Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 257 The Disaster of Red Diamonds

At this time, on another battlefield, Alicia took back her blood-stained swords, her eyes full of joy.

Except for the dog user Mo Zhen in front of them, all the other members of the crazy bandit group have been wiped out, with only a few left running away in panic.

However, the important intersection of North Mare has been blocked by the Adventurer Alliance and Imperial soldiers. It is basically impossible to escape if you want to escape.

Mo Zhen frantically drove his hounds to attack Feng Ying's team, but it was just a fight between trapped beasts, and defeat and death were only a matter of time.

"Come on, come on, you stupid dogs."

Mo Zhen has gone completely crazy. On the way to escape, he was accidentally bitten on the thigh by a giant rat, and his thinking was already confused.

"The Crazy Thieves Group is an organization that runs around the territory of the Principality and commits all kinds of evil. With your ability to drive dogs, you are often allowed to escape before the Principality's pursuers arrive."

Obesi's face was cold, changing from the lazy and gentle look of the past, and she slowly pronounced the other party's crime. She was actually a very gentle person, and she also advocated giving priority to education when dealing with pretenders.

But there is naturally no mercy for the bloody executioner.


The friction shook his throat, and his legs became weak and he fell to his knees. The poison had taken over and he couldn't hold on. His ability to control the hounds had naturally failed.


The dozen or so hounds that were originally in a hostile state, with red eyes, suddenly turned around and pounced on Mo Zhen, with sharp teeth and bloody flesh.

Xiaoyu and the others shook their heads slightly and turned around, not looking at Mo Zhen's tragic situation.

Not long after, Mavis grabbed a trace of dust from the air, and rope-like dark energy spread from her arm, swallowing up Mo Zhen's soul.

Obeis glanced at it and said nothing. The soul of such a scumbag has no need to be ultra-purified.

Just when the team was about to return to the priest camp and seek opportunities to go to the northern desert, a melodious flute sound suddenly started their heartbeats.

Peter, the secret messenger of the magic flute, vented his anger on this team. Without that mysterious man to cause trouble, his flute sound was enough to destroy an army.

He succeeded!

Feng Ying staggered and covered her chest, her face extremely ugly. This feeling of having her heartbeat controlled by others was tantamount to putting her life in the hands of the enemy.

Obeis, who was in a slightly better condition, raised the holy light in the sky, but still couldn't find Peter's location. The opponent was hidden very deep.

Just when Pete thought he was sure to win and was about to break their hearts, in the middle of the team, a girl with a sickle transformed!

It has horns, sharp claws, a long tail, a slender and muscular body, and an unknown giggle coming from its mouth, like the whisper of a devil from hell.

The sound of the magic flute messenger Peter's flute stopped suddenly. Instead, he covered his chest, his face was pale, and he was dripping with cold sweat.

Where the lurer exists, all evil will have no escape and will not move in the direction of the lurer involuntarily.

Every seducer is the most devout believer. Bearing the Seven Deadly Sins, they not only have the effect of attracting demons, but also have the power to execute them!

Luo Fei disappeared into a jungle after a few jumps. Not long after, he slowly came back holding a flute and a head.

"Is this the power of the seductress?"

Xiaoyu shrank her neck. After all, it was quite weird to see a big girl suddenly turn into a devil with horns.

Mavis barely suppressed the riot in her heart. Although she used Usiel's power to devour souls, she was still a very evil person.

Except for the time when I couldn't be promoted to the Awakened One in the Snowy Land of Stone, and I wanted to take advantage of the war for a moment, I was still restrained.

Divine Light Cross!

Obesi weaved the holy light with his hands into a huge racket and hit Luo Fei on the head. This guy had to physically recover after each transformation.

"Let's go back and leave the rest to Ye Lin's team to handle." Feng Ying took back Xixue Zhiwu and said.


"Boss, are we going to go mining?"

