Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2678 Should I sell it for five yuan?

Is there a huge hole in the sky far to the west?

Sha Doumai subconsciously followed Sister Xiaoyu's gaze and raised her head at the same angle, but she could only see a beautiful sky with blue background and light wind and light clouds.

There is some big hole hanging down with majestic clouds and hurricanes.

Besides, isn't the world above our heads the heaven? If there is a super big hole, it can definitely be seen in the heaven. And if there is a hole, it means that the great magic circle is defective.

This problem suddenly became too serious.

Mo Mei cleaned the cabin, holding a wet mop, the sea breeze was blowing the ends of her twin ponytails, her face was slightly solemn, and she nodded and said: "I also saw a big hole that looked like a countercurrent waterfall, with chaotic magic, clouds and mist flowing backwards, and thunder and lightning shining. , even in the legendary realm, I’m afraid it will be difficult to escape intact after falling into it.”

The three things to do when coming to the Eternal Continent are to look for Enix, find three pets, and take a look at the "Kukai" in the divine world.

Kukai is a literal place.

The God Realm Continent is surrounded by a vast sea. There is a hole with an extremely long diameter at the edge of the eastern sea. It seems as if the majestic god has poked a deep hole downwards with his finger.

Storms and violent magical energy surged around the edge of the cavity, as well as a small amount of sea water and never-ending white thunder and lightning, intertwined and chaotic, forming this mysterious cavity.

Because it is surrounded by the sea on all sides, but the central location is particularly empty, so people in the world of gods call it "Kukai", and the meaning is simple and clear.

Sadumai was confused when he heard this. He was blinded and could not see any Countercurrent Falls or Kukai in the western sky. He couldn't see any trace at all, and finally gave up helplessly.

Ye Lin had warned her not to enter the Holy Spirit state casually, otherwise she would want to try again.

"From your description, it feels like there is a plastic sewer pipe between the two floors, connected to each other."

"This metaphor is really good and vivid." Mo Mei praised with a smile.

The stevedores have finished unloading the cargo and have all disembarked.

President Liebeck counted the number of carriages used to transport goods, and his eyelids suddenly jumped. How come there were so many? It was a rough estimate that they could fill an entire warehouse.

The ship in front of me doesn't seem to have that much space.

Forget it, having more goods is a good thing.

President Riback and the person in charge Siatt completed the transaction, verified the correct number, and calculated the value in detail. When "Sell Everything" returns to the Arad continent, it will be filled with specialties from the Eternal Continent.

Not long after, Yelin also came back. He and Ciri had a friendly and cordial conversation about Enix, and reached some consensus and agreements.

Probably tomorrow, the inland investigation team at Antana Port will conduct a second operation and try to advance inland.

This operation was of great significance and could not be missed, so Xi Rui privately asked Ye Lin for help.

However, Taryn, the leader of the investigation team, is an arrogant girl who does not trust strangers to bring positive effects. Her belief is that one stupid teammate is more terrifying than ten powerful enemies.

So you may have to operate in secret.

After unloading the cargo, the "Selling Everything" drove to the corner of the port to avoid occupying the position of other ships passing by. Xiaoyu had already set up tables and chairs for tea on the deck, and asked leisurely: "Xirui, how is she?" "

"Very good, knowledgeable, well-educated, responsible, slender, but a little bit incapable of dressing up."

Ciri's white-on-blue magician uniform outlines her slender figure, and the half-frame myopia glasses on her nose give her an impeccable and elegant look of a literary girl.

Only the two red braids were rather rough, thick, and heavy. On the other hand, the bunch of braids next to Satou Mai's ears were very delicate and delicate.

Moreover, Ciri gave him a soft and boneless feeling, as if the woman made of water could easily fold her knees to her shoulders.

"You really made a comment?!" Xiaoyu said in a strange tone. We just heard from Satomai that you left with a magician named "Xirui", so we asked so casually.

Qianying, Mavis, Mo Mei... everyone nearby looked as if they were used to it. Only Satomai held his forehead and sighed, seeming to be worried about something.


"This is fish-man scales, a very difficult material to obtain, and it also has three colored lines, which makes it even rarer."

