Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2715 This is really not’s not impossible

The river originating from the Blade Valley in the north stretches for a long time and merges into various tributaries along the way. It is already majestic before entering the Black Wind Forest, and then slowly becomes gentle again in the forest.

The History Library records that because the river passes through crystal veins, you can occasionally pick up some beautiful crystal stones washed down from the upper reaches in the forest river.

In the past, there were many villages and towns located on both sides of the river, built on the water and filled with smoke.

Wherever Ye Lin looked, a solid and generous stone arch bridge was created out of thin air, spanning both sides of the river, stepping on the slightly turbid river.

He put on a show at the bridge head, took off his hat as a gentleman, and warmly invited everyone to cross the river. After that, the stone arch bridge stayed in place to benefit future generations.

"I will name today the Day of Demon World People Crossing the Bridge. How about it? It's very meaningful." Ye Lin took a photo, showing the stone arch bridge, the forest, the three young and pretty girls, and their "mother" Mavis.

"In a sense, every time we step on the soil, it may be the only time in this life. We will never have the same posture, the same mood, and the same place again."

Xiao Su pondered for a moment, and it seemed to make some sense at first, but then after thinking about it, something was wrong, and he stamped his feet provocatively.

Well, it's not like opening up a new territory and a new world, so why should it be given such a long-winded meaning?

"You don't understand, Xiao Su." Ye Lin suddenly sighed deeply, patted Xiao Su's shoulder gently, raised his head at 45 degrees, and said in a confused tone: "Do you think I care about this scenery? , No, what I care about is that you are here and now."

Whether it is mountains and mountains, secluded forests, high-rise buildings or ordinary huts, all the scenery in memory has extraordinary meaning because of the person who cares and likes it.

"You guys." Xiao Su added lightly, don't pretend to be dedicated and solemn, I don't know what kind of scum you are.

"Ahem..." Ye Lin reached out and reached for Xiao Su's head. The latter cautiously took a step back. Touching his head would make people in the demon world not grow taller.

"Your hair is pressed down, it doesn't look good."

Xiao Su moved her headband suspiciously, and the two crooked and stubborn red hairs stood up, swaying and bending, like two ripe ears of rice.

Very good, Ye Lin is satisfied, stupid hair is the symbol of people in the demon world!

In the depths of the Black Wind Forest, the buzzing sound became increasingly clear, passing through the thick layers of trees and branches, swirling around my ears.

The bedbug Jamal, acid slime, sand ants, giant moths that were supposed to be active in the Black Wind Forest... have completely disappeared due to the influence of the buzzing.

Ningpa has already been here and told the forest bee tribe that they are very special. Not only do they have a sense of territory and a common sense of the group, but the overall order of the group is very good.

This is why even some powerful lizardmen and ant mutants named Namlun do not dare to approach the swarm territory at will.

The highly unified core leader of the bee colony is Queen Bee.

The historical library also records that the "queen" of the forest wasp is not the breeder responsible for the reproduction of offspring in the traditional sense, but the most powerful and intelligent bee in the group.

Quinbi once served Enix, the God of Fire, and was one of her maids. She was very powerful.

But Ye Lin was thinking about something else. I heard that forest wasps are different from ordinary wasps. They can also make honey, which tastes great. There are hundreds of articles describing and making honey. Hundreds of years ago, it was used by celebrities and nobles. hobbies.

But as Quinbi turned black, the forest wasp community and humans also turned against each other, and the precious honey was out of stock.

Before coming to the Black Wind Forest, Mailu, who likes desserts, seriously told her to bring back a piece of honey. Must, must, must!

Repeated three times, Mailu attaches great importance to it.

As for honey, Little White Flower and Mechel will also like it.

The diet of forest wasps includes flowers, pollen, leaves, fruits, wheat and other grains, animal meat... In other words, these guys are omnivorous and eat everything.

