Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2528 Held likes you

"You are so troublesome~"

Xiao Su wiped the saliva on his cheek with the sleeve of his uniform. His smooth and tender face was kissed hard, and his cheeks were sucked up, as if he wanted to bite off a piece of cheek flesh.

Moreover, it was lunch time at the magic school, and people were coming and going. Many students looked here with curiosity and surprise.

"Xiao Su, Xiao Su..."

Ganzhe murmured his name like a madman, then took Xiao Su to a deserted place, gently held her delicate cheeks, lowered his head and held a touch of soft beauty.

Xiaosu is sweeter than sugar and more elastic than jelly for the first kiss.

The extremely shameless Gan Cane immediately felt proud and took the initiative to hold Xiao Su's boneless hand and suggested: "Let's go to the stone monument and have a look. They seem to have discovered "The End of the World"."

"Let go." Xiao Su bit her teeth lightly, shook her hand vigorously, and passed her arm through the electric current. She was extremely accomplished in magic.

"No, not unless you chop off your arm."


Xiao Su's other hand condensed a cold ice blade, ready to slash.

Ye Lin directly took Xiao Su to find the people beside the stone tablet. Thanks to the knowledgeable talents of the two coaches, the stone tablet of the end of the century has been translated into a simple and easy-to-understand version.

Everyone glanced at their clasped hands and Xiao Su's reluctant and blushing expression, and they all shook their heads slightly. It was very likely that this girl was going to have "internal injuries."

Then he looked at Youxia with eyes full of high hopes and expectations, Moonworm, hold on, don't let everyone be useless.

Ye Lin asked for a translated version of "End of the World", but the two coaches were actually not interested. They were both witnesses, and the descriptions in ancient texts were far less grand and spectacular than what they saw with their own eyes, as well as the intertwining and twisting of the supreme divinity.

"What on earth is that..."

"It is both light and darkness. It is meaningless to ask what it is. It is a sacred and great existence, but it is also an abyss and chaos. It does not appear on the surface, and its essence lies within." 』

"How to know?" 』

"Fools cannot see it, mortals can see it, but only the wise can tell it"

"What will happen after you get it?" 』

"It will return to the great will from now on, which is a step towards opening up a new world..."

"It feels not as good as Held." Yin Miwu complained in a low voice, a bunch of mysterious words that didn't seem to have much meaning.

Held also liked to be a riddler before. A simple and clear thing could be explained clearly in two or three sentences, and Jing Fang was so mysterious.

Yuena found a bench and sat down leisurely, mockingly saying: "Dwarf Winter Melon, you haven't gone to school. Isn't that easy to understand?"

It is true that the little witch never went to school. In the previous demon world, there were people everywhere who could not read a single word. That is to say, Tarakuta, the ancient library, and this first-class force had the foundation to open a school.

"I haven't gone to school for a few years." Gu Yudi muttered. She was more interested in human anatomy.

Yuena enthusiastically helped Yin Miwu translate, saying: "The first paragraph is not important, the second paragraph, after translation, is... Idiots can't see her, ordinary people can see her, only strong and wise people can See her for what she is.”

Idiot, referring to the little witch, powerful and wise, Yuena pointed to herself, well, there is nothing wrong at all.

"This involves the laws of the divine realm." Ye Lin added: "If you call the name of a god directly, it will be perceived. Similarly, mortals cannot see the true body of the god, just like the appearance of Venus will be perceived in the recognition. It’s the same as making a difference.”

Including the invincible beauty Naiyali, if she is willing to show another attitude, the whole world will lose their minds and go crazy.


Xiao Su was startled, calling out the god's name would be perceived.

"It doesn't matter. You usually call me a pervert. This word is a common word, so I can't sense it." Ye Lin shrugged. I know all this, and he also knows about You Xia chewing his own feet.

Guyu was not interested and said: "What does this have to do with the destruction of Terra?"

"Who is the main person who caused the destruction of Terra?" Mo Mei glanced at Staff He, who had already accepted the reality, and said: "Light, dark."

"Mortal wisdom is arrogant, but it can praise greatness..."

