Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2582 The new witch

"Congratulations on retirement."

Ye Lin, Mo Mei and the others immediately congratulated Xiaoyu. After retirement, they will have less things to do and have a pension, which is worth celebrating.

But Xiaoyu is still a dirty girl, and Xiaoyu will never change this.

"No, it's not what you think." Xiaoyu was helpless and helpless. I am not really retiring, but I have to continue to shine at my job.

Xiaoyu explained that the job of a miko is for life, and there are not many people who can retire normally, and there is no pension.

The history of witches can be traced back to the Dark Ages more than two thousand years ago.

The oldest ancient books clearly record that two thousand years ago, Xu Ancestor was still a place shrouded in demonic energy and ferocious beasts were rampant. Sunlight could not reach the earth, and people struggled to survive.

The first generation of witches who traveled on the mainland arrived at the land of Xuzu, and then performed a magical ritual using mysterious language and dance.

In an instant, the wind blew violently, abyss-like blue eyes cast a majestic gaze on the clouds, and thunderous waves annihilated all the monsters and beasts wherever they passed.

Subsequently, some of the local mythical beasts, as well as some of the mythical beasts that came from the unknown star field, and a very small number of mythical beasts created by the gods, worked together to eliminate the Xu Ancestor and the monsters in Arad Continent.

Some of the ferocious beasts were killed, some were sealed in the scroll, and some were sealed in another dimension.

Therefore, the divine dragon and its messenger, the witch, are of special significance to Xu Zu.

The portrait of the first generation of miko has always been the most precious collection in the royal treasury.

"Usually, the messengers of the divine dragon are sent alone, and only one person can understand the true meaning of the divine dragon." Xiaoyu, as a contemporary miko, will soon become a senior, but she still has enough relevant experience.

If you want to become a miko, you must not only have a noble will and unyielding courage, but also whether the dragon himself will favor you.

That guy was picky. Ye Lin had complained before about whether Shenlong was a lustful dragon and why every generation of witches were young and beautiful women.

However, according to Xiaoyu's analysis later, Shenlong might be female instead.

Whether you can become a miko depends on talent and fate. These are things that cannot be forced. Xiaoyu mentioned several ways to retire after becoming a miko.

From two thousand years ago to the present, there have been more than twenty generations of shrine maidens.

The first and only way to retire is the first-generation shrine maiden.

She has fully understood the true meaning of Shenlong, which is equivalent to the incarnation of Shenlong. It has an unknown realm and is suspected of transcendence. It can always break the boundaries of life and is still active in unknown places.

The first-generation miko and Sodros were figures from the same era, and maybe they even knew each other a little bit.

Then there are some shrine maidens who are limited by their talents and cannot understand the full true meaning of the dragon, but are forced to obtain more powerful power from the dragon due to various reasons.

The consequence of this is that it is assimilated by the powerful power of the dragon, and its body grows dragon horns and scales, and eventually disappears.

Xiaoyu speculated that their ending might be complete annihilation, or they might ascend to the side of Shenlong and become a holy spirit.

Xiaoyu's predecessor, the previous generation of shrine maidens, disappeared mysteriously like this.

There are also some witches, some of whom died heroically in extremely catastrophic events, dedicating everything in their lives.

Some of them coincide with the peaceful times, when everything is safe and peaceful, chasing mountains and rivers, and living in peace for the rest of their lives.

But like Xiaoyu, her individual strength has grown too fast and too strong, especially after absorbing the energy of the final cannibalization, she has surpassed the state of perfection and is on par with Shenlong.

This was the first time in the history of a shrine maiden that she was forced to retire due to her reputation.

Xiaoyu held her cheek in her hand, smiled sweetly, and said: "So I am not actually retiring. A more accurate statement is that there will be two witches in this generation."

She is still good at the oracle's set of secret techniques, and the thunder and lightning with the power of the dragon is also easy to use. She will not change it for the time being.

"Oh~" Mo Mei nodded, indicating that I understood, and said: "I was promoted on the spot, right? From an employee to a boss."

"Hmm, almost, but still no salary."

She and Shenlong have a very close relationship and will not be separated casually.

Whether it is to renovate the dragon's secret method or to break through to a higher realm, each other can communicate and achieve each other.

