Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2552 Three-Headed Dodo

Thanks to the joint efforts of everyone, the Metro Center now has a good and stable educational order.

Scholars who are knowledgeable and well-educated will be hired as teachers in the subway center and receive a certain degree of preferential treatment.

Regarding the reality of the demon world, Rousselot believed that intensive study of language scholarship was not realistic for orcs, aliens, Gorudas and other races, so he thought it would be good to be literate.

On the contrary, planting, civil engineering, pharmacy, geography... are things that need to be paid attention to.

Despite his small size and age, Lalo is already a branch teacher at the Ancient Library's resident orbital center and is very respected.

In addition, Ye Lin also recognized the teacher who taught about "Warcraft" knowledge. He was Sophie's first follower, Caitrina, a Warcraft investigator with dragon blood.

Caitriona is quite courageous and adventurous. She traveled around the demon world and finally returned to the orbital center to settle down and become a teacher of Warcraft.

The Metro Center is thriving. Director Monica often comes here to collect materials and research. There are underground trains between Central Park and the Metro Center. It doesn't take much effort to go back and forth, but the ticket is a little more expensive.

"Ye Lin, have you seen Pao Pao? Her origin is very fascinating and she has extraordinary creativity. She also asked me about the information about Glorious Biana." Curator Monica borrowed Lalo's office , I brewed a cup of peach fruit tea newly produced by the Metro Center for myself and Ye Lin. It tasted very fragrant.

Creativity does not refer to whimsical ideas, but bubbles can always tinker with something unreal.

"She is Nyari's friend, a visitor from another dimension."

Ye Lin shrugged and introduced the general concept of bubbles, and then also told what happened in the Night Skyscraper. The battle shocked the demon world, but ended up with nothing found.

Ye Lin also gave her two copies of the high-purity Eye of Darkness source that Teacher Monica wanted after sealing the powerful energy.

"Such a thing happened. I haven't finished reading the 20 million books in the library, but I discovered that the larger world contains infinite knowledge."

Monica sighed slightly and smoothed the bangs on her forehead with her fingers. Although the teacher wore a high ponytail that was more lively and youthful, her personal temperament was still dignified and skillful, permeating with a kind of ladylike personality, filled with beautiful poetry.

"By the way, I heard that Wanzi..." Monica was only half of what she said.

Ye Lin came closer, with piercing eyes, very close to Teacher Monica's face, and said, "Iqi, have I seen you through one of my glasses?"

"Yes, I thought that child was studying too seriously and was short-sighted."

"The one with the defective glasses can check the number of times you...can find an excuse to confiscate them for her."


There was a roar of thunder in the sky, and thick clouds covered the sky. The students at the school were shocked. It was already raining for the fourth time this month.

The few scholars with this knowledge nodded secretly, which proved that the natural environment of the demon world was beginning to return to normal.

The natural environment in the center of the orbit affects the climate of this area.

But those with more knowledge shook their heads. This was not a normal weather phenomenon. The rainfall was a bit too frequent, and there were additional factors.

"Looking like this, it's probably going to rain." Ye Lin walked to the window and looked at the gloomy sky, then reached out and closed the curtains.

"Teacher, my academic performance in elementary school was not very good. I have two important knowledge points that I would like to ask you for advice."

Teacher Monica admired his diligent spirit, and it was not in vain that she had endured all the hardships, warm and understanding of him.

Not long after, heavy raindrops fell in large numbers, knocking on the clear glass windows of the office, making a pattering sound both inside and outside.


"Wow, it's raining. It's raining. Go home quickly."

The river water rippled in circles, and Skuerti jumped up suddenly on the river bank.

She has not yet developed as mature as Sister Rossello. She still has fleshy cat claws and alien hair. If it gets wet by the rain, Sister Belladir will have to give her a scolding, and then Use a hair dryer for half an hour to dry.

"What's the rush?" Feng Ying pushed Skurti back, holding the fishing rod tightly in her hand, and said calmly: "What you fish for is your state of mind. You must have the spirit of being calm despite the weather."

