Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2536 For Held’s second child

When it comes to what is the most precious thing in the demon world, the first must be water and food to maintain basic survival, followed by weapons for self-defense, and energy to drive instruments and tools.

Of course, if you have the latter two, you can grab the first element.

Especially in a civilized society that has achieved basic survival needs, whether energy can be more convenient, faster and more efficient is often the fundamental constraint on the development of a civilization.

From basic human and animal power, to steam power, electricity, nuclear energy, black nightmare energy, etc., the continuous advancement and sublimation of civilization and its continuous prosperity are essentially the evolutionary revolution of energy.

Including the Ancient Terra civilization, they discovered the terrifying and unpredictable "darkness" deep in the starry sky of the universe, and the equally mysterious primordial element. In a sense, both are powerful primordial energy.

Now the guy in front of Ye Lin actually claims to be "the source of infinite magic power". This is incredible. The lifespan of stars is limited, but you claim to be infinite.

Ye Lin instantly came up with the idea of ​​imprisoning this thing and generating electricity 24 hours a day, thus greatly reducing the world's need for more energy.

Terra Stone?

No, the mining process still radiates radiation to the human body.

Photoelectric energy?

No need, it is very troublesome to use due to the environment.

Now we are promoting the infinite magic source of cleanliness and environmental protection. From now on, the electricity bill will be as simple as you like, one penny per unit.

It’s the season when the temperature is rising, and the air conditioner runs 24 hours a day. It can be set to the lowest temperature and you can wrap yourself in a cotton jacket without any problem.

Ye Lin positively affirmed the future development value of the Eye of Darkness, its great contribution to society, and a great progress across the times. However, hearing it in the other party's ears was undoubtedly contempt and naked humiliation.

I am the source of infinite magic, a god, and the end of destruction, yet you ask me to generate electricity...!

The root life form was filled with rage and anger, but it was also keenly aware of Ye Lin's powerful power.

The blood-red bandage split and spread apart, like a wound tearing the sky apart, with traces of frightening blood coming out.

The huge scarlet ball rolled up a doomsday-level storm, rumbling and trembling in Harlem, shaking all directions. In the distortion of energy, it turned into a living body about the same size as Ice Master Fubai. His eyes were as deep as a dark abyss swallowing light.

This is just one of his forms!

"You are not Kahn." The root life form's voice was cold and emotionless, full of disgust and indifference towards everything.

"Did you eat blind grass?"

Ye Lin immediately touched his shoulder and said seriously: "I will change my name or my surname, but look at the very handsome fur-collared coat on my shoulders. Isn't it unrecognizable?"


Hiatt and the others looked at her strangely. Ye Lin didn't know when he put on a coat, and the fur collar was particularly thick and conspicuous. It seemed to be genuine leather, a high-end product in the store.

"Constructed by materialized magic, no animal will be harmed by the fur collar. 』

It's just because the devil world is quite cold. Otherwise, wearing a fur-collared coat now would just be considered a mentally retarded person.

The emotion at the root of the Eye of Darkness was very impatient. If Ye Lin hadn't had the aura of the divine realm and could stand up to him tit for tat and was extremely powerful, he would have slapped him into powder.

"Whose memory did you find me from, Moya, or Mal,..." The source of the black-eyed eye stretched out its hand, and many fragments of time emerged and danced, finally settling on a beautiful and hazy figure.

Niemeyer? !

He has obviously devoured Moya's memories of himself, but now he has been reappeared. Unbelievably, it turns out that it was a Transcendent from the Daughter of Light camp who had unique time and space abilities.

"Our mother's body has always been shining, maybe because of this, she is called the daughter of light." Yelin complained to Mailu and Sophie, then turned to look in the second agreed direction.

Yin Su and Smila were approaching here quickly. Sister-in-law Yin Su was worthy of being born in the land of demons. She focused on strength far more than dressing up. She used a few belts as underwear to cover her plump chest.

The tightening was a little tight, and the white and delicate justice slightly spilled out of the belt.

The Eye of Darkness penetrated the fragments of time, suddenly sneered, and taunted: "Stupid, hopeless stupidity, I gave you incomparable power, but you insist on your ridiculous ideals."

In his eyes as dark as the abyss, some fragments of time flashed. Looking carefully, it was the scene where Moya was assassinated by Richard the Heartbreaker.

