Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2619 The less you fish, the more European you will be.

Sophie basically hammered all the dragons up and down, causing scales to break off, blood to vomit, bones to fractures, and cries of mourning everywhere.

Ye Lin drank a few glasses of Dragon Clan spirits and brought some specialties from the lava zone, but declined the Dragon Clan's kind invitation to stay for a few days.

After sending the materials and an imperial order, they said goodbye and left immediately after completing their goal.

The old patriarch Grebrien was slightly embarrassed. Looking at the dragons who had been beaten up once, he found that some guys with a bad mentality were really angry, with burning anger in their eyes.

If you are not as skilled as others, you should be willing to give up after a beating, so he waved his sleeves and scolded coldly: "If you were in the heaven five hundred years ago, you would have been eaten alive by the high-level dragons. From now on, all dragons will be in seclusion and practice. Imperial Order Magic.”

After being reprimanded by the old clan leader, the dragon clan members were dejected and returned to their retreats one after another.

Grebrien asked: "Rutte, are you going out again?"

"Yeah, I'm the kind of person who can't stay in one place for a long time, so I'll be careful when I go out for a walk." Root smiled.

Together with a dragon friend with whom he has a good relationship, he is preparing to pick up another friend who does not live here.

With that technological spaceship from Hebron, we can save a lot of effort.

Although the lifespan of dragons is long, they can squander a little, but if they live in one place for a long time, wouldn't it be a waste of good time and the gift of the miracle of life?

Whenever Captain Root recalled the days when he was a rebel with Ludmila, Rebecca, and Natalia a few years ago, he felt that it was a very precious memory that would be unforgettable for a lifetime.

In his nearly nine hundred years of life, this incident has a unique significance.

He had Ludmila's contact information. When occasionally chatting and reminiscing about old times, Natalia's arrogant girl would taunt her and add a few words, "Captain Root, you like sister Ludmila. Or do you like the Call of the Saint?"

Root immediately rolled his eyes. Putting aside the issue of racial differences, the combined age of both of you is less than a fraction of my eight hundred years old.

Maybe your grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather… I’ve seen them all.

When they parted ways, Root was willing to spend his savings of hundreds of years, "It's not much actually, he was all drunk," and he could also go to the Chamber of Commerce for a loan to buy the Call of the Saint.

Ludmila only gave him a speechless look. It would be too scary to speak out about an old man who was almost nine hundred years old and still in debt.


Vara Island

The soft golden beach, the clear blue sky, the cool and clean waves, the stunning beauty, and Astra, which was lifted up by Sophie with one hand.

Most of the time, Astra is obedient to Sophie, as obedient as a farm dog raised since childhood, but she always has a bit of a stubborn temper when it comes to eating, and she wants to be just right. It is suspected that some of Erha's personalities are possessed.

There is also a bucket of unprocessed fresh seafood, shrimps, crabs and fish next to the barbecue stall. The charcoal embers are still not extinguished, and the seasonings are all available, but the eldest lady, Mailu, and Mo Mei have all taken a break.

Astra was aggrieved and learned to barbecue with her inflexible claws, serving Sophie who was not full.

"Look at Crazy Bear, Doriso." Sophie started to mention other people's children.

Hypona, who built her house out of big clams, had a swollen belly and contented herself, lying down in her shell and sleeping soundly.

She was squeezed together with the natural disaster elf Palumelu, but her huge pearl was missing.

"Shh~" Mo Mei's swimsuit was elegant and subtle, with beautiful curves. She made a silent gesture towards him and laughed softly: "We fused the magic pearl with her, and at the same time cured the side effects she had left in the Imperial Laboratory. , she will become smarter and more vigilant in the future.”

The clam's shell showed no intention of closing. Hypona lazily turned over and snored slightly.

Her innocent and childlike personality makes it easy for Hepona to trust others. After spending half a day together, she became so familiar with her that she couldn't even sleep.

Luo Lian resented slightly, she was worthy of my beautiful pearls, so she fed this blue slime.

Guyu yawned on the beach chair, his dark wheat-colored skin glowing with strange charm, and he lazily asked: "Tana, are you doing anything fun over there?"

"Well...Sophie and I played a few roller coasters."

"The Dragon Clan still has this thing? Where is Ye Lin, haven't you played?"

"He's a rollercoaster."


