Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2559 The sight behind the door of the evening self-study classroom

"My glorious life has ended up in such a miserable state. Let's go eat fried noodles after evening self-study?"

Out of some subtle intuition and habit, Beyana once again got distracted during her evening self-study, spinning a pen flexibly between her fingers. Her pen-turning skills were pretty good.

In order for top students to help low-level students, Beyana's deskmate was Mintai, but Mintai did not attend evening self-study, and in recent months, Mintai had not attended evening self-study much.

Beyana was particularly curious about where Mintai had gone. He was often missing. Could it be that he had done something bad?

A good girl like her who is pure and lovely gives people the impression that she is easy to deceive.

Natya, who was sitting in front of Biana, turned around and glanced disdainfully, and whispered: "Aren't you ashamed of what you said?"

It is implied that Mintai is much smarter than you, unlike you, who knows that the racecourse is a bottomless pit, but still hits the wall and does not look back.

"I'm worried about her. If she doesn't do well in the exam, it will be over."

Natya continued to be disdainful. Although you often complained that if you failed the graduation exam, you would repeat the grade, and you would be tied to the head by Sister Niwu and go fishing for sharks, but Natya knew it very well.

Bayana's godbrother is the strongest adventurer in Arad, and no one is his opponent. Her sister-in-law is a rich woman at the top of the pyramid, and her business has gone to another dimension.

For example, I have no idea where Celia got the mysterious evil-proof jade. Now it is managed by the four Yunmi sisters. It has attracted countless people to pursue it and make a lot of money.

That is to say, even if Beyana gets all the duck eggs in the exam, her sister-in-law will only have a sweet mouth and be cute, and her big eyes will sparkle with expectation. A life of wealth will definitely not be a problem.

Of course, the premise of all this is to give up Biana's courage to "give it a try", otherwise no matter how much money she has, she won't be able to withstand it.

"Biana, that sounds strange."

Natya's results were better than Beyana's, but they were also limited. They were hovering around the passing level, and their jumps were erratic.

Sometimes I would make up the exam with Biana, and sometimes I would suddenly break out and squeeze into the top of the class.

"What's weird?"

"Look, Yelin is the strongest, and Celia is super rich..."

Natya firmly believes that there is no problem for them to build themselves a splendid, super luxurious palace covering an area of ​​10,000 acres, so why have they been squatting in a private residence in the city of Hutton Mar.

That house once belonged to a duchy noble, but later it fell into decline for no apparent reason. It was taken over by Kelly, a newly wealthy woman at that time, and eventually fell into the hands of Ye Lin.

After some major renovations and renovations, it became what it is now. Although it is extremely luxurious, bright, and enviable, it doesn't seem to be in keeping with their current status.

Natya believed that they should have a castle as large as Vetalon, or live directly in the sky, in the clouds, without being contaminated by dust.

"Stand back, and I'll tell you in detail~" Bayana waved, looking left and right. The teacher for evening self-study was not there, so Natya moved her chair back.

"To be more affectionate, the city of Hutton Mar has a special meaning in life for them. You know, there are always some places and names that make people reluctant to leave. And the house is just enough to live in. The manor is already very big. Big.”

Natya nodded, that's right, there are always some places that are memorable, such as her happy days in the Tower of Death, when she used the soul-crushing blood-drinking halberd to fly away countless adventurers who climbed the tower.

Now I feel excited when I think about it.

"To put it bluntly, they have a resort island in the heaven, a sky island in Tabors, a piece of land in the demon world, and they own many world-famous hotels...and..."

Bayana leaned forward slightly and whispered in Natya's ear: "You can't guess whose daughter Finai, the eldest princess of Belmare, is, and who her father is."

The graceful and elegant appearance of Queen Skadi quickly appeared in Natya's mind, and then it was fixed on Ye Lin. Finally, the images of Aska, Queen Meia, and the three princesses appeared one after another. She understood it instantly and clicked her tongue a few times.

It turns out that it’s not that people don’t build palaces, but that all the palaces in Arad continent belong to their own family. Building too many palaces is not a waste.

