Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2704 You are the most powerful

Puff had not yet woken up and was in a state of sleep. There was a trace of saliva flowing from the corner of his mouth. He was not wearing pajamas and was touching his belly with his hand.

Although he didn't snore, he occasionally made some strange noises.

"I didn't expect that my figure is better than when I was wearing clothes." Xiaoyu clicked her tongue a few times and gestured to Puff's figure curve.

Puff's combat uniform is a very tight-fitting black dragon scale-shaped leather jacket, which tightens the body curve very tightly. After taking off the clothes, the front and back curves are obviously larger than when wearing clothes.

"Eclair, wake up." Sophie called out her name with a black line on her forehead. She just ate a big plate of vegetables. You, boss, and I can drink a glass of fruit and vegetable juice a day. Isn't that great?

"Hmm... um~ um! I'm up."

The dazed Puff stretched and hummed a few times, deliberately making some noise to indicate that I was about to get up and you don't have to worry about me, then turned over and continued to sleep.

Yuena and the others couldn't help but laugh. It seemed that everyone had this little habit. When they were woken up, they deliberately made some noise and seemed to wake up, and then went back to sleep for a while.

"It's time to eat." Siatt's voice was very soft.

"Food?!" Puff's squinted eyes suddenly widened, and he quickly straightened up.

After realizing that he had no food, he chewed his mouth instead. When he slowly got up, he yawned, and his energy was exhausted again. His clean white teeth revealed a clear stupidity.

When Puff woke up and saw Ye Lin, he subconsciously covered his speaking and non-speaking mouths and stopped eating midnight snacks. He really couldn't eat anymore and almost died from you.

"Puff, where's your eel?" Sophie asked about the electric dragon Little Toni.

Ever since Siatt casually said, "Take your eel and get out of here," Little Toni's other name is eel.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it's quite good. Being named by the Destiny Tiger himself is an honor that most people can't get on their knees and pray for.

"Little Toni and I were both hungry last night, but there wasn't much food in the kitchen, just enough for me to eat. He must have gone to the Golden Plains to catch rabbits."


Sophie's expression was strange. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to tell the story about the rabbit-catching electric dragon?

The strength and bloodline of the two of you are obviously much stronger than during the Mechanical Revolution, so why are you drifting back and forth?

"But there is one strange thing. When Little Toni and I first came here, we often caught rabbits in the Golden Plains. We sprinkled some salt and cumin. The roasted rabbits tasted okay, but the more we ate, the hungrier we became." Puff. He climbed up from the sofa, moved the shoulder straps of his black protective cover with his fingers as he spoke, and slowly put on his clothes.

Sophie didn't bother to remind Puff to pay attention to her shame. She looked like a silly girl with a clear sense of clarity. She was the captain of the great original dragon. Her ability to live safely until now was really dependent on herself and Ye Lin.

"Rabbit hunger syndrome, also known as protein poisoning." The curator nodded, holding a cup of hot morning coffee, and mentioned a new term.

"I read it in a medical journal from Heaven. The general idea is that if a person's food only consists of rabbit meat, he will eventually starve to death."

Protein, oxygen, and water are all substances closely related to life. However, excessive intake can be harmful to the body.

The concept of equilibrium is everywhere.

"No." Ye Lin scratched his head and said suspiciously: "I drink at least ten glasses of water a day from Drinking Water Ji, and I don't think it's harmful. It's just that my teeth may get cavities."

Puff nodded seriously, and then said: "Rabbit Hunger, if you don't understand, I'll go wash my face, hiss..."

When Puff left, his walking posture was a bit unnatural.


No, it shouldn't be. How could eating a plate of vegetables make two mouths uncomfortable, but she didn't find a single crumb of bread.


A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Xiaoyu's mind. Puff is a dragon knight. She never eats bread, so Sugar Cane will definitely not use bread, which is very wasteful.

So Eclair, is now a real "puff"? !


In the cool and bright morning, Xirui had just opened the lacquered wooden door from the library. Before the three girls working part-time came, someone from the port office had already come to visit.

He is the doctor who always smells like disinfectant and is the most skilled doctor in Antana Port.

Today she changed into plain clothes, taupe trousers and a light beige jacket. Her hair was tied up, a hairstyle commonly used by women, and her soft face always had the smile of a doctor.

"Good morning, Mrs. Wenli." Ciri opened the door and smiled, showing her familiarity.

