Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2562 Da Keer wants everything

Although Luo Lian has a well-developed figure, a gentle voice, and the air of a caring older sister, she was actually just over twenty years old when she went to the Demon Realm, which means it was the time when girls love to fantasize most and are very vague about emotions.

In addition, the Witch's Forest is isolated from the rest of the world and the environment is very lonely. Apart from the teacher, the green witch Ingrid, there are only animals and plants in the forest to chat with, and Katie sometimes goes to sit there for a while.

Luo Lian felt that loneliness was part of it. It had an emotional impact, but it was not the main thing. She had the reserve and elegant willpower of a lady, so how could she do something like that to just masturbate.

The key lies in one of Green Witch Ingrid's collectibles, the Warcraft Happy Chair!

It is the life form that Ye Lin calls Happy Slime. It usually has no fixed form and is sealed in a glass bottle. It can survive for a long time with just a little water.

But when it senses a human being approaching, it turns into a very comfortable recliner.

How could anyone sit on such an obviously weird chair?

However, the Happy Chair exudes a mysterious aura in the air that makes people feel lazy. The body gradually becomes weak and unsteady, and they want to find a place to lie down and take a good rest.

Once the happy chair is touched, the other person will secrete a special liquid that touches the skin. The person being touched will soon forget all the sad things, and only the feeling of happiness will be left in his mind.

This kind of "happiness" can be recalling very happy things, or it can be another kind of sexual happiness on the physical level...

When the Green Witch was away, the uninvited Loriane curiously opened the jar containing the Happy Chair, and then "accidentally" lay down on it, and then her brain began to pursue happiness without stopping.

Fortunately, Luo Lian's willpower is still very strong, and she can wake up in time after getting out of control, and then pack up her skirt and underwear, thus falling into deep regret and self-blame.

Oh my god, how in shape am I, what am I doing, this is not something a noble lady can do, and my willpower is so weak.

Luo Lian is a bit stubborn, and after a while she set her sights on the happy chair again. Haha, I don’t believe it, I can’t restrain you with my willpower.

Then it became a battle against the five scum.

It wasn't until Luo Lian broke through the Origin Level that she was able to restrain the power of the Happy Chair.


"Biana, please treat me to an ice cream." Luo Lian urged. I have helped you a lot in the past. Now the sun is blazing, so treating me to an ice cream is not too much.

It was just an ice cream cone, and Beyana was not stingy enough to give it up. She had just received a stipend of 250 yuan for her graduation exam from Fatty.

"I want this."

She randomly selected an ordinary-looking white ice cream, opened the package, and went to pay for it.

When calculating the price, Bayana was stunned and almost yelled: "What? That ice cream is eighty-eight yuan, and I bought a seafood fried noodles for only twenty! Delos's assassin organization Purple Mist Group is not as good as you guys, so hurry up. .”

The owner of the shop smiled helplessly. This was not the first time he heard such complaints, but the purchase price of this thing was very expensive.

It is said that it is a product of heaven, with one hundred and eight processes... The boss himself doubts that making ice cream is not a weapon, so it is so exaggerated.

"I'll treat you this time~ Be careful with the price later." Ye Lin smiled and wanted to pay.

"Hehe, then I also want to try a Purple Mist Assassin." Biana was blunt, smiled broadly, and reached out to take out the same model from Luo Lian.

Luo Lian shrugged. She didn't pay attention and just took an ice cream.

Hedunmar has changed a lot, and it's a little different from what she remembers, but Luo Lian still recognizes the general street layout.

She is very eye-catching when she walks on the street and attracts attention frequently. Compared with handsome men, it is easier and higher for beautiful women to attract attention.

"The weather is really hot. I should have a parasol." Luo Lian used her hands to cover the sun. The lady should have a lace umbrella now.

Ye Lin casually said a quote from a scumbag, "You have such good skin that the sun can't bear to burn you."


He waved his hand and conjured up a parasol, and asked politely, "What do you want from me?"

When Luo Lian was looking for someone to accompany her, she sent him a message that something was wrong.

"Well, how about we find a place to rest first?"

Yelin recommended Kanina's cafe, which has a beautiful environment and can take care of the business of acquaintances, but Kanina may be a little unhappy.

