Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2680 It may be used for pesticides

These two money-losing foodies and Tana are both dragons, but their appetites are not at the same level.

Tana, the Blue Guardian, not only eats about the same amount of food as ordinary people, but also pays attention to a balanced diet of meat and vegetables.

Sai Fufu is clamoring to lose weight every day, but Tana almost never mentions losing weight. She is obviously very confident in her figure.

She does have a slender waist and long legs, and the good points are also bulging forward and backward, with regular curves, a pure temperament, and a little bit of charm.

Sophie and Puff are different. They hate eating vegetables very much, and then they grab meat products and stuff them into their mouths, seeming to have a big "empty sea" hole in their stomachs.

You must know that a perfectly formed beef thigh that is full of color, flavor and flavor requires the chef's exquisite skills. After a long period of marinating and precisely controlled heat barbecue, it takes several hours to be served to the table.

But Puff and Sophie only need a few minutes to wolf down a beef thigh, and the oil and water on the surface of the bone can be wiped clean.

Even if the eldest lady gave birth to three heads and six arms, she still wouldn't be able to withstand two losers.

"As for you, from now on you can either eat raw meat, which is faster, or follow me and learn to cook." Siatt spoke coldly, and at the same time dragged a dragon knight with one hand to throw it into the trash can. He didn't want to raise it anymore, he couldn't afford it. , those who can afford it should pick it up.

Little Toni and Astra were trembling even more. They huddled in an inconspicuous corner and tried hard to hide their bodies, but it was obviously useless...

"You two come here too!"


Astra and Little Toni both tightened their tails~

"We don't want to eat raw meat. We were wrong." Sophie and Puff begged for mercy together. They ate a little too much and drank a little more wine tonight, so they asked for more.

In fact, it is not a problem to raise two dragon knights and two fighting partners at home, or even a whole dragon knight formation.

The eldest lady likes to cook, and there are people who help her.

But the two of them were overjoyed to see each other again after a long separation. They drank several bottles of liquor with rice cakes, and then they didn't know their last names and asked for one after another.

I ordered the meat not to be overcooked. It should be fresh and tender but also cooked well. Sometimes I want this flavor, sometimes that flavor. Add more chili pepper, more cumin, sprinkle some chopped green onion, not coriander...

Then I was punished by the angry Siatt, who asked for so much, believe it or not, I put you two in the pot.

Siatt stopped slowly, let go of the two losers, turned around and looked down, and said: "Then, can you learn to cook from me? You can do it yourself and have enough food and clothing."

"Yeah, okay."

The two of them shook their heads, and agreed quickly to wait until tonight to calm down, and then say something nice to Siatt. The eldest lady was soft-hearted.

"Go and clean the dishes and chopsticks for tonight's dinner, and then each of you can eat a head of lettuce."

"Okay, okay~"

Sophie also poured a cup of Coke for Siatt, and you drank it to calm down.

Everyone who had been watching silently couldn't help laughing as they watched the two dragon knights walk into the kitchen. They secretly sighed that only the eldest lady could handle the two of them easily, but Sophie dared to talk back to her old mother.

Then I heard a clinking sound in the kitchen, and it seemed like a plate was broken.

next morning

The port of Antana entered a very lively and exciting atmosphere, and the residents who gathered were crowded and crowded.

Various voices were noisy and the discussion was very lively. The news that the inland investigation team was going to take action today had spread.

President Liebeck and some highly respected seniors are seriously discussing the matter of the inland investigation team, putting forward some new ideas and making final improvements.

Ciri from the library has provided the most detailed map of the Eternal Continent in her collection. Because of her outstanding magical power, she will also join the outback investigation team as a member of the accompanying team.

The goal of the inland survey team is the Golden Plains in the south, where the terrain is flat and the soil is fertile. It used to be an important food-producing area in the Eternal Continent, but was later occupied by the barbaric orcs.

Taking back fertile land and ensuring a bumper crop next year is the superficial slogan.

Awakening the ancient stone giant "Agnat" sleeping in the Golden Plains and re-entering the control instructions is the primary and secret mission of the inland investigation team this time.

Riback believed that only by regaining Agnart's strong combat effectiveness could everyone gather their fighting spirit and confidence to formally launch a major counterattack in the inland areas.

The leader of the inland investigation team is Ciri's friend Taryn. She is tall and well-proportioned, and her blue eyes are as pure as the sky. She is wearing a long-sleeved off-shoulder shirt and gray-black trousers. She is now full of fighting spirit, even though She is only sixteen years old.

The inland investigation team was divided into two groups. One group was led by Tarin and ran directly from the port of Antana to Agnate's sleeping place. The other group was led by President Riback and went around the sea.

The sounds in the port slowly calmed down, and then in a solemn atmosphere, the two investigation teams left the port of Antana.

"They set off." A book with very old paper appeared in Ye Lin's hand, he flipped through a few pages and said, "Agnat is a giant machine that appeared before Kedrach."

"Isn't it a stone giant?" Mo Mei was confused.

"Well, no, it looks like a huge stone giant on the surface, but inside it is precision gear machinery. The Eternal Continent hundreds of years ago was very special."

It is very similar in nature to magic, the ability to use combined machinery in a magical world.

"The power source is geothermal heat deep in the earth. The energy is condensed into one body and sprayed instantly, which can eliminate pests in a large area..."

That's right, looking at the introduction of this ancient book, the ancient machinery that Antana Port has high hopes for now seems to have been used for agricultural production in the past. It sounds like it is used to spray pesticides.

"Why do I have a sense of déjà vu? Next, I want to mention someone..."

Ah sneeze!

Far away in the courtyard of the Celestial Princess, Raphael, who was doing daily training, sneezed and muttered: "Maybe it rained suddenly during the morning training and I caught a cold from the rain."

President Liebeck's team set sail, and Tarin and Ciri's teams also rushed to the Golden Plains. When leaving, Ciri kept looking back for Ye Lin's location, and a warm voice came from the crowd... "In case of danger, Just call me by my name."

"Ciri, what are you looking for?"

"Take a look at the Antana Port." Ciri gently held her delicate glasses on the bridge of her nose with her fingers and said with a gentle smile: "If everything goes well, we won't have to live in the Antana Port in the future. Tarin, do you want to live there in the future?" where?"

“As long as the land is ours, we can live anywhere!”


"Let's go directly to the Golden Plains and take a look at the ancient machinery. There may be some traces of the divine world."

Ye Lin opened the door to space in a deserted place and descended directly to the golden plain. The full name of the ancient machine sleeping here is "Agnat-C".

My guess is that it may be its model, or it may be a sequence of mass production, or it may not make sense, just add a number to make it look better.

For example, Iqi's "MK" magic machine. MK has no meaning. It's just that Iqi thinks the name is cool.

I have a cold and am not in good condition...I have used a lot of snot paper.

As an additional piece of knowledge, the magic machine MK-2 that Iqi used to participate in the second Demon Realm League is actually the nickname of the illustrator of Iqi's storybook... and is a private product.

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