Yelin nodded. It was roughly the same as the divine battle that Held had experienced. Mortal wisdom coveted the great power. They praised the glorious image they created and offered all the words of praise.

“When the dust settles, new sprouts will sprout out of the ground, and no one can escape reincarnation. 』

It's basically a book of little value, not as vivid as Held's memory.

"The chapters of "The End of the World" are obviously incomplete. If it can be restored, will there be new information?" The curator asked out of the instinct of a knowledgeable person.

Hiatt helped take photos of several stone monuments and kept them as souvenirs. It won’t make any waves.”

What Fei Lao said makes sense and makes people convinced.

The prophecy of the ancient stone tablet affects Held's decision-making, and also affects everyone's previous adventure life, leaving indelible traces, so pay more attention to it.


Coach Wu hosted a group of people at the school and tactfully expressed that it was a pleasure getting to know everyone, but that he did not want to leave the beautiful world for the time being.

The demon world still needs a guide. She can't leave, but if she needs help in the future, Beautiful World will be obliged to do so.

Later, she begged Ye Lin to help transfer the demon world away from Arad's gravity. In this way, the transfer phenomenon of Arad continent would disappear, and the demon world would have better development opportunities.

Ye Lin agreed immediately, and then showed amazing power. He took action to freeze the invisible time and pulled out the demon world embedded in the starry sky outside Arad. Most of the towering Silent City collapsed in the violent fluctuations.

Luke's old face darkened...

Just like the mirror dimension, the demon world has been moved to an orbit around the sun. From then on, there will be sunrise and sunset, spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the natural environment will develop in a better direction.

"Thank you." In the outer starry sky, the fifth coach's face was soft, and he expressed his sincere gratitude.

Although her appearance is exactly the same, her temperament is completely different from that of the big coach.

"Um, are you getting married?" Held, who has a good nature and a kind side, is very charming as a good wife and mother.

"Do you think that by marrying me, I can bring some different colors to your life? Or is it just pure desire?" Coach Five did not answer, but asked a question and looked at him seriously.

Her eyes were very beautiful, like two pieces of finely polished amber.

She had fused with Officer He and shared memories. The ups and downs her other self had experienced with Ye Lin were just like what she had experienced with Ye Lin, so she had no resistance to Ye Lin at all.

"I love her, and naturally I love you too. The other you is too cold, as if your face is frozen, and there is no second expression. It is unfeminine."

The tight top on the chest, the hook of the stockings, the folds of the skirt, the hair at the corner of the mouth, the frown... are all things that can easily highlight the femininity, but the hateful Staff He kept himself clean and smooth, without leaking.

Except for the beautiful appearance, well-shaped figure, and expressionless Counselor He, there is no trace of the charm that a mature woman should have on her.

On the contrary, the kind-hearted fifth coach has these conditions.

Coach Five pursed his lips and smiled. When he said this, there was no expression of disgust at all. It was more like a casual quarrel between husband and wife. He said he disliked her, but in his heart he liked her very much.

"I have shared feelings with her, so I can tell you a secret." Coach Wu smiled: "Actually, she likes you very much in her heart, or it is already love, but you also understand that you should never hear it from her mouth. Never think about the words like and love."

Ye Lin's heart skipped a beat and he pretended to be calm and nodded. That's right. He couldn't imagine Held saying "I love you".

"Coach Five has a gentle temperament and an absolutely rational mind. He smiled and said: "If you have a chance, bring Yaco to me, and then I will seriously consider your invitation to hire the team. "

She faced the future with a rational perspective and even humored her. Although the sugar cane was a bit dregs, it was just a bit dregs.

She knew that Ye Lin was greedy and possessive and would not allow one of the many flowers to be picked by others. This was also a kind of selfish possessive love.


Ye Lin affectionately greeted the senior coach and got the key information from the fifth coach. Counselor He actually liked him.

So Ye Lin hinted that before we go back, we should consider having a second child. We can't always let the second coach give birth.

And I also have water of life here, which can shorten the pregnancy period after conception.


Arad's crooked savior

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