Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2692 Rich connotations

"Excuse me, is it high tide time now?" Tarin reminded. A few minutes were not enough to make a pot of tea, and the high tide water was almost up to the calf.

The process of driving away the sea beasts was smoother than expected. The fire oil prepared in advance worked wonders and everyone worked very hard. Only a few unlucky ghosts were slightly injured.

Ciri's flame magic was even more amazing. Schleger, who had always looked down on their fantasy of "Enix", couldn't help but look surprised, frowning his old brows. Could this be that kind of "ancient thing"?

Because they say that the patron saint Enix has another name, the God of Fire.

However, everyone seemed to be immersed in the excitement of great success, communicating enthusiastically with each other, and clapping their hands to celebrate, without noticing anything unusual about the sea water at this moment.

Xi Rui was a little embarrassed by everyone's praise, and was even more amazed by Ye Lin's power. She thought for a moment and replied: "In this season, the high tide is around six to seven o'clock in the evening."

There were several coconut trees with slightly sloping trunks nearby, as well as strange-looking piles of dark black rocks. From the vague waterline above the rocks, one could barely tell the height of the sea water. When the tide was at its highest, it could reach their shoulders.

When Tarin asked the question, everyone couldn't help but shiver. A chill swept over Tianling Gai, and they noticed something was wrong.

Leaving the seawater that was already submerged up to the knees, we hurriedly climbed to a higher ground with a few others, and then looked at the sea with huge bubbles in the distance with lingering fear.


In the distant blue ocean, a large drum of dense water bubbles rolled up from the bottom of the sea. It seemed like a giant beast was breathing on the bottom of the sea. Then the ocean "swollen" with mysterious algae.

If the sea is regarded as a face, then now it seems as if it has been bitten hard by a poisonous bee, and a huge swelling has suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea that was soothing just now.


Xirui and others silently dubbed the ruptured swelling, as if an invisible knife cut through the swelling, and the bulging seawater fell in all directions with a crashing force.

The huge creature that emerged from the swollen and ruptured place instantly changed their expressions to one of shock, and they no longer had any intention of joking.

It was a shark head covered with blue exoskeleton, with a huge upper jaw and a smaller lower jaw. There were sharp gray teeth intertwined in the mouth, showing a fierce look, with a strong smell of deep sea rot and fishy smell.

However, everyone's expressions changed again, because that was not a shark head at all, but a crab's evolved, or mutated chelicerae.


Just like the muffled thunder at the bottom of the sea, the rough seawater surged upward again, forming a tsunami that rushed ashore and washed towards the Starlight Coast. Some sea beasts that had not yet left screamed and were crushed to pieces in the waves.

The terrifying giant sea beast revealed its true appearance. The huge back shell covered with water plants was like an island emerging from the deep sea. It had an ugly spider-like face, and its interlocking mouthparts chewed the body of a sea turtle. The shark head just now was clearly that of it. The left chela.

The most eye-catching thing is the back of the giant crab, which is inlaid with a deep purple bead. The diameter of the bead is about four to five meters, and its surface is smooth and transparent, like a round and flawless crystal ball.


Some people couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and their eyes began to look straight. This was the first time in their lives that they had seen such a big hermit crab. Did it hollow out a small island and crawl into it? Could it be the legendary sea creature? Demon siren.

"Fight!" Liebeck shouted, causing everyone to tremble and regain their senses. The hands holding the resin firearms were not so stable.

How can the fire of fireflies boil the ocean?

Schleger, the sand hammer, was the first to swing the one-handed hammer, his long beard flying, his burly and muscular body becoming a bit stronger again, powerful power flowing in his muscles, using some secret method of the sand hammer clan.

He faced off against the giant hermit crab head-on. When he raised his one-handed hammer, a huge shadow of a hundred-foot hammer appeared, and he smashed the opponent's shark head and claws with all his strength. The overwhelming force was like a giant cutting a road through a mountain.


The two collided, and the violently exploding air waves were like invisible knives cutting off the coconut trees on the coast, making a tooth-breaking sound when the tree trunks fell.

Schleger couldn't help but stepped back again and again, panting in his lungs. The straps binding his arms were broken by the bulging muscles, and traces of bruises and wounds appeared.

