Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2694: Not enough shoe sizes

port of antana

President Liebeck stood at the height of everyone's attention, the warm sunshine shining on his golden gentleman's armor, and solemnly and loudly announced the good news that the Golden Plains and Starlight Coast had been recovered.

Now gather capable men and build fortifications at some key places.

The trophies brought back as evidence included the two huge horns of the Ogre King, the broken crab legs of Korkra, and a pair of terrifying eyeballs, all of which were hauled to the port of Antana.

Many people bravely pinched their noses, took a closer look, and then gave a thumbs up in praise.

I didn't dare to speak, the smell was so fishy.

The exciting good news shines like the rays of the sun across the entire port of Antana, coating it with a layer of joyful radiance and pouring into the ears of every resident.

The five voyage survey missions never returned, and the first inland survey mission also achieved average results. This is the first time that such a big victory and harvest can be achieved.

The lively tavern has hung up festive banners. From today until 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, some items are half-price, and all items are 20% off.

Those selling other food and merchandise also offered discounts and giveaways. Liebeck also planned to set off some brilliant fireworks to celebrate at night when the sky was completely dark.

What is even more surprising is that a ship has arrived from another port named "Naga" and is willing to join the counterattack plan at Antana Port.

They are all members of Schlegel's tribe. The Shachui tribe is naturally tall and strong with thick beards. They are good at blacksmith forging, and their counterattack force is growing.


Enix, who was in a deep slumber, was temporarily placed in Ciri's library. Ye Lin took the initiative to meet with President Riback, Shacha Schleger, and some well-known local people.

Schleger can represent Naga Port and the entire Sand Hammer tribe.

The meeting place is at the port office, a familiar place that can give them some confidence and security.

President Liebeck looked up at the clouds in the sky for a while, shrugged, and said in a joking tone: "Obviously we are in the Eternal Continent, our home court, but now it seems like we are the guests."

"Hmm..." Schleger responded casually, stroking his beard unconsciously, obviously absent-minded.

He was still thinking about the matter of Korkra, the mutated hermit crab that was as big as an island, and the power that he could not shake with a single blow, and how he ended up in such a miserable state.

Completely shattered!

The magician Ciri was always awake, and everyone asked her about it afterwards. However, Ciri's description was even more exaggerated. What golden light tore apart Korkra and lifted up the sea...

Of course Schleger didn't believe it, and muttered that the sea symbolized endless power, and the desert couldn't match it. How could it be possible to lift the sea... It must be that Ciri was also affected by magic and was dazzled by it.

But one thing can be confirmed, Korkra was eliminated by Ye Lin's team, and it is precisely because of this that with enough force, those famous people did not dare not give Ye Lin face.

Along the way, Schlegel was filled with the soliloquy of middle-aged and elderly people, his doubts about things beyond his own knowledge, and his sense of superiority due to his age and seniority.

Fortunately, although this attitude is slightly annoying, it is not a big problem and is not worth worrying about.

The port office is not Ribek's private office where the portraits of his ancestors hung before.

There is a long oval lacquered table in the room. At a glance, there are about twenty seats. In the corner of the room are some bookcases for collecting files and some green plants. It looks like an ordinary conference room. different.

Ye Lin and Sadumai sat on the right hand side of the front seat in advance, where they could see it as soon as they entered the door. They politely gave up the main seat to President Riback.

However, Liebeck, who was the first to enter, still had a subtle illusion. He became a subordinate who reported work, and the other party was an eclectic young boss.

No matter where Ye Lin sat, even if he was at the bottom, the initiative in his aura was firmly with him.

Present were Liebeck and Schleger, two awakened ones with wrinkles and gray spots on their faces and serious signs of aging on their bodies.

There are also four people who are quite famous in the port of Antana, two tall and thin middle-aged men, one is the administrator of the army, and the other is the most outstanding architectural designer.

