Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2671 Crazy Bear First Mate

You are not serious enough to eat a steamed bun filled with soup.

So do you have a longing for Nako, or is your shamelessness sublimated and evolved, and now as long as the shape and appearance are similar, you can get over and take a sip.

Ye Lin felt aggrieved, watching the last soup dumpling being eaten beautifully by Mailu, without even taking a bite.

The appearance is really similar. The soup dumplings are big and round, and the white dough and soup form a perfect and subtle elasticity.

To be more specific, the soup dumplings are not sisters Siatt and Mailu, who do not have delicious soup, but Alice and Nou.

"Liao, please compensate me!"

After saying that, Gan Cane buried his head in the eldest lady's arms and shook his head vigorously.

"I have a great appetite now and I'm hungry. I want to go home to find Alice's mother and Nuoyu's mother." Ganzhe raised his head and took a deep breath, almost suffocating to death, pretending to open the door to space and go home to grab food with his daughter.

Siatt held down his shoulders and stuffed a piece of dried Kraken Squid meat into his mouth as fast as light.

The part taken from the tentacles of squid has a good taste and is very chewy. People who like shredded squid may find it quite good and use this to temporarily satisfy their mouth addiction.

Qianying once half-jokingly, half-seriously suggested that Ye Lin's teeth, especially the two front teeth, be pulled out or smoothed to make them rounder.

The quirky little witch said she didn't understand and didn't care because she had no breasts.


The dried squid after the secret recipe tasted quite good, and Ye Lin was temporarily satisfied. The cold wind filled the cabin, and the cry of seagulls suddenly came from behind.

Everyone stared at a white seagull that landed at the top of the stairs. It had white feathers and a fat chest and abdomen. The seagull tilted its head, its eyes were quite intelligent, and it stared at the plate of French fries on the table~

call out!

The miniaturized Astra was as fast as an arrow, and it was so fast that it knocked away a seagull peeking at French fries, knocking off several of its feathers. The seagull flapped its wings and fled screaming.

The sea breeze that poured into the cabin seemed to have changed the smell. They understood it and quickly walked onto the deck.

Looking at the boundless blue sea, there was no trace of land, but I happened to encounter a fat bird with a mouth like a clamp and a slightly curved top passing overhead.

The big bird has soft white belly feathers and gray-black feathers on its back. It is plump overall and looks a bit silly.

Instead, the curator smiled knowingly and said, "If we are not approaching the Eternal Continent, there must be an island nearby for birds to inhabit."

The sea bird we just paddled is an albatross, a resident bird.

In other words, albatrosses do not migrate back and forth with the seasons, so the curator concluded that there is a mainland or an island for seabirds to live nearby.

Now it can be basically concluded that the legend of the Eternal Continent in the maritime world is true, and it is possible to send a message to Celia.

Astra, who was flying high, seemed to see something, then landed, and whined a few times in Sophie's ear. The latter nodded, pointed his arm, and said loudly: "Captain Sadomai, go to Sailing north!”

We had been together on the ship for a long time, and we had become very familiar with each other. Everyone teased him about using the title of captain for Sadumai.

"Oh, I forgot, she is practicing in the secret realm. First mate of Crazy Bear, please keep the right helm and move forward at full speed!"

The Crazy Bear in the bridge saluted in response, immediately turned the right rudder full, and went at full speed. Now the bear has learned to sail, and has mastered a new skill, becoming more versatile.

Sure enough, after continuing to sail for half an hour, the islands that gradually appeared in the sight made everyone's eyes brighten, and they were slightly excited. New things finally came into the unfocused sight.

As we get closer to each other, not only are there more and more rude seagulls, but we can also see petrels, albatrosses, flamingos and other common creatures on the khaki islands. Hermit crab with large shell.

The base color of the island's soil is a sand-like earthy yellow. Half of the terrain is a land of cliffs and black rocks, while the other half is covered with lush green plants, and the edge is a sandy beach.

Since he hasn't seen the real Eternal Continent yet, it's just an island, so Ye Lin didn't call Sadumai.

This island, which belongs to the Eternal Continent, is rich and novel in species, making the curator feel like a treasure.

She had already taken the lead in flying to the island with an ultra-high-definition camera, shooting and recording quickly along the way, startling many seabirds.

Only the seagulls kept coming closer and staring at the glutinous rice in Mailu's arms.

"The residents of the Eternal Continent have never developed this island." The curator concluded.

No trace of human activity has been found on the island. The seabirds and giant hermit crabs that live on the island quickly avoid the curator because her height is very threatening to them.

Sophie casually held down a struggling hermit crab. The blue pair of pincers had a few barbs, which were threatening but not very threatening. The bright yellow shell was relatively rare and belonged to a rare species.

They soon also discovered a turtle the size of a millstone on the island. It was a new species that they had never seen before. Their shells were different from ordinary turtles and were closer to the shape of snails. They also had several very long thorns growing on them. Long defensive spikes.

Ye Lin gestured to the position of the spikes, frowned, and said suspiciously: "Are the shells of this kind of turtle a special case, or are they all the same? The spikes on their backs are a physical obstacle, and it is almost impossible to mate unless they are in vitro. Fertilize, or break off.”

Before they could complain, Ye Lin said seriously: "This is noble wisdom and knowledge, an important problem in biology. You have eaten too many pineapples, so your mind is full of pineapple color."


Siatt and the others raised their eyebrows. We haven't hummed a single word yet. Why do these guys have the nerve to talk about us? Who were we eating pineapple for before? Didn't you order the number between AC?

The huge spiked turtle has retracted its limbs and head into its shell after being frightened. The spikes on its back are very conspicuous, and it is not suitable for the reproduction of the race in every sense.

And Ye Lin asked this because he had relevant experience, because the white-haired female demon Astros had long red spikes on her thighs and butt.

Unless some special movements are performed, the white-haired female devil must retract her spikes when she lifts her fat, otherwise it will be impossible to communicate in a simple and in-depth manner.

In order to solve this very important question, Ye Lin and the curator rummaged around the island's beach together, looking for more sample data to analyze.

"It feels so perverted." Yimiwu muttered, and two people, a man and a woman, were looking for turtles to see whether they were male or female on the beach.

"Ignore them, let's just wander around by ourselves." Siatt raised his forehead and focused on surveying the island's landforms and species, whether there are high-value minerals, etc.

Moreover, I have spent many days sailing at sea, and now I feel down to earth that is particularly real and cordial.

Yimi Wu took off his shoes and buried his feet in the sand to keep them warm. Then he walked along, kicking out two shallow ravines... "It hurts!"

The little witch fell to the ground miserably and kicked a big shell hidden in the sand with her toes. Yuena looked on happily.

On the other side, You Xia stopped, rubbed his eyes, and said in disbelief: "Merman shark! No, shark man, no, shark head man?"

On a beach about ten meters in front of her, stood a blue-skinned creature with a shark head and a tail that dragged the ground, but walked upright like a human and had four fingers... about the same height as a demon.

Although there are also stone beasts, gremlins and other humanoid creatures in the demon world, at least they are races that can live on land.

Sharks are sea creatures!

There is a big problem here. It means that sharks have evolved lungs for breathing and fingers that can use tools flexibly. This is a big leap in the level of life.

No wonder, Sister Yuena said that Enix, the guardian here, received a special gift from Remidios.

On the other side, Ye Lin and the curator finally found the female turtle. There were no spikes on the back of the female turtle, but they were larger and their shells were stronger.

"Curator, I heard that female sea turtles are always bigger than males?"

"That's right."

"I always feel like a big sister bullying a little boy..."

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