Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2627 No money was made, but compensation was paid

"I'm really sorry for disturbing your evening."

Lily snorted softly, her tone was so sinister, damn it, if you don't open the door, we'll think you don't live here.

It would be nice to just hand over 200 yuan as soon as the door opens. Do you think we formed a group to beg, and it’s only 200 yuan? !

"If I gave you money and let you come in, and others knew about it, they would think that you all have been transferred to the support profession." Ye Lin Youyou said.

Celia sent them the address and hotel room on Vara Island very early through a mobile message. It was normal for them to come to her door.

"What the hell, did we knock on the door at the wrong time?"

"Yes, yes." Ye Lin rolled his eyes vividly and found towels for them to take a bath, "You know you will disturb me, and you still choose to knock on the door at this time. You can't just sleep on the street for one night.

Aren't you going to the Western Fortress to hunt for treasure? It's like digging for coal and digging into the bottom of a pot.

His arms and face were all gray. Natya's little black skirt was torn in several pieces, exposing her thighs. Maruko's handsome cloak also had several holes that had been dissolved by some highly corrosive liquid. It was now tied to Beya's neck. Na waist.

Because Biana's stockings, hot pants, and lotus-shaped battle skirt were all damaged, almost naked, and the white underwear underneath could be seen.

But from noon to midnight, Sugar Cane, who worked diligently to dig wells and barely rested his waist, was in a contented sage mode, and now he had no interest at all in the Demon Realm people with no breasts and butts.

Loli girls are desserts, and mature and sexy big sisters are the main meal.

"We will talk about the old city later. Is there anything to eat? We are hungry." Bailey looked for food everywhere. The worry-free girl is hungry now. Only when she is full can she be worry-free.

Ye Lin rang the service bell, called the staff on duty, and said with a smile: "You should be lucky that midnight snacks are provided here, otherwise I would have to cook for you."

The food he cooks is definitely not just superficial, similar to that of Palace Maid Marin. The color, aroma and taste of the dishes are rated three nine points out of ten. They may seem powerful, but they are actually poisonous.

Or it's similar to the big pot stew that Leaf likes. It has no shape, and the color and aroma are four, eight, eight. It's not very pretty, but it's quite delicious.

Not even comparable to the three perfect scores from the eldest lady~

It's about three-five points, the appearance is average, the flavor depends on the oil, it tastes acceptable, and it's not hard to swallow, but that's basically it, the taste depends entirely on the body itself.

“I want seafood fried noodles!”

"It's late at night, so long as you have something to eat, you can even pick it up."

Unexpectedly, there is actually seafood fried noodles, but the ingredients are different.

Five portions of fried noodles, two plates of coconut snacks, five cups of coconut milk, and some seafood skewers.

"I quickly went to take a shower before the supper was served. I was as gray as if I had crawled under a clay pot. I didn't know I was abusing an underage street child."


A bunch of gray-faced girls walked into the bathroom holding bath towels. Yelin opened the curtains and took a look at the sea view outside. The moonlight was beautiful, and he waited for the midnight snack to be served.

During this period, Siatt heard the noise and came out to take a look. She looked at the bathroom with questioning eyes. After learning that it was Bayana and some other naughty girls, she nodded lightly, and suddenly looked at Sugar Cane with great vigilance.


What do you want to do?

"No." Ye Lin spread his hands and said helplessly: "Why don't you take care of them? They ordered midnight snacks, and I don't know how they ended up in the Western Fortress. They are all disgraced."

"No, I'm going to bed, good night." Siatt turned around and prepared to leave without looking back.

Being arrested on the spot by the malicious Gan Cane, he begged in a low voice: "Mama Lao, Mama Lao, you are the best, I am also hungry."

When there was movement in the bathroom, Siatt hurriedly pushed away the naughty child who was waiting for food, biting him like a leech and not letting go.

He quickly tied the big bowl-shaped protective cover back on, tucked the collar of his pajamas, and gave him a look that said, "I'm going to rest."

