Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2596 Lack of Fatty Energy

Falling into a state of thinking about a certain problem and subconsciously scratching your head with your fingertips or massaging the center of your eyebrows are small actions that help active thinking and have certain scientific basis.

Not only those two small actions, but also some people like to bite the pen barrel, play with the eraser, pen cap, bite their lips, etc. These are all small subconscious actions that do not occupy the mind.

Except for the sleep state of deep rest, deliberateness, daze, and being unable to move for some special reasons... it is difficult for human beings to maintain a long-term state of immobility, and they will make some movements consciously or unconsciously.

In other words, humans are basically moving all the time they are awake.

Gently massaging the scalp can activate the blood oxygen in the brain and help to think smoothly.

Biana is very strong and has sensitive five senses. The GBL teacher who was scratching his head was definitely not massaging his scalp. His voice was very heavy, rough, and occasionally sharp, more like he was suffering from severe headaches.

The sound sounded like he was rubbing his own scalp, rubbing his skull, and his fingers were cutting through flesh and blood.

"Forget it, GBL teachers are all academic lunatics and obsessives. Maybe their brain capacity is not enough." Biana closed her eyes slightly, and then secretly cast a shielding magic on herself. If she couldn't hear it, she wouldn't feel it. irritable.

Lily would occasionally talk in her sleep when sleeping in the dormitory, and when Bayana went to help Wanzi, she would sleep in the laboratory.

But Wanzi was full of energy at night and made tinkling inventions that kept her awake, so Beyana learned the magic of blocking sounds.

Occasionally, it is used to fool the head teacher and Principal Sha Lan.

No matter how eloquent and angry the teacher was on the podium or in school assemblies, Biana just nodded, uh-huh, uh-huh... and didn't listen to a single word.

If you really didn't hear a word, just ask the good boy Mintai afterwards, and Mintai will summarize it for her in a few sentences.

It also shows from another aspect that these school leaders are completely opposite to the refiners like Herder. They are very good at talking nonsense and can talk for twenty minutes in one or two sentences.

I don't know if it was because of Siatou's anger, but Beyana felt that she performed surprisingly well this time, and her writing was astonishing. It was the smoothest and most satisfying time in her student career in several years.

"Oh, I'm still smart, let Hiatt kiss me."

Bayana felt very happy, everyone was enjoying themselves, but she had an idea and asked Siatt to kiss her cheek in private.

Well, this is called the favor of Lady Luck.

Slowly, the sound of head-scratching became louder and louder, and could not be concealed. Some students in the front row already frowned.

In the last ten minutes of the exam, the GBL teacher with a cold voice suddenly stopped scratching his head and reminded the time. If you have not finished writing, hurry up and check if you have finished.

"It's strange. This teacher's voice was hoarse and tired at the beginning of the exam..." Biana had already removed the shielding magic and didn't pay much attention to it after thinking about it. She might have rested after scratching her head for too long.

There was still half an hour before the next exam. Beyana was about to lie down on the table and take a nap, but she saw Mintai walking over.

The two people are seated far apart, so there is no possibility of cheating.

Sometimes Mintai couldn't bear her prayers and would copy her homework and then nudge her to study hard, but he would never help her with exams.

So Biana was a little disappointed before. If she was in the same classroom as Lily and Wanzi, she might be able to use her newly learned voice transmission technique to cheat.

"Biana, have you noticed that the GBL teacher is a little strange?"

"It's a bit like scratching my head all the time, and then suddenly stopped scratching at the end."

"Yeah." Mintai nodded, then frowned and whispered: "I also saw that there was blood in his fingernails~"


Beyana suddenly became energetic, her big eyes were bright and shining, and she finally made me meet the seven incredible things on campus before graduation.

An extra staircase appears out of thin air, and you must not step on it.

There is no one in the music classroom but the music is playing. Leave quickly.

The mirror at zero hour and ten minutes, close your eyes and don’t look at it...

