Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2571 The first mutated XP

In the parallel world Goblin Planet, traces of the river of time remain. Countries such as the Dros Empire and the Principality of Belma also exist. However, things are also different and people are different, and no familiar faces can be seen.

The territory of several countries is also very different compared to the main dimension.

For example, the Principality of Belmare completely gave up its northern territories such as the Wailing Cave and the Grand Forest.

The Dros Empire, which has always been known for its strength, also abandoned the Steri Plateau and the Gray Desert area. The border defense lines shrank inland and tall and towering rock walls were built.

The fundamental reason is that the goblins with astonishing fecundity are spreading like cockroaches and are difficult to effectively contain.

Goblins used quantity to build quality, and developed to the point where they were strong enough to compete with human countries.

Therefore, Goblin hand bones are very worthless on the Goblin Planet, even mutant hand bones are just that.

"So to put it bluntly, the world right now is about racial competition to seize limited resources. It's hard to say who is right and who is wrong, but from the perspective of our race, these guys are enemies." Ye Lin just said lightly. Then, a group of goblins nearby heard the noise, their eyes flashed fiercely, and they tried to sneak attack everyone. They died suddenly on the spot, and there was no movement at all when they died.

Niwu smiled knowingly. The senior brother did not have that kind of condescending gaze or overly compassionate attitude.

He has a sense of what he is first and what he is next.

There is a very uncomfortable alien atmosphere on the Goblin planet, which can block the flow of magic power in the body, and everyone's strength is suppressed to a certain extent.

This mysterious alien atmosphere is also one of the reasons why humans and goblins have been at war, but it has been difficult to win for a long time.

But it is ineffective against strong people who break the limit of life for the second time.

Biana and her team didn't care about the twists and turns, and rushed out happily. Some of them transformed, some summoned magic, and some drove frost drilling vehicles...

The sky was filled with brilliance, dazzling patterns exploded, and all the way was like breaking bamboo, crushing all the goblins that had mutated and not mutated.

This is not only their graduation score, but also their first pot of gold.

What comes after the graduation exam is the extremely hot summer, cold drinks, fruits, beach... all cost money.

Adventure is really fun!

"Why do I feel sad all of a sudden." Lily waved her wand and blew away a few goblins. She sighed and said, "After the exam, unless we stay in school like Mintai to continue our studies, we will no longer be students, and there will be no more in the future. We’ve already talked about winter and summer vacations.”

Probably it means being forced to say goodbye to a familiar place in the past, being forced to change a used identity, being forced to say goodbye to familiar faces in the classroom, and it is difficult to reunite. Everyone is forced to welcome a new life. This feeling is very complicated. ,very special.

I have strong expectations for the future, but I also feel a deep reluctance in my heart.

Is it possible to be a student for a lifetime? Is it possible for everyone to be together every day, go to class together, fish secretly together, gossip about the teachers together...

Even Wanzi, who had always been optimistic and cheerful, fell silent. The atmosphere in the team suddenly fell into a deep depression. After a while, Lily pursed her lips and said in an adult tone: "Young people don't know what it's like to be sad. Maybe this is the price of growing up. Well, we have to keep saying goodbye to the past."

The frost drill truck rumbled and roared, and they broke into a goblin gathering place. It was as if they had knocked away a giant hornet's nest under the eaves, and an astonishing number of goblins appeared noisily.

His mouth was filled with sadness, but his actions were merciless.

Most of them are not much different from the main dimension. They are rag grass skirts used as crotch cloth. They have a slightly higher IQ than the goblins in the main dimension and can grab more supplies, but they are also limited.

"Ah, obscene!"

Biana and others covered their eyes, it was so shameless, so despicable, so obscene and disgusting.

Behind the crazy expansion and aggression of the goblins on this planet means that their race has a high desire to reproduce.

In addition, Goblins have very low IQ and sense of shame. Many of them just find a corner, behind a tree, or a bush, barely covering themselves, and start contributing to the reproduction of the Goblin race.

"It's so obscene, disgusting."

Ice feast!

Bailey covered his eyes while activating a large-scale magic, and icebergs rose from the ground. The mountains were like knives, the temperature was extremely cold, and they were quickly stained with blood.

The dazzling pattern explodes!

Lava bottle!

A rumbling energy explosion raged, boiling in a radius of ten thousand meters, and a crushing force erupted. Only when no one survived did Biana and the others heave a sigh of satisfaction and be clean.

Yelin and Niwu hurried over after hearing the commotion and shrugged after learning the whole story. These girls were all young virgins.

After cleaning the battlefield, some relatively large skulls were found in the ruins of the gathering place. It was speculated that they should be human beings who were hunted by goblins and used as food.

"Do you think there are humans who are interested in goblins, or vice versa?" Wanzi thought in a whimsical way, and suddenly a special idea came to his mind.

Facing the weird looks from everyone, Wanzi quickly waved his hands and explained carefully: Look, our family has Sophie who is a human-dragon hybrid, Yin Su who is a demon-spirit hybrid, and there are many other weird hybrids in the world.

So, the first human being who fell in love with dragons, demons, and various races had all kinds of XP desires.

Ye Lin rolled his eyes, suspecting that this girl was accusing Sang and Huai, but he couldn't produce any actual evidence.

"Because dragons and demons can also turn into humans. For example, your Blue Guardian Tana, the human appearance is very beautiful, like a fish and a bird, and a flower in the moonlight." Natya put forward an explanation.

Wanzi shook his head and said: "It's no problem that they can turn into humans, but what do you think about the first dragon who fell in love with humans in a very, very ancient era?"

In a sense, it's a question of which came first, the chicken or the egg.

The appearance of dragons and humans is so different that it is indescribable, and each has its own racial culture and aesthetics.

The first dragon, a demon, whether male or female, had something wrong with aesthetic concepts and the XP system, and fell in love with humans.

It's okay to say this in reverse. For some reason, that human fell in love with a different race.

Niwu thought for a while and gave a possible answer, saying: "Maybe it's a dragon or a demon who has mastered the secret method of transformation, walked in human society, slowly accepted human aesthetics, and then fell in love with someone."

It may also be that humans transform into dragons or demons. Anyway, they all have the same meaning, and there is a certain truth in it.

But on the Goblin planet, Goblins obviously regard humans as food. In other words, do you have desires for fish, goats...

Natya was mysterious: "I also heard that some humans are able to attack fish and goats... and they even go to the priests to confess afterward."

Ye Lin immediately blew her mind and the topic went astray. Aren't you young girls? What are you thinking about all day long? You can't be as pure as me.

"What's going on here, what's going on here, is it a strong human being?"

While Bayana and her group were busy picking up bones, a mysterious figure approached from a certain direction, and the words in his mouth turned out to be human language instead of goblin jabbering.

All encounters in the world may be fate. Biana, who was picking up bones, looked at each other with a girl with golden hair...

“Yin Xilian!

You're not dead? ! "

"Bea...I don't know you! Come and escort me."

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