Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2574 Goblin Princess


The improved Frost Drilling Car engine was invented in Silent City, using the artificial Eye of Darkness as its energy source, and its entire body is made of base metal or super alloy.

Not to mention the simple capital of the Goblin Kingdom in front of us, even the towering city walls of the Human Empire made of whole rocks and cement, with various magic reinforcements attached, are still intact.

Whoever stands in his way will die.

The cause can be traced back to the Second Dark Holy War, when Maruko's drilling vehicle collided with Belias's destruction chariot.

Although the Destruction Chariot was smashed to pieces by the drill, and the Demonic Scholar was victorious~, Maruko's drilling vehicle equipped with the Tianjie GT-9600 engine also self-destructed due to overload.

Later, Wanzi learned from the painful experience and made a luxurious upgrade to the Frost Drilling Car in all aspects. All the parts were top-notch, super powerful, and even more perfect without self-destruction. As a result, he spent all the money in his pocket. gold.

That's why Wanzi is so enthusiastic about this trip, to make some extra money to supplement his pocket.

Goblin King Goge's not-so-big brain was immediately confused and he couldn't turn around. A few minutes ago, he was casually writing about asking the guards to eat the princess. Yin Xilien was no longer valuable.

Now in just a blink of an eye, the royal capital has been plowed over and over again by Wanzi's chariots. The land is so turbulent that it's no problem to plant wheat and peanuts on the spot.

The city walls collapsed, rubble flew, and goblins howled and howled everywhere.

"Don't panic, get my chariot!" Gaoge waved his big hand, motionless as a mountain, and his momentum was very steady.

"Oh? You have a car too. Come hit me quickly."

Wanzi stopped the destroying chariot and became interested. She liked the collision of dump trucks the most. Her luxurious and shiny big drill was not just a beautiful decoration.

Soon, a king's exclusive chariot arrived. Gao Ge's chariot had two cool big drills, a roof, and the body was decorated with mysterious totems, emitting a hint of magical power.

Moreover, Gaoge's chariot uses clean energy and is very economical. It only consumes six strong goblins to run for ten kilometers.

Wanzi almost laughed until his abdomen convulsed and almost lost his breath. The magician's big pointed hat almost fell off, and the Shadow Night Owl happily held his stomach.

Gog's chariot is quite intimidating at first glance. The big drill is very majestic, but there are no wheels. Six goblins with only the strength to lift the chariot.


The Frost Drilling Truck made a weird cow cry, and black smoke came out of the exhaust pipe at the rear. The big metal drill bit started to buzz and turn, turning thousands of times a second, making it indestructible.


Gog's tattered chariot was far worse than Belias's. It was torn apart in one encounter, and the fragments of the two drill bits flew hundreds of meters away.

The six goblins' calves trembled two seconds before the chariot collided. They threw the chariot to the ground and ran away screaming.

The super mutant Gog was indeed the strongest Goblin. He had some abilities and flexibly turned over in the air to avoid the impact, and then watched helplessly as the drilling vehicle smashed its throne to pieces.

A long time ago, Ye Lin and Wan Zi had a conversation about how to combine the strongest shield and the strongest spear at the same time.

Ye Lin said that the word "strongest" is too unlimited, but relatively speaking, there are still things that pay equal attention to defense and offense, and that is tanks!

Then Wanzi realized that the Frost Drilling Car was indeed the ultimate truth.

"Damn human beings!" Gaoge murmured, extremely angry, and looking at Wanzi's frost drilling machine greedily.

The scientists of the Goblin tribe are all idiots and scum. They once studied a giant machine called "Click" that specifically hunted humans.

But something went wrong, and Crick's target became goblins, causing a bloody storm in the kingdom.

Finally, the great Goblin King Gog, himself, made a wise command and let the goblins burst it with their bodies.

Click finally burst after eating nearly a thousand goblins, and the citizens praised Gog's wisdom and prowess.

Also, the goblin trap developed to trap and kill humans was filled with a huge amount of gunpowder and could level a hundred meters radius after explosion.