Ye Lin opened a sealed wine can and said, "We didn't stay long in the Dragon Clan, so we only brought back a little lava liquor."

First, he poured a glass of rice cake for the half-drunk rice cake. The red wine seemed to be burning in the cup. The wine tasted very pungent, and it was a very high-alcohol liquor.

Different from the spiritual wine of heaven, the wine brewed by the Dragon Clan in the lava zone has the will of a hot-blooded man, which is pure heat, spicy, endless heat waves, and a red-hot knife.

Wine is wine, and the power of alcohol is like a raging fire that quickly travels through the limbs and bones, bringing a different kind of enjoyment.

After Mi Gao drank a glass of wine, his eyes widened instantly. The wine was so strong that he felt like he was burning up and his blood flow was accelerating.

Gulu jumped up from the beach chair and rushed towards the sea with his bare feet.

Celia frowned in disgust and asked him to quickly seal the wine. The smell that spread out was very pungent and I didn't like it very much.

I threw a bottle of plant-based sunscreen and skin care products to him, and then I lay down on the beach chair. Here, come and help me. I’m leaving this opportunity for you.

Saifupo's skin is as white and smooth as pearls, and her beautiful legs are long and straight, and she never gets tired of playing with them.

Without the lively single ponytail, the Saifu woman has more of the temperament of a mature wife.

Apply sunscreen and skin care products on the palm of your hand, and carefully touch the skin on your beautiful back that can be broken by a blow. Even the most beautiful and precious jade is not as beautiful as the beauty in front of you.

Ganzhe poured some more skin care products into the palms of her hands and slid them along her shoulders to her beautiful back, then to her slender waist, which was not even tight enough to hold in a hand, and then the curvature suddenly increased and became rounded.

I grabbed the fat meat wrapped in the swimsuit several times until I was satisfied, and then smoothed it down to the straight and slender legs.

Celia rolled her eyes at him and signaled to Mo Mei, Qianying, Yuena... not to favor one over the other.

After applying all the sunscreen and skin care products, Gan Cane breathed a sigh of relief, and his hands smelled like meat.

At a glance, they are all slender legs, legs, legs, fat, breasts...

However, due to personal body shape problems, there will be special situations where OO and sudden change to __ will occur.

Yimi Wu said calmly: "If you use your eyes to evaluate me again, I'll slap your eyes."

"Where are Feng Ying and Mavis, and Xiaoyu isn't here either." Ye Lin asked.

Yuena pointed in a direction and said: "If you haven't returned from fishing, it's either the Air Force or the explosion protection."

On the shore of a certain reef, the waves beat in the rhythm of nature. Before the tide reaches high, you can fish in many places.

Feng Ying closed her eyes, surrounded by sword-qi cherry blossoms. Her white clothes were better than snow, and she appeared indescribably ethereal, as if she had ascended to immortality. She said: "The wind and waves are too strong today. Even keen fish know how to avoid danger. There are many things under the sea." Another peaceful world."

"As the saying goes, the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish." Xiaoyu stepped aside to fan the flames and said with a smile: "A true warrior dares to challenge his own limits in desperate situations."

Feng Ying fishing for the Air Force is nothing new, everyone is used to it.

When she came, Mavis suggested that she let her rub the eldest lady's European energy, but she didn't rub it, and then she pulled out two shrimps and a crab from the cracks in the rocks.

Mavis also gave Feng Ying some science knowledge. The more fish you catch in this sea area, the fewer fish there will be in the sea. The fewer fish there are, the harder it will be for you to catch fish and the harder it will be to catch them. , equal to the luck of non-chiefs.

Therefore, the more fish you catch, the more fish you catch!

On the contrary, the fewer fish caught, it is equal to the European Emperor.

"By the way, why is fishing so addictive?" Xiaoyu came here wandering around without a fishing rod in her hand.

Mavis said: "It's almost like whoring. For example, if you suddenly pick a watermelon in a withered melon field, it will be very satisfying."

"I see, the tide will rise in about half an hour, so I'll go back first."

Xiaoyu patted the slightly cool fat. She was also in a swimsuit, and the rocks on the coast were colder, so it became very cold after sitting for a long time.



On the way back, a small, soft white girl stopped Xiaoyu. There was a big rabbit ear headband in her hair, which was white and blue.

I was cheated on in the previous chapter

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