Chapter 2703 "Ghost Catch" Game

God is a name for a state of power, and it is also a special concept.

If the king of a country can make the world peaceful, the country prosperous and the people safe, and the granary abundant, then the emperor is the god in the eyes of the people.

For a hungry person, if you lend a helping hand and give him a bowl of life-saving rice, then you are his god.

That's why Ye Lin said that Ciri's thoughts are slightly stubborn. Don't dwell on Enix's current image and power. You should focus on the great history and see everything she has done for the Eternal Continent.

Xirui humbly accepted his accusation, and after her thoughts were clear and relieved, her whole mental state became much more relaxed.

"Listening to your words is worth ten years of reading." Xirui smiled and used a phrase she learned from the curator.

As intellectual scholars who also love books, Xirui and the curator's interests matched very well, and they exchanged several signed books as gifts.

I heard that the director also had a majestic and huge library, and it was built on the back of a flying "big whale". Ciri's curiosity was like a lit match thrown into the high-concentration liquor, and she suddenly jumped up and down. high.


In the quiet night, there was a sudden sound of a window banging on the second or third floor of the History Library. The sound was very clear. Antana Port is a seaport. Affected by the temperature changes of the sea and land, there are winds during the day and night. Blow around.

"I'll go upstairs and take a look. They must have accidentally left an open window. You guys should go to bed early and see you tomorrow." Ciri smiled and held up an unlit magic spar lamp. Infused with magical power, it lights up with a soft, clear blue light that illuminates a radius of several meters.

The color of the magic spar lamp's light is related to the color of the crystal itself, and because the crystal veins are occupied by powerful monsters, the price of the spar lamp has been rising.

The weather in the harbor is always uncertain. If a sudden tidal wave blows in, it will cause great damage to paper books.

Xi Rui walked towards the spiral wooden staircase of the library with a lantern in her hand. She walked with slender steps and walked softly, like a flying swallow and a dragon, full of feminine grace.

"Let's go, Satomai, let's go back to sleep." Ye Lin put away the nutshell paper bag on the table, helped Xirui turn off the magic lamp, and put away the painted map. The clock hanging on the wall behind was almost ready. Pointing to twelve o'clock, the port of Antana also slowly entered the silence of the second half of the night.

"Hmm...?" Satou Mai's beautiful face froze slightly, and her mood suddenly became tense. She pinched the hem of her skirt with her fingers painted with pearly white nail polish. What you just said seemed to have a double meaning.

Combined with the recent chat between the curator and her, who was like a close sister, it was difficult for Satumei to tell whether he said it unintentionally or on purpose.

The port of Antana is very quiet in the second half of the night. There are not many places with lights on. The historical library is blessed with a natural quiet atmosphere, where the "souls" of those who write live.

Satomai's fingers were wrapped around a strand of hair caught from behind. The lady-style slim-leg boots she wore on her beautiful legs were made of hard soles, and there was inevitably a clicking sound when she walked.

Walking out of the first floor of the library, the twinkling stars in the sky cast a quiet and cold light. The EX Dornier placed in the backyard sank into the hazy environment, and some windows were still lit with light.

Sadumai knew that there was space magic inside EX Dornier, which was far wider than it appeared from the majestic appearance. It was even equipped with a drinking bar, a large bathroom, and a living room where you could roll around freely.

Back on the airship, Satomai asked for a glass of wheat juice and took a sip of it to his lips.

"Your explanation of God is refreshing to me. Can you describe to me the power of another God?"

That is the true divine level strength.

"Well, first of all, the basic performance is that it is not affected by ordinary time and dimensions, which means that God will never age. Due to his thoughts, He can reach any place where his thoughts spread, even your memory. have……"

"It's scary." Satomai took another sip of wheat juice, not quite understanding the subsequent descriptions of the universe, power, past, present, future, etc.

But what Ye Lin said is that the gods can appear in other people's memories and talk to them, which is equivalent to the entangled state of "past" and "present", and can even directly erase the memory carrier or the person who reads the memory in the memory.

It sounded so nerve-wracking and creepy that I couldn't sleep most of the night.

"For example~" Ye Lin snapped his fingers with a mysterious smile, "How do you know that the conversation you just had with me happened in reality."

"What's the meaning?"

