Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2683 The Invincible Bear

Agnut Bear-shaped, looks very weird, but if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem impossible.

The Eternal Continent has experienced a painful disaster in which residents were hunted down by monsters and displaced. Many ancient books and materials have not been preserved, and the inheritance of civilization is almost discontinued.

Only part of the library managed by Ciri remains.

Since the powerful Agnart can be used to cultivate land, there is no reason why it cannot be in the form of a bear.

"Hurry, some orcs have heard the noise and are coming to us." President Liebeck suppressed the suspicion in his heart and couldn't care so much now.

Not long ago, Antana Port experienced a monster siege. After investigation, it was found that the reason for the siege was because the rude orcs did not know how to farm and did not store food. If they are full today, they will not be hungry today.

The race could not restrain its desire to multiply, so a food crisis broke out.

Their goal in attacking human settlements is to seize food, not rice, flour, oil and salt, but some kind of bipedal creature over one meter tall, which happens to be an excellent and abundant food, two-legged sheep.


With curved horns on its head, an extremely burly upper body and bulging muscles, the ogre, which is generally two to three meters tall, wields a heavy club and rushes towards the delicious two-legged sheep.

In the Golden Plains, ogres are undoubtedly the top of the orc race. They have great strength and their fur is durable. Two or three fully armed non-cultivator adult men are no match for one ogre.

A soldier with a nervous face took out a tightly fitting jade box from his arms, his hands trembling. Inside the opened jade box was a group of amethysts the size of a baby's fist, blooming with a soft and beautiful light.

This is energy amethyst excavated from the crystal cave in the west of the Eternal Continent. The yield is extremely low and the value is expensive.

According to ancient books, energy amethyst is used as a backup energy source for large machinery, because large machinery generally absorbs geothermal heat.

But when the monster mutated hundreds of years ago, the geothermal energy suddenly disappeared.

The crazy bear disguised as Agnut blinked secretly, and there was still something to eat. The energy of amethyst was very pure and the bear could absorb it.

The invisible puppet silk held the energy amethyst, and slowly flew to the mouth of the crazy bear. He chewed it and it was crunchy. The energy was very pure and high-grade, and the bear was very satisfied.


Like the migration of a herd of bison, a deafening noise echoed across the land...

"Defense, line up! The ogres are coming."

President Liebeck shouted, drew his sword and threw out a sword light, cutting an ogre in half from the middle. The blood and internal organs rolled out, showing the rich "connotation" of the ogre.


In the first violent collision, a warrior was thrown away by the ogre's giant club. The heavy wooden club hit the defensive shield. The huge force sent him flying more than ten meters away and rolled several times on the ground.

He coughed up blood from his lungs, broke his arm, and lost his ability to fight.

A nearby ogre raised a big stick and hit the warrior on the head. This position was not delicious, it was full of bones, and blood was about to splash on the spot...

"Agnat-Crazy Bear, activate!"

Crazy rocket punch!

Crazy Crazy Bear's mecha-covered fists were suddenly like discharged cannonballs. In just a blink of an eye, he knocked away the stick-wielding ogre. A clear sound of broken bones could be heard. When the ogre fell to the ground, he was bleeding all over. A puddle of mud.

The Crazy Bear wearing the remains of Agnut stood up majestically. His tall and burly body cast a large shadow on the ground. The cold and flashing armor showed the charm of metal defense. He also punched the death food. The power of human demons.

This is the hero Agnut, agricultural machinery, absolute security.

It was the first time that Sadumai witnessed a bloody battle up close and personal, and he was excited. His whole body became slightly hot, and some kind of passionate melody kept echoing in his ears. The current Crazy Bear is a hero, a giant of light, and a morale booster. benchmark.

She has the urge to fight alongside the Crazy Bear!


Siatt poked Mie Yelin's phone with her finger, and the exciting melody stopped abruptly. Don't give others random BGM.

Liebeck took out a magic crystal stone. When agricultural machinery obeys instructions, it needs a medium to communicate. He wants to issue new instructions to Crazy Bear.

Protect the port of Antana and destroy the enemies.

Crazy Crazy Bear ignored him at all and didn't know about the media.

Crazy bear crashes!