"And let me tell you, Natya, you know, the principal, your master, Shallan, do you know what the different colored lipsticks in her desk are for..."

Natya gradually blushed and glared at Biana, "How come you know everything and have the nerve to say it."

Bayana held her chin with one hand and whispered: "Gangzhe said that although I am young and beautiful, she is too familiar with me..."

A few rows away in the classroom, Lily glanced eagerly towards Biana, anxious, and wanted to join in their whispers of evening self-study.

But their seats were separated by other classmates, specially arranged by Sharon. Lily's deskmate was Bailey, a carefree girl who slept in a mouse costume with her head covered.

Although Bailey likes to doze off in class, his grades are not bad and he has always been in the upper middle range. He belongs to a class of forty or fifty people and can get sixteen or seventeen every time.

Because of Wanzi's special occupation, he didn't have to attend evening self-study. He applied for a laboratory in school to tinker with various inventions.

Lingling, the new student who entered school last year, is the girl whose family runs a circus. She has big breasts. Because she entered school at different times, she is not in the same grade class.

Just as Bayana and Natya were chatting passionately, the class teacher Shalan's hidden gaze suddenly appeared through the small window at the back door of the classroom...

Biana and Natya didn't have to look back. Their "fighting instinct" was triggered instantly. They were all excited. They immediately lowered their heads and frowned. They took a pen to write and draw in the notebook. They looked like they were thinking seriously. Their little faces were indescribable. Serious and calm.

When their eyes slowly disappeared, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief in tacit agreement.

We have agreed that after everyone passes the graduation exam, we will form an adventure team and travel to various places together~!


The monitor, Mintai, came back, holding a notebook in his arms and sitting back in his seat next to Beyana.

Mintai pursed her thin lips, her warm flaxen hair was naturally slightly curled, her eyes were bright and clear, her eyelashes were long and curved, her face was extremely sweet and she had a charming temperament, and she had an alluring charm at a young age.

As the darling of the Bantu tribe, and now in the adolescence of boys and girls, Mintai has received more love letters and confessions than Bayana has lost in horse battles.

Mintai always declined politely, and those love letters were burned directly without opening them.

Seeing the sight of the back door of the classroom disappear, Beyana asked quietly: "Mintai, you often go out at night, where do you go?"

Could it be said that it is the self-confidence of a top student who can get a good result without reviewing?

"I have always been with Principal Shalan, and I will also study topics, test papers, etc. with...the teachers." Mintai named several names, all of which were teachers in the school.

"Study the test paper?" Biana's voice rose a few degrees, and she quickly covered her mouth and said, "Isn't it you who set the questions for the graduation exam? You are obviously a student too."

"No, no, I'm just providing some historical information about the Bantu people for the Chinese language and history exams."

Bayana looked pained when she mentioned this. I am a demon with golden blood. Why should I learn the history of Arad?

When I was sent down by Aunt Katie and Sister Niwu, I should have decided to become an adventurer instead of listening to what they said. I should go to school first and understand the world before going on adventures.

"Principal Shalan asked you to help. It won't delay your study~ There is an exam coming soon." Biana was lying on the table, having lost the energy to live. She glanced at the wall clock on the wall, there was still half a The self-study ended after an hour.

Natya, who was sitting in front, rolled her eyes. You were not worried about your graduation exam, but you were worried about the arrival of the top student Mintai.

To put it bluntly, even if Mintai suddenly loses half of his memory and forgets half of the knowledge points, his grades will be better than yours.

"Test? I don't have to take the exam anymore." Mintai shrugged and said something shocking.

"Are you going to drop out of school?!" Biana's voice became louder again, and she quickly whispered, otherwise the head teacher would come.

"No, no, I got a recommendation, so it doesn't matter if I don't take the exam. I plan to stay in school to continue studying and serve as Principal Shalan's assistant."

"Really?" Natya has heard that after passing the graduation exam, you can choose to take another special exam, which is more stringent and has a lower passing rate.

Those who pass the final exam can continue to study in school and at the same time unlock the qualifications to go to famous schools in Dark City and Vetalun for exchange and study.

"Well, that is to say...Biana, if you repeat the grade, I may be your teacher next year."

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