Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2629 Hello, I am from the demon world

The gray-blooded dragon that suddenly died in a strange way could never have been caused by Biana's ship-cutting knife. She was still lacking some strength.

Ye Lin suddenly remembered something that was not old, and asked carefully about the time of their duel with the gray-blooded dragon. It was indeed correct.

It was when he, Sophie, and Tana were all in the Dragon Clan.

The old patriarch Grebrien mentioned that there was an evil dragon who practiced ancient and evil secrets and tried to absorb his fellow tribesmen to make himself enter a stronger state. After discovering it, he immediately warned and hunted him, but he was allowed to die. Ran all the way.

Ye Lin traced the past time and saw the truth. What the other party said was true, so he smiled lightly and said, "Then he is almost dead." 』

"That is to say, the gray-blooded dragon must have been wiped out by my words." Ye Lin speculated, thinking that it should be close to ten, which immediately aroused strong shock and suspicion among the five people in the demon world.

With just a few words, you didn't really take any action, but you wiped out the gray-blooded dragon hundreds of miles away. It was true or false.

Biana's big eyes rolled again, and she said seriously first that I don't believe it, and then she said something else, "But..."


The turning point has occurred!

"Well, if you say that I can break through the source level tomorrow and really achieve it, I will believe you 100% from now on."

"Go to bed, and then concentrate on practicing. Don't keep thinking about pie falling from the sky."

After eating too much, the shadow night owl running around the room accidentally stepped on a plate on the table. The plate fell to the floor with a clang, and a piece of leftover beef pizza inside also fell down.

Ye Lin subconsciously reached out to grab the plate and pie and put them away silently, then the six of them and the cat fell into deep thought...

"That doesn't count. I bought this pizza." Ye Lin said.

According to the characteristics of cats, there is a half chance that the Shadow Night Cat is accidental, fate, or coincidence, and the other half is intentional because it is a cat.

Everything a cat does is reasonable!

Biana glanced sideways at Sugarcane, then immediately rushed behind him, strangled his neck with her arms, and shouted and threatened: "Say I'm super strong. I will win when betting on horses. If the lottery ticket is not empty, I will punch Kahn and kick Prey." .”

"Go away, just think about good things. I also want to have sex with all the ladies and beautiful ladies in the world."

There were enough empty rooms in the hotel, so I yelled at these five girls to go to bed quickly. The clock was already pointing to one o'clock in the middle of the night, but they still stayed here thinking about good things and were unwilling to work hard.

next day

The first moment Ye Lin opened his eyes, he took a deep breath. His body felt so uncomfortable. His neck was being strangled by a mysterious force. There seemed to be a heavy stone pressing on his chest. He had a suffocating feeling that made his eyes turn white.

"When did you guys come here..."

Pushing away the ball lying on her chest, she was not only awake but drooling at the corners of her mouth, sleeping soundly.

One of his arms became Beyana's pillow, and Beyana's arm was wrapped around his neck, as if she was holding a large plush doll, but the strength of the arm was a bit too strong.

Was she fighting with someone in her dream, trying to strangle someone?

Natya, Lily, and Bailey were also lying together in different positions. The bed was very big, and three or four more Lolita could sleep easily.

Were these girls sleepwalking last night? Feng Ying and Xiaoyu who were originally on the bed disappeared.


Yuena kicked open the door, holding up a pair of silver handcuffs, with a cold face, and said loudly: "We suspect that you are planning to gather a group of people... to lie down, and they are all girls. Now you will be arrested without hesitation."

"You're wronged." Ye Lin watched helplessly as his wrists were handcuffed. These girls must have been sleepwalking, and he didn't do anything. Their bodies were all intact.

"Every criminal and villain, when first arrested, will say a few words that he was wronged, and you did it early in the morning." Yuena deliberately lowered her eyes obviously, "You are very tough."


Ye Lin held a cup of orange juice and sighed leisurely, somewhat lamenting the vicissitudes of life, which attracted Mo Mei beside him to watch with laughter.