In other words, if there is something that needs the help of a miko somewhere in the future, asking Xiaoyu to go will be overkill, and Shenlong will not be too embarrassed to continue to use Xiaoyu, who is at the same level.

Therefore, Shenlong needs a new miko to train for a period of time and then take over Xiaoyu's previous work.

"Many things are predicted by the witch herself using oracles and then solved. The dragon's eyes will not always pay attention to the world." Xiaoyu glanced at the very carefree and special Sugar Cane, and this guy was an exception.

He wants to take care of big things, but he also wants to make do with small things. He is also obsessed with desire. He pries open Naoko's head, which is full of white flowers, and single-handedly lowers the lower limit of the god's style.

"Will the next miko be the fourth girl, Kiyosumi?" Yuena said.

The timing was too coincidental. Not even an afternoon after the birth of the four girls, the dragon began to show up to choose the second witch, which of course made people think of it.

"Probably not. The fourth girl is still in her infancy, her intelligence is hazy, and she hasn't even had a few sips of milk. She is not an embryo that carries the power of the oracle."

The oracle is a powerful force that places certain basic requirements on the carrier, and the bodies of infants and young children cannot withstand it.

Moreover, Shenlong himself knew that Ye Lin had moved to a higher realm, and he could beat up any strong man in the realm of gods.

For his daughter, the witch is not a rare identity.

It's much easier to use Ye Lin's name than Shenlong's name.

Xiaoyu believes that Shenlong's choice should be Suran City. Half of the more than twenty generations of witches in history came from the realm of Xuzuo.

They were discussing the past and future of the witches here, but the residents of Suran City had no idea what the meaning behind this spiritual rain was. Many people were afraid of the rumbling thunder and closed their doors and windows tightly.

Surprisingly, Ling and Della were not afraid of the thunder in the sky. They lay behind the window and looked around, catching the cool and spiritual rain with their little hands.

"Let me figure out who it is." Xiaoyu pinched her fingers on the surface, but secretly contacted Shenlong directly.

Old woman, have you set your sights on a girl who is young and beautiful, graceful and graceful... omitting a hundred words of praise?

"whispering sound……"

If there is nothing, there is a sneer.

"The weather is so nice when it rains. It's cool and ethereal." Su Nan Ling stretched out her little hand. The feeling of the rain hitting her skin was super comfortable.

On a rainy day, it's like pressing the pause button for all the world. Birds hide under the leaves, tigers and deer have their own caves and nests, and everyone is quiet.

Della, who was chewing chocolate on the side, shook her head slightly. She personally didn't like rainy days because the ninja's flames would go out on rainy days.

But I heard from the adults that only by becoming very powerful can the ninja's flames burn for a long time and will not be extinguished even if they are put into deep water.

So when the Four Spirits of Heaven, Suzaku, appeared just now, red clouds filled the sky, and Della and Feiji especially worshiped Suzaku.

Della is just that, the fat chicken with no future, her mother is also a fire beast, her elbows are turned outward.

"Wow..." Ling covered the rain blowing on his face with his small hands, blinked his big eyes, and said in surprise: "Della, have you seen, there is a huge blue dragon in the sky, it's so beautiful."


Della's eyesight was excellent, but weren't there just gloomy, dark clouds above her head? Those blue ones were probably arcs.

"It's right there." Ling pointed at a corner of the sky. She could see clearly that there was a big blue guy looking at her.

It's huge, majestic, and a little scary. It feels like I'm too naughty and my mother muttered my name indifferently.


The tone of voice goes from low to high.

"No." Della's eyes were wide and round. There was a thundering sky. Looking at the direction, it should be near Yuexi Town.


The conversation between the two little girls attracted everyone's attention. Immediately, Xiaoyu looked at Aska's sister Ling in disbelief. She could see Shenlong himself.

And when did this girl have a dragon-shaped jade pendant full of aura around her waist?

The new witch is Su Nan Ling? !

"It's really a spirit, that dragon's meeting gift." Xiaoyu tilted her head and gestured to the dragon hairpin in her hair. When Ye Lin complained about you and my cheeks, I always felt like you wanted to poke me in the head.

Xiaoyu actually has a dragon-shaped jade seal the size of her head, but the size is too exaggerated and not suitable for use as a weapon. She hasn't used it since she didn't have a brick to get her hands on.

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