When they were trapped in school and couldn't go out, Beyana and Lily both liked these weird legends to pass the time. They could talk for a long time under the quilt at night.

Bailey said that I was moving to a dormitory and would not allow anyone to sleep in it.

Now there's a new one, a teacher who wears a mask and is always scratching his head with his fingernails, and there's blood in his fingernails!

"Let's take the exam first. The next one will be history and geography, which you are least good at."

"What I'm worst at is tomorrow's math..." Biana said.

The invigilator was still the same GBL mask man, and Beyana remembered that the leader Ophelia told her that there were grade requirements for GBL mask drawing.

Leaders, bishops, priests, priests... all have their own special patterns.

But the requirements are not that strict. As long as the basic drawing remains unchanged, you can apply your own favorite colors on it.

So Biana could tell from the color of her clothes and mask that the invigilator had not changed.

It's true, with a mask on his face, does GBL know who he is?

"This guy should be at the level of a priest..."

"Students, please return to your seats and take the exam immediately."


Biana plucked her ears, thinking that she had heard wrongly. Why did the voice change into that of a middle-aged man? It was slightly magnetic and sounded unexpectedly gentle to her ears. It was completely different from the cold feeling in the previous class.

She and Mintai looked at each other silently. Could this teacher be... crazy?

One of the teacher's big questions is that the last emperor of the Peruvian Empire, Peng Delun II, abdicated the throne to Emperor Heron I, and then moved the capital to Vetalun. Please summarize the significance of these actions based on the knowledge you have learned [8 points]

Biana frowned slightly, nodded her chin, and started scratching her head...

The Principality of Belmare was established in 483 Arad. The reasons for its formation are summarized in "10 Points" from many aspects.

Scratching your head~

The route between the Faroe Bay in the Principality of Belmare and Cape Byron in the Dros Empire is called the golden waterway. Summarize its importance from a geographical perspective "8 points"

Still scratching my head~

We are from the Demon Realm. If you ask me to talk about the eight sides of the Demon Realm and the restricted areas of the Demon Realm, I will definitely do it.

Bayana's attention was attracted by the GBL teacher with a changeable personality. She was a little absent-minded in answering the comprehensive test paper, and then her thinking was not clear.

Insufficient luck points must be due to lack of Feitiao energy!

The weird teacher even came down to inspect the situation. With his hands behind his back, Mintai also noticed that there was indeed blood in his fingernails.

Beyana didn't look good after handing in her papers. Today's exam was over. She walked out of the classroom coldly and winked at Mintai.

Come on, let's track it.

Mintai hesitated for a moment and nodded, a little curious, so he used a camouflage technique. This secret technique of the Kuni people is very magical. It can not only cover up the smell and footsteps, but also reduce the sense of presence. It is often used to hunt cold people. On the ice tiger or snow mandrill.

The masked teacher collected the test papers, bound them and sealed them, wrote the name of the classroom, and took them back to the office. He would also smile and say a few words to others on the way, acting very normal.

"Maybe there were too many lice on my head, and the more I scratched it, the more comfortable it became, and then I washed my hair in the middle and felt better~" Biana guessed.

"But his hair looked unwashed."

From other people's greetings, the two learned that the teacher's name was Aryan, that he was very knowledgeable and had been preaching in other places.

I just returned to the GBL teaching headquarters this year and have been a teacher for only two months.

"Biana, look!"

Mintai reminded that Aryan took off his mask, revealing his hidden face underneath.

It was a face with sunken eye sockets, rough skin, and an unshaven face that was almost skin and bones, as if he was malnourished, drank too much, and smoked too much.

It was impolite to comment on other people's appearance, but the two of them couldn't help but shake their heads. Unless the other person had a serious illness, it would be hard to believe that they didn't have bad habits in this state.

A strange thing happened. Aryan sat for a while, then he covered his head in pain and scratched his scalp with his nails, as if something was trying to come out of his head.

Then, Aryan actually started to curse at himself, one voice at a time, and there were signs of losing control, and magic power was surging.

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