"Tell me why there is an oversized shell seat in the bathtub, what's wrong with you?" Wanzi looked at Ye Lin with his mouth wide open, looking weird, as if he wanted to swallow a child alive.

Ye Lin raised his hand to press his dislocated chin back, smacked his lips, and said with satisfaction: "I'm fine. Your food has been delivered. It's at the door. I'll get it for you."


The five people, who had eaten so much and had a slightly bulging belly, breathed a sigh of relief with satisfaction, and then lay back on their backs, with decadence and ease written all over their faces.

Ye Lin asked: "How much money did I dig in the abandoned city of the Western Fortress?"

"Not a dime. As you said, the western fortress of the old city has been completely turned over by adventurers, enthusiasts, and thieves." Natya was lazy. He didn't make any money and even lost money. Quite a few.

Not to mention the wear and tear of magic props, the clothes for the five of them alone are actually quite expensive.

It was a majestic old city that was once very popular. It was the place where the two armies fought in the past, and it met the possibility of various treasures, so they refused to listen and fought hard.

Even if there are no gold and silver treasures, the swords, armors, swords, and precious metals of the fallen soldiers can be harvested more or less.

Fishing master Feng Ying once said, if I can’t catch a fish, I’ll touch a turtle. If there’s no turtle, I’ll catch two crayfish. If there are no crayfish, I’ll scan around for vegetable patches. If I really can’t wash my feet.

Anyway, I can’t come here in vain.

After arriving at the Western Fortress, the five people were immediately shocked. Everywhere they saw were broken walls, thick dust fell on the ground, and spider webs were everywhere.

Some ghosts and resentful spirits were even born, and the entire abandoned city was filled with gloomy people, with ghosts crying and wolves howling, just like hell.

"We met an experimental body that was suspected to be from the Empire there. It was very strong, had a certain amount of intelligence, and called itself Alt, the Speedy One." Biana clenched her little fists, the hateful Empire, Emperor Leon was dragged into hell, the Empire There are still many evils left in various branches of the laboratory.

Alt is an insect mutant. Its gray-green carapace is extremely defensive, and its sharp forelimbs can easily cut through rocks.

In particular, the two pairs of rune wings behind it can easily break through to the speed of sound, and can use a certain amount of petrification magic.

Bayana and her party encountered several fragmented human-shaped stone statues in the Western Fortress. They should be the works of Art. The poor guy accidentally died in the Western Fortress.

Ye Lin said: "Yes, the empire's laboratories have many branches, which are deeply hidden. Although they are all scrapped, the experimental subjects have not been completely cleaned up."

"The five of us finally defeated Alter together, but that guy's crystal core exploded directly!" Biana was angry again. It's so abominable. Those four rune wings looked like they were extraordinary and could be sold for a lot. The money was blown away.

As if to vent her anger, she punched the air hard, trying to smash the stinky faces of Art and Leon Heinrich.

The pajamas were originally in a large size and were very loose. They were Mailu's pajamas. Beyana was always out of shape. She couldn't sit or stand properly, and she accidentally started to move a lot...

Ye Lin calmly watched the pajamas fall off his shoulders, and then the atmosphere suddenly became a little quiet, and you could hear a needle drop. Beyana's face slowly turned red, slightly blushing, until it turned into a burning cloud.

"Close your eyes!"

Wanzi waved his hand, and the obedient Shadow Night Cat immediately rushed to Ye Lin's head and covered his eyes with two fleshy little paws~

Biana quickly wrapped herself in her pajamas, her eyes averted and slightly shy. She did not comb her hair or tie it into lively twin tails after taking a shower.

Biana, who has shawl hair, unexpectedly has a little ladylike temperament, with a gentle and delicate temperament. She is completely different from that little kid.

Ye Lin slowly took a sip of orange juice, and then made a sound of "嘁~", making a sound of indifference and disdain.

I just ate the big cream cake from the eldest lady. I have no appetite for small pancakes like Beyana.

"What's your tone!" Beyana instantly got mad and rushed over with a squeal, her eyes popping out, believe it or not.

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