"I heard that Mr. Ye Lin's team has a doctor with excellent suturing skills, so I would like to ask for advice." The female doctor gestured to the box in her hand, and she also prepared some gifts.

It was just as Ye Lin expected... A surprising thought occurred to Xi Rui.

Lin told her early in the morning and night that if anyone came to the port office, just tell her that they had already set off, so don't worry.

So Xi Rui guessed that the real purpose of Mrs. Wenli's visit was to see Ye Lin's progress, and learning medical skills was a very suitable excuse.

"They have already set off. There is no one left here." Siri smiled and turned sideways. This was an invitation to step aside and invite her in for a cup of tea.

"That's really a pity. I also bought the most delicious peach cake from the store east of the port~it won't taste good when it's cold,"

The smile on Mrs. Wenli's face seemed to grow wider, "Ciri, how about you make it easier for the two of us."

"Then I'll prepare tea. Do you want some black tea, green tea, coffee, or milk?"

"Coffee bar, thank you."

In fact, Ye Lin, who had not yet left, was on the second floor of the library. He lowered the corner of the curtain, turned around and asked, "Do you know how to tell the grade of a nurse at a glance?"

"I don't know, but Mrs. Wenli is a doctor." Yuena corrected her seriously. There are many professional differences between doctors and nurses.

Of course, you can also call them "doctor" together, which will make the nurse feel happy.

"Hat~" Ye Lin pointed to his head, pretending not to hear Yuena's complaints, and continued: "The level of a nurse can be distinguished by the pattern of the hat, from a white hat without bars, to a striped blue bar, two One stripe, blue bar, and finally three, the level will be higher and higher, suppressed layer by layer."

"The more stripes, the more powerful it is?" Yuena thought thoughtfully. She really hadn't noticed this.

Ye Lin nodded, and then gave Satomai an approving look, "You are the best today, you have so many blue stripes."

"Let's go, just do what we said yesterday, and come back before dinner in the evening." As soon as Siatt finished speaking, a space door flashing with silver light appeared.

She, Qianying, and the curator, Mo Mei, went on a trip to the Lost Desert to look for precious snakeskin bags.

Qianying, Mo Mei and the curator all hesitated and stopped moving forward. Something happened to the space channel built by Siatt not once or twice, but every time it would be teleported to strange places.

"I won't make mistakes now!" The eldest lady defended herself, blushing a little.

The Lost Desert is located in the south of the Golden Plains. Hundreds of years ago, it was not an extremely dry and evil earth-yellow desert, but a human settlement with many glorious cities.

The author of "A Survivor's Narrative" is a resident of the Lost Desert area.

The book records that huge meteors and flames falling from the sky burned all cities to the ground, and then the disaster of subsidence swallowed up the prosperous buildings.

The extremely scorching heat licked the traumatized ruined land wantonly, turning this pure land where creatures lived into the vast and endless desert it is now.


After eating a large plate of vegetables, Puff felt that he was no longer clean. He was ashamed of the name Dragon Knight, had poor mental endurance, and was extremely sad.

Sugar Cane rolled his eyes and sat next to Puff, "You don't want to be vegetarian, do you want to eat meat?"


"Then wait a moment~"

He bought food from the late-night hotel in Antana Port, opened the lid of the box, and the fragrant meat smell instantly refreshed Puff.

Before Puff could see what kind of food it was, Sugar Cane tied Puff's eyes with a black ribbon and asked her to sit aside, calling it "continue the punishment."

I will feed you next, but there may be things in the food that you don't like, making every next bite of your meal full of anticipation and anxiety.

After the first bite of feeding, I chewed the puffs and felt happy immediately. It should be a whole steamed shrimp, authentic, delicious and chewy, a hundred times more delicious than eating vegetables.

The second bite was of braised pork that melted in her mouth, a classic representative of meat. The aroma of oil filled her mouth strongly, giving her a strong sense of satisfaction. It tasted a thousand times better than vegetables.

The third bite, fried chicken legs, the fourth bite, boiled meat slices...


Puff covered his eyes and opened his mouth actively, full of expectations. As long as it was meat, there was nothing unpalatable.

Ganzhe put down his chopsticks gently, then stood up and walked to Puff...

"Attention, this kind of cartilage meat cannot be eaten or chewed, but the bone marrow is the most delicious. Just squeeze out the bone marrow."

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