The curator believes that forest wasps should be purely predatory and should not be engaged in the behavior of making honey. However, he is relieved when he thinks of the killer bees that collect dream tree pollen in Northmar and the bipedal sharks that can land ashore. .

Don't try to explain the world of magic with celestial science.

In the group chat, the curator uploaded a photo of a bipedal shark. Gina, who studies biology, thinks this is impossible. The characteristics of the shark are too obvious and the gill slits are still there. It must be a modified picture.

When she was designing biological weapons, she didn't even dare to do something so outrageous.

But later, Dr. Gina asked the curator to bring her back a male and a female...

"I fought with Quinbi, she was weaker than me, and I injured her." Ningpa lowered his voice, and could already see the wasps flying and patrolling in the forest, and said: "Quinbi seems to have some Some sanity serving Enix.”

An adult forest wasp appeared. It was about one meter tall. Its body was made of yellow and gray. Its wings flapped so quickly that it left an afterimage. Its huge tail needle looked like an animal needle. Just looking at it made you shudder.

When ants, cockroaches, centipedes and other common small things expand to the size of humans, they pose a more terrifying threat to humans than ligers, tigers, wolves, and leopards.

Adult wasps have certain intelligence but cannot communicate. When faced with intruders who trespass into their territory, they are usually killed or driven away on the spot, and there is also the phenomenon of herding.

According to Ningpa, the queen bee Quinbi is very vigilant and has been hiding in the huge hive and will not show up easily.

There are strict patrols and guards near the hive. Mailu, who has empathy for all spirits, is not here. The only way to take away her soul-sealing stone is to break through.

Last time, Ninpa showed his dragon power, which made Quinbi mistakenly think that the black dragon Kedrach had appeared. He came out to meet him, but he found that it was an inexplicable girl with a very young face.

"I have a way to solve Quinbi's problem more peacefully, since forest wasps are originally friends of mankind." Mavis said quietly and proposed a solution. Sugar Cane objected, but the objection was invalid.

A huge green fruit emerged out of thin air, wrapped around the shameless sugar cane, and then exuded an incomparably rich floral fragrance and life energy, the scent of which was the home base of the forest wasp.

Soon, the patrolling wasp guards discovered something unusual here. The rich life energy shocked the guards. A wasp flew back. A few minutes later, a group of wasps wrapped the fruit in a huge net.

"They can also use tools, it's really amazing." Mavis nodded gently, and then used shadow wrapping to tie up Ningpa, who had an excited face. It's not for you.

Sure enough, just as Mavis expected, the powerful life energy allowed the forest hornet to directly carry Ye Lin to the hive base camp and dedicate it to the great queen bee Quinbi.

They are not smart enough to tell "why a huge fruit suddenly appeared in the forest."

Quinbi's hive is fixed between a huge rock and several towering trees. The outside of the hive is covered with a thick layer of waterproof beeswax, and the inside emits a bright golden light, exuding a rich and attractive floral fragrance and honey. It smells like a magnificent palace.

This is the hive that belongs to Queen Queen Bee alone, a place where only one person lives.

Not long after, the queen bee Queen Bee showed up. She was injured by Ningpa and needed high-energy substances to restore her condition.

Her golden hair was tied up in a ball, with the queen bee's beautiful crown on her head. Her skin was fair, her eyes were big, and her appearance was pretty. She held a staff in her hand that had the texture of solidified honey.

However, Quinbi's lower body was as bloated as a wasp, and its huge abdomen and three pairs of inhuman gastropods were obviously very different and estranged from human aesthetics.

This doesn't work well, Ye Lin is sweating, and the XP system is encountering compatibility difficulties.

But a sudden change occurred. Quinnbi raised her magic wand high and turned into a sharp bee spear in a burst of light. Her own posture also underwent a very startling change.

Quinnbi's huge belly, which she had been disgusted with just now, completely disappeared, replaced by a slender waist and slender legs, and her braided hair turned into a lively and refreshing long ponytail.


Ye Lin thought deeply, it seemed that it was not impossible.

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