Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2649 It’s better to be my brother

Since when did you guys have exactly the same math level and got exactly the same scores on the test? You have no cheating experience at all and you don’t know how many answers to change.

"Huh, can that be called cheating when it comes to scholars?" Beyana immediately pouted and retorted, and then said something difficult to understand. What does it mean to be in the same boat, help each other, and have a spirit of friendship, which embodies great humanistic care? .

Yelin and Niwu rolled their eyes together, you just don't use your strength for the right purpose.

Niwu pays more attention to the cultivation of realm strength, so he turns a blind eye to Beyana and the others' little tricks. That's it, the results are out, and they can still review for a year.

Now that we have the confidence to graduate successfully, several of us walk with great energy and arrogance. The rules of this campus and Principal Shalan’s Five Fingers Mountain can no longer restrain us. The vast world is outside. .

The graduation ceremony was held in the auditorium of the magic school. Principal Sha Lan wore an elegant blue dress, with a graceful figure and a magnetic and charming voice.

The flower of the high mountains on the west coast is the most gorgeous, and the mature and sexy beauty revealed all over her body, the charm of the royal sister, cannot be compared with those young and immature little girls in the movies.

There are distinguished guests in the front row seats. Queen Skadi, who has a noble temperament and beautiful appearance, also attended the graduation ceremony.

The establishment of the magic school was the result of her and Queen Meia's joint efforts. So far, the impact has been good and the results have been considerable.

It is of extraordinary significance for deepening the relationship between the two races and countries.

Principal Sha Lan took the stage and first expressed her heartfelt congratulations to every graduating student and wished them a bright future, smooth sailing and greater success.

"I believe that the power of magic is unlimited, and your future is also unlimited." Principal Shalan's eyes seemed to light up a little, reluctant to leave, and then she began to read the names of the graduates amidst warm applause for the award. .

The well-known magic school in the continent of Arad has a very small number of students each year. It's not because there is a quota limit, but because it really can't recruit people.

Some children only have a little bit of magic talent, but unless a lot of resources are dedicated to cultivating them, they might as well learn swordsmanship, fighting skills, or do other jobs.

So even if students are asked to go up on stage one by one to receive their graduation medals, it won't take a lot of time.


Principal Shalan put a medal symbolizing graduation neatly on Natya's chest, then gave her a gift box with the school badge printed on it, and said with a smile:

"Natya is one of my most proud students. She has outstanding talent and adventurous spirit. She once stopped at the Tower of Death in the Canyon of the Dead and defeated many adventurers. She is famous."

Natya's naturally pale little face was slightly red, but the truth was not like that.

She was sent by Principal Sha Lan to the Canyon of the Dead to investigate. After entering the Tower of Death, she was temporarily lost and could not come back. She wanted to attack everyone she saw first, but was later brought back by Ye Lin.

The final award ceremony is basically just a compliment. After all, everyone has graduated and it will be difficult to see each other again in the future, so why mention the shortcomings.


Principal Shalan put her hands on Beyana's shoulders and said with a smile: "This child is the most naughty student I have ever encountered in my career as a teacher. Although it makes me worried in many ways, he has extraordinary qualities in many aspects." With imagination and talent, it can be said that geniuses always have some unique quirks..."

"Principal~ Woohoo, I'm so touched." Biana's big eyes, which have always been heartless, were full of emotion. So this is how I feel in your heart.

She began to feel a little regret for what she had done in the least now.

"Okay, get down quickly. I can't think of words to praise you." Principal Shalan returned a meaningful look. I thought for a long time last night to find a way to praise you.


Biana pouted and walked off the stage holding the medal gift box. Inside the gift box was a set of mass-produced rare-quality magician uniforms, which was the last gift to the graduates.

The ceremony continued, and the graduates came on stage one after another. They were praised by the principal and given gifts. Many of them burst into tears on the spot.

Until the last student, the chief graduate of the magic school.

"She came from the cold snow-capped mountains in the north and traveled thousands of miles to study here. I was very touched. This is also the highly consistent spirit of peace between our Queen Meia and Queen Skadi of the Principality."

"Mintai from Ston Snow is this year's top graduate. Her scores are among the best, and she is well-deserved for the first place. ..., not only Bellemare, Ston Snow, I hope that in the future Magical flowers can bloom all over Arad.”

Mintai not only has a high-quality uniform, but also has an additional artifact-level staff called "Light of the Moon".

After the graduation ceremony, Queen Skadi and Principal Shalan had a private chat over a cup of tea, discussing whether to expand the scale and method of enrollment.

Beyana and her group rushed out cheering, and shouted to Ye Lin that we were not going home for dinner at night, so there was no need to leave chopsticks for us.

Niu hesitated for a moment, sighed, and let them go.

Mintai's brother Rabina laughed. Although he was a man of brute force and had little education, he also knew that little Mintai from the Bantu ethnic group had won the proud first place in the principality's school, outperforming the principality's students.

Bantu names shine brightly in Bellmare.

Mintai chose to stay in school to further his studies, and Rabina and the entire Bantu community were very supportive.

"Mintai." Ye Lin gave a beautifully wrapped gift box to Mintai and said, "Congratulations on graduating with first place. This is a congratulatory gift for you."

Inside the gift box were some beautiful jewelry that contained powerful magic. Although Mintai was still a student, she was completely different from before. She was the senior sister of the students and the teaching assistant of Principal Sha Lan. She already had a trace of an adult temperament.

"It's so beautiful, thank you, brother." Mintai's pretty face flashed with surprise, and she held the gift in her arms. Her pair of lake-blue eyes were filled with smiles, and she was almost able to speak.

Rabina slapped her forehead, but she accidentally forgot and didn't prepare a special gift for Mintai.

Now the way Mintai looks at his brother is a hundred times gentler than when he looks at his biological brother. Mintai will never go back.

Ye Lin glanced at Rabina proudly, changed the subject and asked, "Rabina, what do you Bantu think of the secret summoning technique that Mintai brought back?"

Using the totem secrets of the Kuni tribe and the elf to exchange the secrets of summoning Katie was a bold attempt by Mintai. She had been sent back to the Snowy Land of Stone some time ago.

"It's difficult to use if you're not skilled at it. Only one person has established a good relationship with Snow Mandrill."

Some elders in the tribe did have objections, blaming Mintai for passing on the secrets treasured by the tribe, which would be detrimental to the future of the Bantu tribe and led to quarrels.

The previous clan leader, the extremely famous Master Gu Gulian, calmed the audience and scolded Xu Ancestor for being a secluded country in the past, and so was the Bantu clan.

It is because we have no strength and no confidence that we do not take the initiative in border disputes with the empire, and we have not yet been able to get a result that favors us.

"We promised to give an injured and homeless snowdrill treatment and food, and now that snowdrill has become a patrol guard of our Bantu tribe."

Rabina was eager to have a handsome snow mandrill as a mount, but her magic talent was really rubbish.

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