Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2609 A little more betrayal

The food was delicious, the drinks were delicious, and quite expensive, but the story was a little less than exciting. [.\\nCOM Situ’s updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, browser access is recommended.\\nCOM official website]

The expressions on the faces of Heman, Bibi, the two princesses, best friend Cyrus, and the youngest and cutest Pai Yin were all strange and astonished.

It's over, no more, over? !

If it wasn't told by the muse himself, and they heard it clearly in their ears, this story would look more like two innocent children playing house.

I will ignore you and stop playing with you!

Humph, I won’t play with you anymore!

And then in a few minutes, they will be reconciled and play house, full of innocence and childishness.

Muse was caught up in his own emotions and couldn't help himself. It took him a while to calm down. Seeing everyone looking at him, he asked curiously: "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, nothing, eat the food, eat the food, it's almost cold, don't waste it." The third princess wittily smoothed things over, no, hold it in, you really can't laugh.

She wanted to contact Tana or the curator to publish a book called The Untold Private Past of the Popular Star Muse.

Once it is published, 90% of the buyers will probably curse it as a liar and a clickbait.

That's it?

"Do you think the story between me and Leaf is childish?" Muse slowly came back to her senses. In fact, she also knew that it was a bit childish.

It wasn't just a matter of playing house. For some reason, Leaf seemed to be avoiding her.

"No, no, it's very hard for a good friend to leave suddenly."

They shook their heads quickly in unison.

Muse was still a little angry and said: "Leafeng, she violated our agreement to draw the hook. She clearly promised to stay together and not separate, to study together, to practice bow and arrow together, and to pass the university entrance examination in the divine world together... The saddest thing is that she He never came back to see me after that.”

The three princesses communicated with their eyes, this, this, how should I put it, although it was partly Ye Feng's fault, she broke the contract, but you were only about ten years old at the time.

What children say is often forgotten immediately after turning around. It is also difficult to remember the hooks and promises made when they were young.

Moreover, Yefeng did not break the contract casually. She carefully chose her future life path, seized the hard-won opportunities, and made outstanding achievements.

Being accepted as a disciple by the navigator is probably equivalent to becoming a disciple of Saler Maya.

So as Bibi said, communication and communication are important ways to resolve misunderstandings.

But Muse is just angry, why don't you come to see me.

After the banquet, Muse went to review the piece she missed today with her Shenxian Bow in her arms. Seeing her leaving, the three princesses couldn't hold it any longer and immediately started teasing and teasing.

"I thought there was some bitterness or deep hatred. For example, there was an irreconcilable blood feud between families, or there was a huge misunderstanding between each other..."

"There can be more funny elements. They fall in love with the same person, but they can't coexist~"

"Yes, yes, and add a little cruel element. For example, the Mei Lun Yun and the Wandering Association in the divine world are hostile organizations, and they have been fighting for generations. Two good sisters accidentally joined an organization and became the successors. In the end, The encounter on a brutal battlefield highlights an unexpected O. Henry-style ending."

"What about the element of sad love? Muse actually has a terminal illness, and she doesn't know it. In order to find her the legendary secret medicine from the divine world, Leaf finally sacrificed his life to retrieve the blood-stained medicine..."

The above are all random speculations. The real reason is that Muse is very upset about Leaf's departure.

We promised that we sisters would always be together, study together, and travel the world together, but you suddenly became a traveler.

Then he didn't come back to see me for so many years.

"The leader of the Wandering Association is called the Navigator"

"In other words, let's just find Leaf and let them communicate openly."

"Hmm, it can be seen that Muse is still very worried about her friends."

"Tsk tsk, even our Pai Yin is not so naive and pure."


west coast

Liefeng politely declined the help from subsequent clergymen, saying that his condition had fully recovered and he could move home freely.

"Sister, you have realized your music dream too."

The beautiful butterfly that suddenly appears and protects itself must be the power of the muse's music.

