the magical effect of the water of life, he now looked almost four years old.


Coach Five lost his voice in his head. He suddenly had a daughter, and she was almost four years old. She was outrageous in every aspect.

But because Yakko looks super cute and well-behaved, and the fifth coach symbolizes the kind side of letting go of Terra's obsession, so it's not impossible to accept Yakko's existence.

However, the big coach, the second coach, and Sugar Cane were stacked up against each other, and the things that had been going over and over also flooded into the fifth coach's mind.

They have the same origin and perfect empathy, just like she has experienced it herself. She is the one who has been through all kinds of tossing and unexpected pregnancy.

If it comes to this matter, she is still a little mentally prepared.

The moment she saw Ye Lin for the first time, she speculated on many possibilities.

I guessed that the relationship between myself in the main dimension and this gentle and comely man might be unusual.

Then the last discovery made the fifth coach very embarrassed.

"Welcome." The fourth coach spoke in his mind, obviously a little embarrassed.

"Who are you……?"

"I am you too. I come from the dimension of chaos, a world that is about to wreak havoc at the end, cutting off all hope and future. Ozma is the lucky one in that dimension. Don't you know that in some dimensions, the only one will be born? A very powerful apostle.”

As two coaches with different personalities, one is kind and the other is desperate, an awkward dialogue started in the mind of the big coach, and more people may join in the future.

"I heard that when the light side's will merges with the body, it is directly and completely integrated. The other person's life experience is read as a story and the self is erased." The fourth coach reassured that this is not a bad thing, and they can be separated in the future. .

Facing the ruthless reality, the nine apostles are no longer qualified to stand on the central stage, and one person is not strong enough to deal with future crises.

"Shut up first." The big coach's mind was filled with dark thoughts, and she had a hunch that if another coach joined her in the future, she would be able to hold a meeting in her head.

My personality is kind, desperate, scientist (the third coach who restarted the Artificial God), I don’t know what other personality image I have.

Thanks to the boss "20180613000705764" for the 500 point reward.

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