There are also four people who are quite famous in the port of Antana, two tall and thin middle-aged men, one is the administrator of the army, and the other is the most outstanding architectural designer.

As well as two ladies whose faces also have traces of time, one of them is the best doctor in the port of Antana. She is plainly dressed and has a gentle face. She only has two ordinary jewelry, a ring and a necklace, and she smells of disinfectant.

One is a population movement manager at the port. He has a plump body and wears makeup on his face to retain the last bit of charm. You can smell a kind of jasmine perfume.

Ciri was supposed to be there, but she was pulled away by the curator.

After greeting each other, Captain Sadumai cleared his throat and repeated that he and others came from another continent called "Arad".

We bring a friendly attitude, peaceful goodwill, and expectations for future exchanges with all parties~

After finishing speaking, Sadumai shook her head secretly. She really couldn't learn this bit of official talk, so she just said it in her own words according to that meaning.

Liebeck and others who were listening in the room nodded and secretly complained. This subtle feeling of being anti-customer was getting more and more serious.

Please, who is the landlord here? Why are we listening?

They have completely believed that Ye Lin came from another continent. The evidence includes the magic Ye Lin taught Ciri and Tarin's fighting skills.

As well as their lifestyle and behavior that are incompatible with the Eternal Continent.

After some opening remarks, Captain Sadumai's task and mission ended immediately, because this was the only part she was responsible for.

Ye Lin gave her an approving look. Today, Sadumai put down the buckle that could pull up the hem of the skirt in front. The little dress with a white silk outer layer and a deep red skirt inside was fashionable and elegant.

The skirt that has fallen down now can cover the area below the knees. It is very subtle and ladylike, showing a ladylike temperament.

Sugarcane took a look after refraction, and saw that there was a package with bad culture, and safety pants that were present but not there. Sure enough, it was Satomai's little trick for girls, and he still stuck to it.

"President Liebeck, how long will it take for your plan to regain the entire Eternal Continent?" Ye Lin got straight to the point and brought up the most important topic.

"Well... assuming everything goes well, it will take about three to four years."

The words were vague and euphemistic. The key was that Liebek himself didn't have the confidence, so he allowed Ye Lin to take over the conversation and take the lead in asking questions.

Yesterday, Xiri told him that if Mr. Ye Lin and his girlfriends hadn't secretly helped to deal with the contaminated Agnut and the giant hermit crab, we would have probably been wiped out twice.

There are temporary doubts about Agnut, but the power of the giant mutant hermit crab Korkra was witnessed by everyone present at the time, and some even mistakenly thought it was the legendary terrifying sea monster.

"Is there any trouble? I mean the enemy. We are laymen in terms of life construction." Ye Lin continued to ask.


Sand Hammer Schleger had a loud voice, and the muscles of his right arm were still bruised. He suddenly became angry and said: "In the lost desert in the south, the Naga tribe who originally lived in peace with us gave birth to an extremely evil Naga King. The name is Saksha.”

The Lost Desert is the hometown of the Sand Hammer tribe. However, due to the influence of King Naga, the Sand Hammer tribe has been forced to hide on the edge and survive.

"And in the northwest, the holy beast Landus went crazy and drove away all the residents near the snow mountain..." The female doctor who spoke was the woman who frowned slightly and recalled: "A snow mountain resident I treated said , Landus shouted when he was mad... Enix."


Schleger subconsciously looked at her boots, but it didn't work anymore. The size of the shoes was not as big as her age.

Schleger and the others finished talking about the powerful monsters known to the Eternal Continent one by one, and instantly felt a headache, which was extremely difficult.

Antana Port is in a state of excitement and joy, but only they know that the prospects in all aspects are actually not optimistic.

Ye Lin nodded slightly, made himself a cup of tea, and gave Satomai a cup, and said: "I will help you solve all monster troubles, and even find Enix. As a condition, I need..."

Sadumai took out a printed document and distributed it to them.

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