When I was a child, those dancing butterflies especially liked to be close to the Muse. The Muse also swore that these butterflies must have special powers.

Ye Feng actually always remembers his choice to leave Muse when he was a child.

It's not that she hasn't thought about taking the initiative to go to Muse and apologize to her. Her eagerness to see the other party is no weaker than Muse's.

However, she hasn't gotten a response from Sagittarius yet!

Because he personally promised that he would decorate her flawless singing voice with the starlight of Sagittarius.

I haven’t done it yet, how can I have the nerve to meet the muse? I boasted about it in the beginning, but now it’s really embarrassing that I can’t do it.

Therefore, the two sisters Muse and Leaf have always been so awkward.

After putting away the huge Mysterious Bow, taking inventory of his equipment and consumables, Ye Feng thought for a while, then took a carriage and rushed to Hedunmar.

She no longer has the mist energy of the God Realm, so her combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Her airship has been destroyed and she won't be able to return to the God Realm for a while. I'm afraid only Sister Ludmila can help her.

The top priority now is to replenish combat effectiveness.

Alfaria Market, which claims to be able to buy everything, does not have fog energy.

Leaf took out a small colorless crystal from his pocket, a very magical energy substance, pure and soft.

Unfortunately, I don't know how to make an energy extraction device.

She heard that there was a famous woman in Hedunmar who could strengthen equipment. Any equipment in her hands would gain three points of power. Maybe she would have a solution.


"Your equipment is very average~ If you upgrade your equipment today, you will get a 20% discount."

Kelly, who was enjoying her time, crossed her legs and played seductive quotes on a loop on the tape recorder at the door.

Doing business and tinkering with inventions during the day, going to the Moonlight Tavern for a drink at night, watching adventurers duel, having fun, living a very comfortable life.

Sometimes, they will be caught by sugar cane, slapped, and then have sugar cane juice flowing from both mouths.

"Hello." Leaf came to the door.

Kelly looked at the Xuanji Bow carefully. Her words were occasionally frivolous, but she still had some skills. "What a beautiful bow. Not many adventurers use it. Most of them do it out of interest. It can make up for the problem of long-range firepower."

Having said that, Kelly thought of the underground weapons arsenal under her feet, Gatling guns, rocket launchers, laser cannons, anti-tank sniper rifles, focused flamethrowers... more than enough to equip a coast guard.

"Although I really want to recommend to you the advanced arms of our heaven and throw away the flashy bows and arrows, but that hateful scum prohibits me from selling weapons."

Kelly knew that Ye Lin had broken through the realm of gods, and any life that called his name, whether in the past or in the future, could be sensed by him.

Therefore, Kelly was full of resentment and did not use the nickname "Sugar Cane", but directly called "scumbag".

"That... scumbag?" Leafy was slightly confused and asked subconsciously.

Miss Kelly's appearance is very good, but her dress is very individual. She wears two belts to tie her waist, her hair is tied up like a pineapple head, and she wears a pair of goggles on her head. At first glance, she looks more like a cowboy in a lawless zone.

Such a valiant and neat girl, as free as an eagle soaring in the sky, has she ever encountered anything resentful?

Li Feng has been to heaven and met several interesting people.

There are records in the God Realm that before the appearance of Bakar, the Explosive Dragon King, the God Realm and the Heaven Realm were connected.

"My man is a veritable scumbag. Maybe you've heard his name." Kelly didn't want to say more, because his appearance had appeared in her mind many times and she would be able to sense it.

It is not a difficult technical problem to transform a divine device that uses mist energy into one that uses crystal energy. It only requires cutting the energy supply part.

Kelly was very interested in how steampunk sonic shoes can achieve the speed of sound. She smiled and said: "In our heaven, there is a kind of cybersonic boots, which are quite similar to your pair of shoes, but those shoes are a bit heavy. Just put it on like Transformer Norville."

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