Moya proposed that the Kaxiu sect should make reasonable use of the Eye of Darkness and impose research restrictions on the premise that it failed to solve the high mortality rate after transplantation.

She was sensible and affectionate towards her sister Josra, and finally convinced her to join them in limiting the Eye of Darkness.

"Teacher Moya, fate has given you the opportunity to discover great power, but you just want to use it to fill your belly and be respected?"

A sickly and twisted smile appeared on Richard's cynical face. One of his hands, like a beast's claw made of steel, pierced Moya's heart from behind.

The hot blood dyed Moya's tall and graceful figure red in a few breaths, and her black robe was covered with a layer of sad dark blood.

Because Moya is knowledgeable and amiable, most members of the organization will respect him as "teacher", including the former Richard and Charles Fuzzy.

"The liquid substance with infinite magic power is enough to make those who look down on us and despise us fall into deep fear and then kneel down and beg for mercy!" Richard's voice rose a bit.

In the shadow of the corner, the tall Schaller Foz blocked the light, casting an ambitious darkness. He watched indifferently as the "teacher" was stabbed through the heart without any sign of rescue.

"What we want is the demon world's fear of us, infinite worship of us, kneeling down and surrendering, not...respect."

Moya fell into a pool of blood and reluctantly opened his mouth, but he could only cough up blood. His eyes lost their luster and the breath of life passed quickly.

A civil war broke out among the Kaxiu sect.

Josira, who was at odds with her sister Moya, but was actually very affectionate, was also defeated by a sneak attack and was cursed by Diorbe. She changed from a beautiful lady like a flower to a dirty one. , an old woman who reeks of stench and is disgusting to anyone who touches her.


"How pitiful." The root of the black-eyed eye shattered the fragments of memory with a palm.

Moya was his first favorite chess piece. Otherwise, with her meager strength, how could she have been "lucky" to discover the Eye of Darkness and let her take a few drops back to study.

All seemingly accidental events are born from necessity.

Held looked on with cold eyes and asked a question that had been in his mind for a long time: "Reverse transfer phenomenon, are you deliberately confusing the public?"

After the death of Lotus, clean water will appear in the demon world, and after the death of Dirich, fresh and cool air will blow through the demon world, etc.

These prophecies, which symbolized the revival of the demon world, were also the driving force behind Herder's continuous efforts to trap and kill the apostles.

"Held, you are just a higher-ranking pawn on the chessboard. You are confused by Terra and cannot understand the more distant truth, but you know everything and know the value."

The arms at the root of the Black Eye are very slender, but the fists are unusually thick, and densely packed fingers appear like waves near the fists, as if countless innocent souls are imprisoned and struggling in the palms of their hands.

"Besides, you have also used my power, haven't you."

He acquiesced. Only by allowing Held to taste some sweetness could she strengthen her determination to trap the apostles.

The destruction of the apostles will lead to the imbalance of light and darkness, the collapse of the universe, and the coming of the end. This is the future he is willing to see.

Held stared at the root life form coldly. She actually noticed a breath of power on the other person. What was it specifically?

Is this guy the God of the Beginning, the Master of the End, or a fellow countryman of Naiyali?

"Deal with him." Held couldn't tolerate such an extremely dangerous guy sneaking into the demon world and could explode at any time.

And it's not just the demon world. The power of the root is extremely terrifying and can definitely affect the world of Arad.

"Second child?" Ye Lin rolled up his sleeves and talked about the reward for his action.

"I don't care." Herder's tone was calm, but the content made Gan Cane overjoyed.

In order for Held to have a second child, not to mention the source of the Eye of Darkness, even if Caroso comes, we must do everything possible to fuck her!

Held's expression was meaningful, and he added a few words nonchalantly, saying: "I asked Yako and said that after having younger brothers and sisters, I can't play with her every day. She said no, and she already has two younger sisters. It’s time, Nuo Yu, it’s almost time.”


It was clear that they were in a serious and solemn environment, and the war was about to break out. Hiatt and the others couldn't help laughing and suppressing their laughter. The eldest brother, Yake, was indeed at an age where he was greedy and pampered and loved to play, but he kept thinking about his mother.

She would not allow a second child to take away her favor.

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