On the other hand, the giant hermit crab not only did not retreat, but began to land in a menacing manner. Wherever it passed, the waves surged like tidal waves, breaking trees and crushing rocks. The investigation team was almost suffocated by its fierce momentum.

"This beast is so strong." Schleger held down his right arm, unable to hide the shock on his face.

"It's Kurkra!" Shirley tried her best to stay calm and analyzed very quickly: "The Kurkra crab is characterized by its double claws, one large and one small, with a blue body, a spider-like mouth, and six crab legs. , so it can’t be wrong.”

Generally, the claws of crabs vary in size. They may have been pulled out by an enemy during a fight, or they may have intentionally mutilated themselves.

However, the race of the shallow sea crab Kurkra is different. Their race is born like this. The meaning of Kurkra in the Eternal Continent is "the disabled", which means that this kind of crab is born with less combat power.

But a problem arises. Generally, kulkra is excellent if it is half a meter in tastes pretty good.

"Did we eat too much Korkra and get retribution?" Schlegel laughed awkwardly.

"Probably not. The Starlight Coast wasn't like this before. This name only appeared in the past ten years." Tarin complained and said thoughtfully: "Could it be that Keldrach was tinkering in the water? What happened? It polluted the sea and mutated the little crabs into the big monsters they are now."

The stronger Agnut was activated, and the ancient agricultural machinery instantly turned into a violent wind that was hard to see with the naked eye. His fists collided with Kurkra's, and the metal collided with the bone armor head-on. With each blow, large sparks flew out, as if in the air. Blacksmithing.

It was worthy of being an ancient agricultural machine. It was obviously much stronger than Schlegel, and the power of its fists was as strong as Kurkra's for a while.

"It's strange, the bead on Korkra's back..." Ciri wondered if she had seen it wrong.

Occasionally, the beads shine with red light. In the light, although they are very blurry, they seem to have a human shape.

Korkra, who was entangled by Agnut, was very impatient. The huge claws that were raised high fell down, and a dazzling blue ripple started from it and spread in all directions, affecting a radius of ten thousand meters.

The mysterious ripples possessed incredible magical energy. Tarin, Liebeck, Schlegel and others were unable to resist, and fell to the ground, falling asleep on the spot.

Only Ciri, who has relatively strong mental power, was spared, which meant that the entire group was almost wiped out with one move.

"Hey, why did you fall asleep... It's magic." Ciri held her forehead with a weak sense of dizziness, guessing that it was the influence of the drowsy ripples just now, and a strong bad premonition suddenly arose in her heart.

Ciri's magic book glows, and she wants to use the magic of moving objects to move them to a safe place to escape the aftermath of their battle.

But a terrible accident happened. The magic power that used to be like an arm now collapsed like a plate of dry sand. She couldn't do it.


Korkra shook his huge claws again, and the ocean behind him was like a galloping horse, setting off a blue tsunami of astonishing height. Agnut was obviously unable to quickly and effectively solve his opponent.

"Oops." Ciri's face suddenly turned extremely pale.

The suffocating feeling of the oncoming tsunami seemed to mock their overestimation.

"The boss is very sad because at this critical moment, you never called his name once." A voice with a slight smile sounded behind Xirui.

Mo Mei has her bun hair and twin tails tied up, and her cheongsam flatters her curvy curves. Her eyebrows are picturesque, and she is naturally beautiful, more extraordinary than the stars.

She walked to Xirui with a smile, looked at the oncoming tsunami calmly and calmly, and slowly raised her white jade hands.

Ciri saw a scene that she could not imagine. The ocean, which was endowed with thickness, vastness, and infinite meaning, was actually wrapped in a layer of mysterious golden light and was completely lifted up!

The seawater is completely separated from the sediment on the seabed, exposing sedimentary corals and reefs that will never see the light of day.

Some shells were hidden on the bottom of the sea. The shrimps and crabs were dimly conscious, and for the first time they realized what the outside air was.

Because the huge mass shifted its position, a strong gust of wind was generated, which raised the hem of Ciri's conservative skirt.

Bad civilization!

The sweeping blue tsunami floated into the sky. The huge Korkra was tied with six crab legs by golden silk threads, and then fell apart in front of Ciri's eyes, revealing its rich "connotation". (End of chapter)

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