Considering Skulti's question, Feng Ying snapped her fingers and used her inner strength to build a huge Sakura umbrella to protect her from the wind and rain.

"No, Sister Fengying, because you haven't been in the Demon Realm recently, so you don't know..." Skuerti used her hands and mouth simultaneously to tell the story vividly, still a little nervous, and said: "Because our Earth Orbital Center is developing very well and has rich resources. , so it attracted the attention of many people with malicious intentions."


Feng Ying turned her head in great surprise. Did I hear you right? Who is so bold as to make plans for Wuxuan's territory?

Kahn was defeated, the Demon King Charles Foz was fed to the dogs, and the sixth man who had been hiding, the source of the Eye of Darkness, was hunted down by Ye Lin for more than a dozen starry skies, and finally chopped off one of his arms.

The Orbital Center does not talk about the size of force, it talks about good and evil, and it talks about order.

Who dares to have fun here?

"Hidden in the thunder clouds are the Wind Monster, the Thunder Monster, and the Dodo Monster. It was Sister Rossello and Sister Caitlina who said that."

Feng Ying suddenly lifted the fishing rod, and a crucian carp about a foot long flew up into the air. She didn't need to describe it in detail, she had already found the location of the dodo.

About a hundred miles west of Time Square and Orc Canyon, there is a flat plain that later developed into a large-scale crop planting base.

The orcs, whose status in the demon world has never been high, are industrious and capable. Under the leadership of their leader Jakarina, they reclaimed wasteland and made considerable contributions to the development of the orbital center.


The huge dodo descended from the wind and thunder, spread its wings, and set off a roaring wind. When its feet landed on the ground, the ground was as soft as cotton candy under its toes, easily tearing open huge ravines.

The size of the Dodo is comparable to that of an adult dragon. Its feathers seem to be made of red steel. Its three heads are of different colors and have different attributes. Its huge beak can easily crush boulders.

This guy's name sounds harmless, but his appearance is quite terrifying. He looked so fierce that he thought he was a legendary three-headed dragon.

"The Dodo, here we go again." The nearby orcs and demon residents nervously and quickly found cover. The dodo's feathers have a powerful anti-magic effect, and each of its three heads has its own abilities.

As the apostles disappear one after another, unless the leader of the big force takes action, the Dodo will be able to run rampant in the demon world.

Sulfana, who had just woken up, had a cold look in her beautiful eyes. The wing tattoo on her beautiful back turned into the real eight wings of the queen. She snorted coldly: "I asked you to run away last time, but you still dare to come back."

The dodo's diet is very complex, generally leaning towards meat, and it especially likes to prey on bagur, which is the means of transportation in the wind zone.

That is the basis for the Goruda clan to make money.

The underground railway runs only a limited number of times a day, and the tickets are very expensive. Many passers-by still prefer to borrow the route from the low-priced wind zone, and by the way, they can experience the customs and customs of the desert.

The three heads of the giant Dodo bird are noisy and glare at each other. It is said that its three heads have their own consciousness. They usually listen to the one in the middle, but they often fight among themselves due to disagreements.

When one of the heads opened its mouth and sucked in, a hurricane swept across the golden plain. It was the wheat harvest season. All the wheat was cut in half, and then flew towards one of the dodo's heads.

Sulfana was the first to arrive, holding a moon sword in her hand, slashing it with one blow, and shouted: "You guys, you must have built a nest in Time Square."

The dodo's digestive fluid can even digest steel, so it especially likes to build nests in places with a lot of metal. Time Square has a lot of metal garbage left by the maker Luke.

The head that was sucking the food was forced to stop and stared at Sulfana very angrily, and then... the three heads started arguing again.

After class, Ye Lin was still impressed. He was indeed a good student who respected his teachers.

Monica's numbers have increased again!

Ye Lin said: "Those three heads are quarreling. One head thinks that Bagur should be caught and eaten, the other thinks that the orcs can also eat it, and the other one says to deal with Sulfana first."

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