The earth trembled violently, the flowers and grass trembled, the stones on the ground jumped up, and Liebek and his party even fell to the ground.

Where Crazy Crazy Bear landed, several ogres sat to death, then opened his mouth and spat out a stream of black flames containing the breath of the dark moon, turning several ogres into ashes.

The order given to it by the little witch was to disguise itself as Agnut and then destroy the orcs on the Golden Plains. Crazy Bear worked very hard.

Boom, boom…

The Crazy Bear transforms into a bear war god, with infinite punches and kicks. It can kill an animal in ten steps. No ogre is its enemy in one go, and it has killed dozens of ogres in just a few minutes.

And no ogre has a complete body.

The survival instinct of living things made the ferocious ogres fearful. His legs trembled, and he dropped his weapons and fled howling like a ghost.

Some ogres will pick up the corpses of their companions when they escape. Of course, this does not mean that civilization has evolved to the stage of helping each other, but they just carry them back to fill their stomachs.

Liebeck and his party were completely stunned. Looking at the bloody golden plain, a huge question arose in their minds... How did our ancestors lose hundreds of years ago.


The crazy bear got angry and ran in a certain direction with heavy steps...

In the dark, Satumei, who was awake because the BGM stopped, rubbed his eyes and murmured in surprise: "Is he still the same bear who can only sweep the floor, wash dishes, make tea, and buy groceries..."

You don’t have to have the little witch, but you must have the crazy bear~

When people were joking about it, they seemed to have inadvertently ignored its original name... "Crazy Bear"!

"Hmm, Crazy Bear used to deal with countless rude intruders in the Forest of Dolls." The little witch put her hands on her hips proudly. How about the bear I made?

"It's really unfair that Crazy Bear follows you." Yuena clicked her tongue.

On the other side, Tarin's inland investigation team encountered greater trouble. The awakened ogre king blocked the way, as well as several smaller ogres.

Its burly and terrifying body seemed to be moving like a tall building. It held a full-metal stick in its rough-knuckled hands. The thick hair on its body showed a dark red stained with blood. When it was angry, it sprayed two streams of white air from its nostrils.


The stick smashed a big tree where two people were hugging each other. The ogre king was chasing the inland investigation team, and it had already caused attrition and some people died.


The light of magic appeared between Ciri's hands, which immediately slowed the ogre's speed down a notch. He could not move his legs or run, as if he was stuck in a deep quagmire.


Ciri's pretty face was solemn, she gritted her teeth hard, and a dark gray light flew out from her hands, instantly hitting the ogre's hairy body. The latter roared like thunder, and the left knee joint was torn open and bleeding.

This is a relatively powerful ancient magic she has mastered. A creature in the same realm that is hit will instantly break a bone at random. If the opponent's strength is low, the whole body will collapse and die on the spot.

As luck would have it, the Ogre's kneecap was broken.

Ciri felt slightly dizzy. This magic consumed a lot of energy and she needed a moment of rest.

"Ciri! Be careful."

The panting Tarin shouted anxiously, and with a flying kick, she smashed the tree debris that the ogre threw at Ciri. The guy went crazy from the sting and began to use all the weapons around him.


The Ogre King smashed the iron rod in his hand at Ciri. The heavy giant roared in the air, like a meteorite falling from the sky, cutting off the sun's rays and casting a shadow of death.

From the side, another huge figure suddenly rushed over, moving like a strong wind and thunderous, hitting the thrown stick with its shoulder, and then rolled directly to the ogre king, raising its huge fist.

Boom, boom...

The two giants were almost the same in size. Crazy Crazy Bear easily crushed them one-sidedly and violently punched the ogre, blasting it to pieces on the spot.

Leaving behind the body of the Ogre King, the Crazy Bear attacked the Goblin settlement and the wild boar tribe again, destroying everything along the way, becoming invincible and invincible.

At sunset, the golden plain reflects a large blood-like light.

In the end, the crazy bear opened its legs and jumped into the sea...

This is also Ye Lin's notice. He has just found the remains of agricultural machinery -A and -B, which can be rebuilt into a new Agnat, and Crazy Crazy Bear can retire.

first half of the night

Just as Shirley, Liebeck and others gathered together to reflect deeply on the day... Crazy Bear was wearing an apron at night and helping to wash the vegetables.

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