But because I forgot to leave a fuse, a goblin had to sacrifice himself with explosives to detonate it.

And because the appearance is too obvious and weird, it has not killed humans yet, but many goblins have died.

Gaoge is now attracted to Wanzi's frost drilling car.

It holds a staff made of gold in its hand, which overflows with powerful magic power. Although the style is really ugly, Biana does not dislike it because gold is beautiful.


Gaoge kept mumbling in a language that no one could understand, waving his staff in a certain rhythm, and assuming various strange postures, as if he was dancing to sacrifice to the great god, or as if he had suddenly gone crazy.

The goblin's body is very lean and short, so his dancing is also very funny, and his movements have no rhythmic beauty.

But I have to admit that as the strongest Goblin, Gog has two brushes. He danced a weird sacrificial dance with his staff, the magic power flowed, and then there was a boom, and a low muffled thunder sounded in the sky.

The sky that was just cloudy just now turned into a gloomy and dark color during the high jump master's movements, covering the sky so thickly that the light was dimmed, and the frequency of thunder and lightning became more and more intensive.

Worthy of being another mutant of the century-old Goblin, Gog has the power to change the weather and can summon thunderous thunder to smash down on the enemy. This is the basis for him to become the king of his tribe.

Relying on his ability to summon thunder and lightning, Gaoge has changed the situation of the war with humans several times, turning defeat into victory, and is famous for his fierceness.

Because the foundation of the Goblin planet is very weak, there are only a handful of legendary powerhouses on the human side.

Gao Ge's sky thunder is very threatening, coupled with the suppression of the alien aura, the legendary strong man is not willing to go directly into the Goblin territory to fight directly with Gao Ge.


A flash of dazzling thunder struck a corner of the city wall, instantly blowing the huge rock to pieces. Gaoge seemed to be completely crazy, going crazy and dancing on the spot. The thunder and lightning seemed to be pulled, densely covering the whole city, detonating a devastating blow. .

"Is it reinforcements? Help us!"

Suddenly, Ye Lin heard many human screams in his ears, and there were still living people nearby.

Ye Lin raised his hand, and the thunderclouds from all directions rotated in a vortex with his movements. The endless power of thunder and lightning condensed into a thunder and lightning war spear in mid-air, and then he slapped the void with his palm.

Soon, Niu found the human voice just now. A dozen trembling humans with dull eyes seemed to be imprisoned here to serve as food for the goblins.

When they saw Ye Lin and his group, the desire for survival and the light of hope suddenly burst out in his dim eyes.

On the other side, Goblin King Goge couldn't believe it. It had always been invincible, extremely powerful, and the thunder and lightning summons that could change the weather were actually eliminated by that man with a slap in the face.

This is completely beyond the scope of Gao Ge's understanding. His brain is about to smoke and it is not enough. But one fact is very clear, it is no match for this human being.

Gaoge retreated, holding the golden staff, sweating on his forehead, and he quickly shouted something in a loud voice.

Behind the ruins of some buildings, a few trembling goblins walked out, then walked towards Ye Lin with weak legs and knelt on the ground.

"Surrender?" Ye Lin laughed in surprise. The IQ of these goblins was higher than that of the goblins in the main dimension, and they knew how to bully the weak and avoid the strong.

"Yes, and no~" Yin Xilien appeared and explained with a smile: "These goblins are all female, they are Gaoge's beloved concubines. They came here to surrender to you and beg for mercy. The next step is probably Asking for grace~"

Sure enough, as soon as Yin Xilien finished speaking, the female imperial concubine Goblin turned her head to the ground and bent down to Ye Lin.

Ye Lin's face darkened, and in a moment of thought, all the concubines were instantly annihilated.

Gao Ge couldn't understand, so he spoke in human language and asked eagerly: "Don't you humans have the habit of occupying all the resources of losers?"

"You think I am Cao..."


Biana shouted, the head-stealing thief was quick, and she swung the Gu-killing spear that was taller than herself, taking away Gaoge's life with one move.

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