Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2657 Nocturnal thief parrot

"Dark Elf, you are perfect, so perfect, you are simply a creation of God!"

Hills has dyed golden hair, and the bangs on his forehead are like the tail feathers of a big rooster, very flaunting.

Although in the eyes of Ye Lin and others, this hairstyle is weird and too fancy, it is exactly the hairstyle that Hills is most proud of and proud of, and he wears this look every day.

Because he is probably the only one in the entire Arad continent with such a hairstyle. It is unique and is the fashion that Hills pursues.

"I've always wanted to style the women of the dark elves, but they all have cold eyes and don't allow strangers to come near. When I picked up the scissors, their wary eyes looked like they were going to chop me alive~"

Hills shuddered when he recalled their appearance, they were so indifferent, and then continued to walk around Gu Yu with admiring eyes.

He has a very perfect foundation. Both his facial features and figure are outstanding among the dark elves he has seen. His dark wheat-colored skin has a unique charm.

Hills has been to fashion exhibitions in Tianjie and is also one of the special guests of Tana's fashion magazine. He is very knowledgeable and experienced.

Snow-white skin colors are the same. In order to highlight the health and beauty of the figure, some women will brush a layer of olive oil on the surface of the skin to form a healthier and more energetic complexion.

But how can external cosmetics compare with natural skin color.

"Please let me do a styling for you, free of charge." Hills held up the eyeliner and hair scissors, eagerly.

Gu Yu thought for a moment and then sat down on a chair in the store, lazily saying, "Okay, if you don't look good, I'll kill you, Teacher Tony."

Because it's free, Gu Yu wants to try it. Even if the shape is bad, it doesn't matter. She is a transcendent and can restore it to perfection with just one thought.

Sears is very confident and confident. If you don't do well, you can choose ten sets of high-quality fashions in the store to take away.

On the other side of the boutique, Dalfi held a feather duster to clean the dust and chatted enthusiastically with Mo Mei and the others. They had known each other for a long time.

Through the ability to manipulate metal, Ye Lin easily sensed that there were at least ten different metal weapons under Delphi's maid's skirt.

She walked slowly and elegantly, with a smile on her face. She looked like a very good maid. However, the real reason was that if she moved faster, the weapons in her skirt would jingle together.

Dalfi's slim standing posture was also due to the weapon behind his butt, which made it inconvenient to sit down. He sighed: "Hiles's weird aesthetic can often attract attention at gatherings of nobles and celebrities, but he often muttered something difficult. To sink into the market of the masses.”

That is to say, his designs are suitable for some people in need. Those people often regard themselves as high-end front liners and fashion leaders.

But in the eyes of ordinary people, it is very strange and not cold at all.

Dalfi herself is not interested. She never wears clothes designed by Hills. The maid dresses she wears are all designed by herself.

Ye Lin felt the same way. When he and Celia got married, he asked Hills to do the styling. Hills strongly suggested that he dye part of his hair red. It would be eye-catching and festive!

Was rejected by Ye Lin.

So despite the fact that Hills has the reputation of being a big designer, it is actually normal for his boutique to not be able to sell a single piece of clothing for a few days... and part of the reason is because of the high price.

Fortunately, there are nobles who invite him to do modeling and contribute articles to Tana's magazine, so the overall income is still considerable.

But what worries Hills is not this, but why his design is not recognized by the public.

He prefers to be recognized by the public rather than by the nobility.

"Delphi!" Hills heard the maid's complaints and defended herself with a feminine and dissatisfied voice, "My signature is customization, you know, tailor-made clothes, the clothes hanging in the store are all ordinary goods."

"Hey, it's been more than half a month since I've asked you for custom styling and clothing. Can I still get my salary for this month smoothly?"

Hills, like the famous jewelry master Shipper, likes to use some special materials to express his superb skills and aesthetics.

But clothes are not jewelry. Jewelry can be worn by almost everyone and has wide circulation, but clothing has size requirements.

Dalfi informed that Hills recently used pure gold thread to outline a shirt, which suffered an alarming loss during the process. He also used six scales of a six-scale sea fish to make a skirt. Because there is a vague smell of sea, it has been Not sold.

This kind of sea fish has three larger colorful scales on each side of its body. The meat is delicious and each fish is expensive. Hills used hundreds of them.

During that time, Dalfi got tired of the fish, and then forced Hills to eat the fish, so don't waste it.

So Hills was making money and spending money, with a lot of capital flow and almost no savings.

"Dalfi, why don't you go to Miss Tana's place? I heard that she will give you three times your salary and include food and accommodation."

Hills thought this was a really good idea, and he counted on his fingers and said, "In this way, I can save a salary every month. Anyway, the store has no business all day long."

call out!

A flying knife grazed Hills' neck and cut off a bright feather on his clothes.

Ye Lin nodded slightly, and Dalfi raised his sleeve and the flying knife flashed, and his shooting speed was very fast, even faster than the average sharpshooter.

"Delfi, how do you know Hills?" Yuena asked with a smile. The combination of the battle maid and the paranoid designer was very strange.

Unlike Daphne and Roger the Producer, Mona and Celia at least have something in common with each other in the professional field.

People outside only know that Dalfi is a servant and bodyguard hired by Hills, and that the relationship is between a boss and a subordinate.

"This~" Dalfi changed his teasing and casual attitude, and felt a little nostalgic. He glanced at Hills, who continued to do styling, and said: "I used to be a street child. I often fought with people to fill my stomach. I used Bricks and sticks, just to fight for a little bit of leftovers thrown away by others.”

"Later, I met Hills, who was just a tailor. He gave me food and bought me disinfectant and hemostatic bandages. I took advantage of the situation to repay the debt and learn concealed weapon combat techniques. When he went out to look for materials, Acting as a bodyguard, still to this day.”

Dalfi shrugged lightly. The content of the story sounded a bit vulgar and a bit fairytale, but this was her real past.

They nodded slightly after listening. The simple words contained a sad past. Especially Yuena, who had similar past experiences, could better understand this kind of feeling of giving help in times of need.

Because of this, Yuena has special respect for the God who gave her light and salvation, and the evangelist who was willing to accept her and hug her. The latter has been in a small church in another place and is the bishop there. Yuena often Will go see her.

"But~" Dalfi changed his words, sighed deeply, and gestured with regret: "Ten years ago, Hills was a handsome and elegant young man with ideals and ambitions. He could make beautiful clothes and had many girls. I like it. But now he is a splendid pheasant, and he doesn’t even have a girlfriend.”

Past favors come back, and Dalfi has been very venomous when it comes to criticizing Hills.

Yuena, Mo Mei, and the others looked at each other and smiled. No matter how viciously Dalfi was talking about Hills now, that past time that belonged to them alone was the most precious treasure that could not be replaced.

"It's done!" Hills put down the scissors and breathed a sigh of relief. A highly skilled designer must also be an excellent barber.

He took off some of Gu Yu's colder personality, such as the decorative chains and spikes on his clothes. He took care of Gu Yu's hair, cut off some of the ends, and put on facial makeup to make his temperament softer.

Nowadays, Gu Yu has a delicate face, red lips and white teeth, and the hair hanging behind her back makes the parrot who uses the underworld aura more feminine like a royal sister. It is completely impossible to tell that she is a killer, and she prefers Ye Xingyi with the chivalrous spirit in the story. thief.

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