Because Ye Lin rarely pays on the spot, he always keeps accounts.

The style of the coffee shop is as quiet as ever, but there are some differences. For example, the coffee shop provides a variety of cold drinks.

There was a big poster posted at the door, which showed Muse's band. Several girls were young, beautiful, and dazzling.

Ye Lin asked why he didn't see Heman and Bibi. Tana said that her band was going to have a concert in the Dros Empire.

With the help of the three princesses who were the financial backers, there would be no problem at all.

"Luo Lian? We are rare visitors. Would you like a cup of the special product I carefully prepared?" Kanina was very enthusiastic, knowing that Luo Lian was a little rich woman.

Before going to the Demon Realm, Luo Lian had saved a lot of money by selling small jewelry she made.

"Of course, only the best coffee can meet my taste requirements."

After sitting down, Luo Lian looked at Ye Lin, her red glass eyes full of interest, "I want to get to know Venus."

"Tch, I thought you wanted to be a boyfriend and girlfriend with me."

Ye Lin pretended to be disappointed, one of Luo Lian's catchphrases was, "May you be favored by Venus~"

This sentence was ridiculed by everyone in the past. It was openly praised but secretly cursed. The grace of Venus, the goddess of beauty, mutated, and the favored person would turn into a yaksha.

"Do you lack me as a girlfriend?" Luo Lian rolled her eyes. I could hear your gossip even when I was in the devil world.

A lady may need a good boyfriend, but he is a bit of a scumbag...

"I want to have all the beautiful things in the world, but you can do it in the manor. How can you ask me out alone?"

"You are so inconsiderate, because the most beautiful appearance is what any girl wants to keep to herself. It is selfish."

Luo Lian doesn't want to admit it. Everyone in your family is like a flower, which puts me under a lot of pressure.

"Venus..." The cute Da Keer came over and said seriously, "I often hear girls talk about this name and who she is."

Luo Lian said: "In many stories, she is the most beautiful woman in the world. If you believe in Venus, you can get her blessings, so you can be beautiful, stay young, and find a good marriage..."

Da Ke'er, a former cadre of the Kaxiu sect and now the deputy leader of the Spin Demon Society, works (fishing) in Arad, which Luo Lian finds a bit strange.

"That's awesome." Da Keer nodded, then looked at Ye Lin, "Venus, I want it."

You want everything, Ye Lin helps you.

The door of the coffee shop was pushed open again. After all, it was a shop. It was normal for customers to come and go. It would be scary to have no customers for a long time.

But when they heard the sound of the door opening, many people instinctively raised their heads and took a look.

The man who came in seemed to be of extraordinary status. He was wearing a slim-fitting dress with exquisite workmanship and expensive fabrics, and a round sun hat on his head.

He looks very young, about thirty years old. His face is somewhat handsome, and he has a good cultivated temperament. He is a person who looks well-educated.

"Kanina, bring me a glass of ice water quickly, it's too hot."

It seems that he and Kanina are old acquaintances.

"Heh, ice water costs one yuan, Lu, don't even think about getting free prostitution from me."

"Your stinginess hasn't changed in all these years."

A huge amount of information passed through Ye Lin's mind, and he determined the identity of the other party in an instant. The collector, whose name is only one word "Lu", comes from the southern city of Hutton Mar, and has considerable wealth.

Lu has a hobby. He collects everything he wants and arranges the most perfect scene in his mind. He is a perfectionist.

Sometimes for something you like, you can pay a price that is several times higher than the item itself.

Because of this, Lu collected a lot of strange things, which he personally thought were great and his own unique taste.

"Uncle Lu?" Luo Lian raised an eyebrow. Lu's father and her father Cornaro were old acquaintances. Judging from the ring on his finger, they got married in recent years.

Lu was originally quite surprised to see Luo Lian, but then his handsome face darkened, he tapped his fingers on the table, and said dissatisfied: "I'm only ten years older than you, so I can't even call you uncle."

But soon, Lu put the impoliteness behind him and stared at Luo Lian's dazzling blond hair. It was so perfect, every strand seemed to be shining, and the hair was very soft.

"Lorian, I want to buy your hair."

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