Satomai was startled, then his eyes narrowed, staring at the ancient mechanical wall clock on the wall at twelve o'clock, with the second hand just moving half a circle.

It was almost twelve o'clock when she and Ye Lin left the history library. It was exactly twelve o'clock when they arrived at EX Dornier and poured a glass of orange juice. However, the story Ye Lin told was very long, at least five minutes of the story about God Realm. description of the person.

It's only twelve o'clock and thirty seconds now...

"Did you delay the time?" Sha Doumai has been to the secret world.

Wait, she suddenly realized that she was not affected by time and dimensions, and could intervene in the most powerful time river to a certain extent. Isn't this... God? !

"I didn't affect time. I just had a direct conversation in your memory. You didn't notice it." Ye Lin sighed helplessly. If he manipulated the power of time, everyone would get up and "catch" during lunch the next day. "Ghost" game.

Last night, it was the shy sister who accepted the time power of Sugar Cane.

Except for the "bad" curator and the hesitant little witch, the team is already the basic configuration of the transcendent, and the power of the time power fragments has little effect on them.

The night is long, but for Sugar Cane, it is very short, unless someone actively cooperates with him to accept the power of time... extending the night time in the domain to several times.

Then everyone became ghosts and elves again. After being keenly aware of the fluctuations in the power of time, they would catch ghosts the next day~~ to see which sister, or which two sisters, had indulged Sugar Cane again.

The case of three sisters is rare.

Ye Lin shrugged and said with a smile: "From now on this is the real world. I have not interfered with anything. I'm afraid you won't believe it."

The second hand on the wall completed a circle, and the minute hand slowly moved a small distance.

Satomai rubbed his fingers on the rim of the glass, considered it for a while, and sighed: "I suddenly felt a little stressed, and I was actually communicating with a god."

"Don't think like that." Ye Lin smiled and waved his hand, then looked directly into Satoumai's purple eyes and said seriously: "It's me you care about, Ye Lin, my concept in the Arad continent, and It’s not the realm of God.”

Sadomai's fingers trembled and she subconsciously wanted to avoid looking at him, but his deep black color seemed to have some kind of magic power, attracting her to keep looking at him and unable to move away.

She thought that Ye Lin had read her mind, that Ye Lin had seen through the selfish thoughts behind her little girl charm trick. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing?

"Actually, I have known you a few years ago. This is not the first time we have met on the east coast." Satomai changed the subject and fell into memories, saying: "It was you who defeated Seghart, the Lord of the City of Light, and your reputation first rose. I noticed you guys on the West Coast."

At that time, she had the idea of ​​joining the team. Do you need a beautiful and powerful magician? Who would have thought that after Sadumai graduated, Ye Lin's team grew so fast that it had already reached the heaven.

"I've actually known you for a long time." Ye Lin's words were surprising. At least for Satumei, it was shocking, and there was also a trace of joy.

"Principal Shalan and I are good friends, so I looked through the student files when I was a guest at her place. As the chief graduate of that class, Shalan praised Luo Lian, Mintai, and you more than once. .”

Then scold Team Biana again...

In a sense, it turns out that we have known each other for a long time.

Satomai's nervousness eased a lot. She picked up a strand of bangs that blocked her vision with her fingers. She had a beautiful face and slowly exhaled. She confessed: "I approached you for a purpose in the first place. I spent all my savings to buy the boat. Shen Luo was very discouraged, and I happened to meet you, so I wanted to use your power to complete another world that no one in the navigation world can reach, and to fulfill my selfishness... I'm sorry!"

"Well, it doesn't matter. Our voyage is necessary. Enix is ​​a woman who likes to squint her eyes and gave me the mission, so you and I have the same purpose."

After talking about their thoughts, Satomai seemed very happy and started chatting happily at the bar again.

Sadumai's ladylike dress was off-the-shoulder. The bright lights hanging from the ceiling illuminated the fair skin of her shoulders and neck and her delicate and beautiful collarbones. Her grape-purple eyes were particularly magnificent and charming.

Everyone on the airship had already fallen asleep. When the topic dropped, the two looked at each other quietly, and then struck a match.

Ye Lin could taste a little bit of the sweet taste of honey cake from Satomai's lips and radula.

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