Mo Mei stared at the dark mine ahead. It was darker than the underground space of the dark elves, with no light at all, like the huge mouth of a ferocious beast.

"It's not about mining, it's about finding someone."

Yelin shook his head and felt a little irritated, because when he moved Nosmar, he had entrusted Queen Skadi to find a woman named "Ajialu".

But unfortunately, the name was not found!

Yuena raised a ball of holy light, reflecting the mechanical lift covered with soil. After the team stepped onto the lift, they controlled the control lever to go underground.

The Village of Doubt is a village built around a mine. The team has carefully checked the village before, and there is no trace of anyone in the entire village.

The last place where there may be traces of residents is naturally this mine.


There was a rough collision of machinery, and as soon as their feet stabilized, the team just jumped off the lift platform and immediately faced the enemy in front of them in a vigilant posture.

For the first time, inside the mine, they saw a twisted mutant like Noipela!

The limbs are swollen, the muscles are bulging, and they are even eating each other.

The first time they saw the team, the fresh human smell drove them crazy, like hungry wolves smelling fishy smell!


A blazing flame burst out from the depths of the mine, and in a few breaths, the twisted zombies were burned into a pile of ashes.

Ye Lin was stunned and looked at the curator. Isadora looked innocent and said that I didn't do it.

"Let's go, leave, don't come here again."

Deep in the dim mine, a light suddenly lit up, and a woman with long black hair walked up to the crowd with three green, blue, and red beads in her palm.

There was no murderous intention, no anger, just endless regret and helplessness.

Ye Lin and Yuena looked at each other, and both of them could tell that the woman in front of them was dead and was a resurrector similar to Peter.

The witch Ajalu did not follow Queen Skadi's arrangement and move to Nosmar, but stayed in the Village of Doubt.

"You go away and never come back."

Ajialu repeated her words again. She seemed to retain a high level of wisdom, but she was not blinded by anger like Peter, the messenger of the magic flute, and her tone was calm.


Ye Lin hurriedly called out to Ajialu and asked, "What's going on here? Why don't you listen to Queen Skadi's move?"

He thought he could save Ajialu from being infected by the Dirigi plague, but he never expected that the other party would still turn into a lord after death and wander around the mining land.

"We listened, but..."

Ajialu's eyes seemed to contain endless sadness, and she was choked with tears several times.

In order to explore the reason, Ye Lin could only tell the other party the whole story. He was the one who proposed the relocation of Northmar.

But why did the Village of Doubt still look like this?

"it is this."

Ajialu took out a red gem the size of a pigeon egg from her cuff. Under Yuena's pure white holy light, this red gem exuded an extremely charming color. It was obviously a treasure of excellent quality.

It turns out that when the Village of Doubt was about to be relocated, someone dug up red diamonds from the depths of the mine and hid them secretly!

After the village moved to the planned new residence, the person who dug up the gems sold it for a sum of money and made a small fortune. Naturally, after tasting the sweetness, he couldn't help but want to sneak back.

But unfortunately, this person once had a loud mouth when he was drunk, and it was spread like a show off!

As a result, the news that there were diamonds deep in the mine quickly spread to the residents of the Doubtful Village who had relocated.

One after another, unable to resist the temptation of diamonds, they secretly ran back to the mine.

But red diamonds are extremely precious. How can they be found so easily? Only a handful of lucky people can find this good fortune.

Some people dug for half a month and didn't even find a mouse, while some people just waved their hoe and found red diamonds. Conflicts inevitably broke out.

Ajialu loved this village deeply, but she never expected that the harmonious and friendly villagers in the past had turned against each other.

Just when the conflict reached its peak and even evolved into a sword fight with large-scale bloodshed and casualties, Di Ruiji arrived...

"Thank you for your kindness. There is still a Median demon snake inside that has not been dealt with. Please leave."

Ajialu bowed deeply to Yelin. He tried to save the village, but was destroyed by the red diamond.

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