The fat owner of a certain store spoke in a mysterious tone, as if the palm-sized scale in Yimi Wu's hand was a great treasure. If you want to buy it, hurry up. There is no store like this after passing this village.

The fish-man scales are indeed pretty to look at. They are unremarkable when held in the hand, but if a little sea water is sprinkled on them, they will reflect slightly brilliant colors in the sunlight.

But the store owner seemed to think they were being taken advantage of, and directly offered five hundred and thirty yuan a piece, which instantly made the three Demon Realm people roll their eyes. Did you deliberately leave us with room for bargaining with the thirty yuan? It's really Thank you.

Believe it or not, I will use a puppet needle to sew the scales on your body... From the heart of the little witch.

This kind of scales comes from the fish-men of the Eternal Continent. Regardless of whether they are male or female, their appearance is almost as ugly as the male mermaids in the heaven, or even a little uglier.

Satumei, whose dream of being a "mermaid" has been shattered, complained about the comparison between the two types of mermaids. Although the male mermaid in the heaven is ugly, at least his face is lively and lively, making him a fresh fish.

Although the mermaids in the Eternal Continent can live longer on the shore, they all have dead fish eyes...

And the scales of the mermaid are almost useless and can be used as materials for some low-level magic potions, but they will never sell for five hundred yuan each. Therefore, the boss in front of me looks chubby and kind, but in fact he is a complete profiteer.

However, mermaid scales are quite rare in Arad. They can barely be used as souvenirs and can be placed in a fish tank for decoration.

Yimi Wu raised the scale and prepared to bargain, and said, "If I buy more, can I get a discount?"

"Of course you can, how much do you want?" The chubby boss smiled and his eyes were filled with flesh.

"Five dollars, I want a hundred."


Xiao Su and You Xia couldn't hold it back. They squirted the drinks they had just taken into their mouths, coughed repeatedly, and the water choked their throats.

The price of five hundred yuan was outrageous. I thought it would be exciting if you got a 10% discount, but who would have thought to wipe out two zeros directly? When they saw the store owner's fleshy face turned black all of a sudden.

"Did you come here specifically to entertain me?" The store owner waved his hands in displeasure, telling the red-haired girls to go play and don't take up space in my store.


Yimi Wu put down the mermaid scales and turned around to leave. She had asked elsewhere and found out that the price of this thing was only twenty or thirty yuan, and the nicer and larger ones were only fifty yuan.

As for the three colorful patterns, it was purely a matter of the boss himself adding gold to it.

Although Antana Port is a refuge, it is precisely because of this that the people who fled originally gathered together, and the total number of people is still terrifying.

Moreover, the infrastructure is complete, order is basically stable, there are frequent exchanges with other ports of refuge, and the currency system has not yet collapsed.

Ciri has explained this point. Those monsters don't seem to be very willing to go near the sea, so the residents of the Eternal Continent basically live along the coast.

However, barter transactions were also carried out, in which food and weapons were hard currencies.

"Oh haha~"

The little witch's eyes suddenly lit up, she waved to Xiao Su and You Xia, and walked quickly to a store. Facing a familiar figure, she used magic to imitate Sophie's voice... "Puff?"

"Boss Sophie?"

Puff and Little Toni were frightened together. When they turned around and found it was Yimi Wu, they were relieved.

Puff showed a bright smile with big white teeth, "Long time no see."

"Well, long time no see, Puff, you can really run away... Where is my servant Brona?"

"It should be over there in the crystal cave." Puff told his teammates honestly.

Puff brought up the past. When the three of them arrived in the Eternal Continent, they couldn't find the fourth giant dragon, the black dragon Kedrach, after searching for a long time. They simply enjoyed life.

Among them, Breonna was extremely unlucky. When she was crossing the sea, she had to take a boat all the way because she couldn't fly. Then the boat encountered a storm in a sea area and unfortunately hit a rock and sank.

Brona almost drowned and lost three tails in a row. Ninpa and Puff fished her out from the bottom of the sea and poisoned a large piece of fish.

Amoxistas, the evil elf in the Crystal Cave, has the ability and behavior to absorb the souls of living creatures.

At the same time, the Crystal Cave produces a kind of crystal that is very effective in soul power. After Blona found out about it, she ran to compete with the other party for territory.

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