Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2690 A little trick to stand out

In the early morning, Yuena's long gauze dress was elegant and refined. Her unpainted face was like a hibiscus, her eyes were bright and her lips were moist. She sat at the breakfast table and picked up a sandwich. While chewing, she said: "As for the residents' survival plan, please don't ask for foreign aid." It’s embarrassing, as long as Ribek and the others understand that we are indeed friends with no ill intentions.”

Cut, the short winter melon in the abandoned house, what did you do last night and you haven't gotten up yet.

Yuena woke up neither too early nor too late today. After a simple wash, she was able to catch the last breakfast sandwich made by the eldest lady, but the delicious black tea in the porcelain pot was gone.

As for the parrots, milfoil, rice cakes, imiwu, etc. that have not yet gotten up, you can skip breakfast and make up for it with pastries or at noon.

What Yuena means is that everyone will help Eternal Continent to deal with the more difficult and legendary monsters, and the subsequent reconstruction and development will be left to them to use their own time to repair.

Otherwise, it would be too troublesome to follow their long and slow progress, bit by bit, and take two or three years to slowly figure it out. Celia's business projects will all fall into dust.

Mo Mei's hair had not yet been tied up into buns and twin tails, and was hung casually behind her back. She made a feasible suggestion and said: "First find seven soul-sealing stones to awaken Enix, so as to give Ribek and the others some participation. feel."

"Well, I will talk to Xirui and the others." Ye Lin also agreed with their opinions.

As for Ciri and Taryn, they are ardent admirers of Enix and wouldn't mind.

"Good morning, everyone." Satomai was in good spirits. She came to the dining room from the bedroom with her clothes and hair neatly dressed. Her daily life was very refined.

What a surprise. The interior space of EX Dornier seems to be wider than what you see from the outside. Bedrooms, bathrooms, restaurants, bars... all the basic facilities are very complete.

"Good morning~"

Yelin smiled in greeting, his eyes lit up, full of deep appreciation. It's good. Today, Satou Mai's beautiful legs are white and slender, and she has become a good boy who has not worn out her civilization.

There was bread on the table. Ye Lin cut some ham slices, lettuce, and a slice of tomato, and made a simple sandwich for Satou Mai. This was a reward.

The triangular soft bread with the edges cut off is white and clean, and the traces of the sandwich in the middle are obvious, just like Satou Mai’s underwear today~

"Thank you! What were you talking about just now?" There was no more black tea in the porcelain pot, so Sha Doumai poured himself a cup of tea.

Satomai nodded, a little curious, "In fact, you can solve the existing troubles in the Eternal Continent with just one slap."

"That's true." Siatt smiled, shook his head and said, "But the meaning of adventure is not just to hone one's strength. Don't you find all kinds of incidents and monsters very interesting."

Don't forget the earth that once carried you just because you are so strong and so high in the clouds.

The excitement and pressure brought by monsters are just part of the adventure life.

Sha Doumai seemed to understand but she didn't understand. Her strength was low and she didn't need to think so much.

She turned her eyes curiously to Mo Mei, and after a while she said "Oh~"...

Today you don't have your buns tied into twin tails, and your temperament has changed, so you feel a little strange.


Mavis was also dressed neatly, and she still had the cool smoky makeup, but from a distance it looked like she had stayed up too late, with heavy dark circles under her eyes, and she seemed to be addicted to the Internet like Biana.

"As expected~" Mo Mei blinked and smiled. In fact, Mavis was the most "badly dressed" one in the team.

Everyone has a set of clothes that they like to wear, such as cheongsam, witch skirt, sword suit...but they also change into other clothes from time to time.

However, Mavis rarely changes her outfit. The black uniform is restrained and deep, and the hooded cloak wraps her uncombed hair, exuding a cold aura that keeps strangers away.

Her forehead bangs are too long too!

Qianying is also a fan of tight black leather clothes. The difference is that Qianying does not wear a hooded cloak and changes it to a long shawl coat, exposing her head and hair generously. The wearing of sunglasses highlights her beautiful fashion sense. .

"This outfit matches Sister Mavis very well, but I still want to see what her other outfits look like." Satomai finished her breakfast and seemed to be quite involved in fashion, chatting eloquently.

Girls should not have only one style of dressing up, they should have a variety of styles to show off their own style.

Sadomai gestured to Mavis, who had not yet sat down, and after asking for permission, took off her black hooded cloak, then tied all her hair behind her back, and then used cosmetics to dilute the smoke in Mavis's eyes. Smoked makeup and applied some bright red lipstick to her bloody black and red lips.


Ye Lin and others immediately applauded enthusiastically. The indifferent and black-colored Yu Jie suddenly gained a little elegant temperament. The black roses were in perfect bloom at this moment, with a unique temperament that makes people want to get closer, but they can also notice it. Don't let any stranger come near you.

"There is also a different mystery to the taste of clothes." Sha Doumai was very interested and pulled Mo Mei to make a metaphor.

The chest fabric of the black cheongsam wrapped Mo Mei very implicitly, and the style was very conservative. Not an inch of her deep career curves could be seen, and even her delicate collarbone was covered up.

However, the full and proud curve of justice on the chest of the cheongsam exaggerates the pattern of the fabric. Even without seeing its true appearance, one can already tell that it has a great mind.

Sometimes a well-hidden figure, trimmed by the curves of clothes, can highlight the charm of the figure better than deliberately exposing it.

Siatt has been silently listening to Sadumai's fashion theory. Whether it is tops, trousers, or various types of shoes, they are all very clear and logical, and there is no fault in them.

But why doesn't she know how to wear safety pants? This is common sense in clothing. Safety pants should be worn with short skirts.

And she also paid attention to Sadumai's dress. The back skirt was very long like an evening dress, and the front skirt was tied up with two drawstrings, causing the skirt to fall halfway on her white thighs.

Without those two drawstrings, Satomai's skirt would be 100% knee-length, and the style would be very conservative.

Immediately, Siatt suddenly thought of something. He glanced at his unsatisfactory sugar cane and raised his eyebrows slightly. Could it be... So that's it.

A fashion-savvy girl, delicate and clever, with sexy tips that make her stand out among many beauties.


Starlight Coast

The location is between Antana Port and the Blade Valley. The latter is said to be a valley, but it is actually a mountain range with many mountains.

Every night when the tide rises, the sand on the Starlight Coast is soaked in the sea water and shines as beautifully as the stars. The gorgeous scenery seems like the starry sky and the earth are upside down.

Ye Lin pointed out in a very disruptive manner that there was nothing special about the sand, just ordinary sand, but a strange type of algae living in large numbers near the Starlight Coast.

These algae emit a faint fluorescence at night. Some sea animals living near the coast feed on this algae, and then are eaten by predators. After the predators die, some are returned to the sea, and some rot on the shore.

After years of precipitation layer after layer, the current Starlight Coast was formed.

I was arrested in the last chapter...I was arrested just half an hour after it was published!

This is my second fastest capture so far.

The first quickest chapter is the chapter where Paris goes to Doris to get a facial mask and skin care...

"Let's see if it can be released tomorrow. I will try to make up for it."

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