Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2542 I am also a time and space lord

The dimension of angels, the dimension of dragons, the dimension of machines... Sirocco fished "himself" out of the passing time one by one like fishing. He fished not only the source of darkness, but also those withered invisible flowers. .

It is estimated that only her invisible power can do whatever she wants.

She had just established her divine position not long ago, and her still weak foundation was rapidly solidifying.

The huge invisible flower bloomed elegantly and quietly, and its scope of influence was so huge that the whole universe was blurred. Sirok gradually reached the level of one of the twelve gods in the battle between gods.

Shilok also has a great idea. If he gradually becomes powerful enough and is also the top of the top in the divine realm, then can the invisible power of turning reality into fiction and turning fiction into reality become a new talent? of power.


Shilok slowly stopped, with some interest appearing in her dark red amber eyes. She should have used invisible power to take away all the origins and invisible flowers, and only needed some time to integrate them.

From then on, when fused, it is the only one and is eternal. All cause and effect are attributed to oneself, making it difficult for others to find and manipulate.

But there is something a little abnormal about one dimension, which is very different from the conditions in other dimensions.

Devil's land!

"There is something weird here." Shilok looked out. Based on the big universe, the Devil's Land is the most remote parallel dimension.

The river of time is very thin here. The scope of the Devil's Land is very small. There are only a few very large galaxy clusters, the light spots of the fire of civilization are sparse, and the boundary barriers of the dimensions are also bumpy.

The vision of the divine realm is clearly visible, and a thick root of the tree of heaven spreads here, stabilizing the dangerous border.

Without the power of the Tree of Heaven, the future of Demon Land is one of dimensional collapse and then merging into adjacent parallel dimensions in a burst of destruction.

"There are no apostles, no invisible flowers, no Karn, no Prey. The faces of the twelve demons are all unfamiliar."

Her soul had a deep resonance with Ye Lin, so Shilok also knew from the information Ye Lin knew that the Devil's Land was Yin Su's hometown and was a very special parallel dimension.

It was also because of this that she was able to devote her strong will to the Devil's Land for the first time when neither Kahn nor Prey knew the detailed location of the Devil's Land.

Shilok thought that since the invisible flower does not exist in the Devil's Land, it means that she has achieved the oneness and solipsism in many dimensions.

From now on, Ye Lin will not be able to find Shilok in other dimensions.

As long as she needs some time to settle herself, she can take a further step in the realm of gods.

"Haha, it's not for nothing. It's more or less energy. No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat." Sirok nodded with a smile, then took action and stretched out his big hand that covered the sky and the sun in the devil's land.

She wanted to kill the twelve demons with one palm and absorb their dark origins.


A cold scolding suddenly came from the depths of the distant starry sky. Before the real body arrived, several time gears crowded into the starry sky came to suppress her. As the big gears turned, time fragments flew around, trying to obliterate her.

Sirocco frowned and was forced to stop his greedy move.

He raised his hand and used his divine law to fly away the suppressed time gears, leaving a huge crack on one of them.

"Shirok, you interfered with the established time and space without authorization and disrupted the basic order of time."

The Lord of Time and Space, Rigel of Tomorrow, appears. The huge lion head is filled with ancient majesty, and the power of time is spinning in the hourglass of time.

A chain of time appeared in one of her hands, and Dandan ordered: "Follow me to repair the bad effects you caused and return the property to its original owner."

Shilok's noble and cold face instantly turned cold. She knew that there would be problems if she interfered with time and space. She didn't expect that the time and space lord came so quickly, and it was so inappropriate.

She was in a state where she had just merged and unified, and had not yet had time to complete the final sublimation. She had no time and Rigel to repair the impact.

Besides, returning things to their original owners... Haha, do you mean letting her put those invisible flowers whose nature has passed back into history?

Absolutely impossible, the invisible flowers are all hers, and I still need others to point out what I do to myself.

"Your behavior has seriously disrupted the order of time and space!" Rigel of Tomorrow shouted, the hourglass of time was turning. It would be very difficult to attack Sirocco directly, and he might not be able to win it quickly, so she was strengthening the order of time and space in the past. .

Shilok's expression changed. She had just completed the uniqueness of many dimensions, and now something suddenly happened. The power of time wanted to return those invisible flowers to their original time.

She directly attacked Rigel of Tomorrow, and she must not let her succeed, otherwise all her hard work would be wasted, and it would also damage Dacheng's realm. She didn't know how much time and resources it would take to make up for it. .

"You have just entered the divine realm, and you are greedily meddling in time and space. Sirocco, you are too arrogant."

A fierce battle broke out, and Sirocco took action with anger. The invisible force wanted to obliterate Rigel and turn him into non-existence.

After the strong influence of time power has passed, Rigel of Tomorrow has no interest in fighting head-on. It is enough to avoid the attack. The order of time will forcibly split those invisible flowers.

Shilok's footsteps suddenly stopped, and a look of pain appeared on her cheeks. Many invisible flowers that had just wetted their leaves and showed signs of recovery were about to be forcibly taken away from her body and withered and annihilated again.


"I will fix the problem of time and space. You don't need to point your fingers."

From unknown time and space, a long sword pierced the starry sky, leaving an indelible trail wherever it passed. The universe seemed to be divided into two by it.

There was no emotion in the voice, but there was a majesty that could not be refuted.


Rigel, who was hiding in the future time and space, exploded on the spot under that sword, and the gears of time exploded into pieces. At the same time, several time chains spread, forcibly dragging her from the future to the present.

Ye Lin summoned the Sword of the Beginning with a cold expression, and was about to insert it into her time hourglass, shatter Rigel's origin of time, and strangle him on the spot.

A strong person in the divine realm is difficult to kill and can be reborn many times, but this does not mean that he cannot be killed.

"Show mercy."

A long river of time surged forward, with the birth and death of worlds in the light, sweeping away Rigel of Tomorrow.

Endless Yinmir appeared, her power was more oppressive than Rigel, and sighed: "The order of time has become increasingly disordered. The time and space lords are short of manpower, and we have been forced to add a new member."

"Who?" Ye Lin asked casually.


"That's it, Ye Lin. If there are any consequences later, you need to be responsible for solving them." Endless Yinmir took away Rigel without any nonsense, also hinting that Shilok's behavior was indeed inappropriate.

But now that she's done and you're here, let's each take a step back.


Shilok, who has an elegant and cold appearance and is unparalleled in elegance, asked: "What did Hiat tell you? She is still looking towards you."

"She really didn't say anything." Ye Lin shrugged helplessly, then pointed at himself and said with a smile: "Don't forget, I am also one of the time and space lords. What you are doing is quite big, how can I not know about it. "

"Well... I accidentally ignored this, so you showed off to me, right? It makes you proud."

Shilok looked at herself, and the invisible flower that was almost taken away regained its luster, and her condition was improving rapidly.

There were twists and turns and bleeding when she came back from the Sea of ​​Taichu, but overall it was nothing serious. The Chaos Bead given by Ye Lin had a great effect.

"I showed up in time to save you. What's wrong with being so proud? Aren't you grateful to me?"

"So, how do you want me to thank you properly?" Sirok's usually cold cheeks showed a rare gentle smile, and said: "I am in a good mood now, so before I sublimate, who will I change into?"

"No one remains the same." Ye Lin's eyes were bright. Today, Shilok is Shilok.


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