What a surprise, the boss would drink drinks other than non-girl juice when they were free, he was really worried.

"Forget it, Mo Mei, give me a drink."

After that, he was about to lift his cheongsam, but there were footsteps behind him.

"Admit it, I'm really charming." Biana came over with a smile on her face, and Sister Niwu helped tie her hair into twin tails.

The twin ponytails are tied up with two gemstone ribbons. The gemstones look like cat eyes, but because they stand vertically on the top of the head, they also look like a pair of frog eyes.

She completely lost the temperament of the quiet girl next door last night, as if it was just an unrealistic dream. How could Beiana be so well-behaved?

"Ah, yes, you group sleepwalking adventures have ruined my reputation." Yelin Chicken nodded.

Aiello and the others from next door are here to visit. They have the day off and don't need to work. They have no other acquaintances on Vara Island.

"A person from the God Realm?" Beyana had already heard the news about the resident next door, so she shook hands with Mu Ya, "Hello, I am a person from the Demon Realm."


Niwu almost spat out a mouthful of water. He seemed to have a sense of pride in his identity.

During the chat, Tana held up a detailed map of Vara Island and pointed out some places worth visiting and some places with bad reviews.

Money moves people's hearts, but not all locals are honest and well-behaved. People with evil intentions prey on tourists, hoard goods, use inaccurate scales, and exaggerate prices. There are many problems.

Celia said that she would remind the mayor of Vara Island, Taitole, that similar problems must be severely punished and put an end to them. The newly reborn Vara Island cannot be ruined and its good reputation cannot be ruined.

Mu Ya admired her, with stars in her eyes, "Wow, sister Celia is so handsome."

Being able to talk directly to the mayor with a high status and make suggestions was very cool and powerful in Mu Ya's opinion.

Bara put her hands on Mu Ya's shoulders and smiled: "The Jin tribe has the power to manipulate metal, and they also have a gentle heart that is contrary to hard metal. They have produced many excellent philosophers and thinkers."

Philosophy is a profound science that uses people to understand people, people to know people, the connection between people and the world, and the study of the laws of the world to find ideological breakthroughs and enlightenment.

Among them, communication and conflicts between people are an important branch of philosophy. High status, low status, leaders, common people... are related issues that the Jin people often think about.

So Mu Ya felt that Celia was really powerful and had a high status, but she didn't put on any airs at all and was very friendly.

Wanzi asked curiously: "Jin clan, do you have the ability to manipulate and find metals?"

"Almost." Mu Ya nodded.

"Then can you find the gold mine hidden under the earth?" Biana's mind suddenly became alive again.

"I'm not very good at it. Only the very powerful Jin clan can accurately identify the types of ores underground."

Mu Ya waved her hands shyly. She couldn't do the great power of finding gold and refining it, but it was quite common to pick up gold coins outside.

"Mu Ya." Bayana held the other person's little hand tightly and encouraged: "Come on, practice hard, we will definitely find the ores buried underground, and it is our responsibility to let them see the light of day."

The weather on Vara Island is a bit gloomy today, and it will rain in tourist areas, but it cannot stop the tourists coming and going.

Shopping, shopping, eating some delicious food, and cold drinks suitable for summer, the beautiful summer retreat is too much of a waste.

In the evening, during the dinner party, Bara asked in anticipation if she could show us the Seal of Heaven. Every person in the God Realm would yearn for this legendary thing.

Xiao Su took out the Seal of Heaven, a bright and dazzling ball of light. Its appearance sometimes changes, but it is essentially a magic book that records the magical mysteries of Mal, Ye Lin, and the ancient hermit. There are some mysterious secrets.

"Come here." Ye Lin said in a gentle tone and waved, coming over to show me the identity of his previous master.

However, the Seal of Heaven remained motionless, as stiff as a ball of ice.

"What the hell, I've taught you the rules of the Circle of Creation, white-eyed wolf... By the way, you have spiritual consciousness, can you change your body, can you turn into a girl?"

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