Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2727: Eviscerate the Bones


The ferocious beast Landus burst out from the pile of broken rocks and spat out a mouthful of blood with teeth. It stood on two legs, its front paws were like human beings, its eyes were fierce, and several ugly black bone spurs protruded from its back.

"Landus looks a little scary now."

While Sophie gave Landus a hard kick that knocked out several teeth, she still despised him for being ugly and scary-looking.

Mailu was not angry at Sophie's violence. She was gentle and kind but not ignorant. She nodded gently and said, "It must be the uncanny valley effect."

The uncanny valley theory was first applied to people's emotions towards robots, and has since been widely applied to most life forms and even objects.

The general idea is that as the degree of anthropomorphism of an object increases, humans' friendly emotional reactions to it will first increase and then decrease.

To describe the Landus in front of us, it means that the original Elk Landus was very humane and had a gentle temper. He would guide people who were lost in the Blade Valley. Everyone liked him very much and wrote many beautiful poems about him. fairy tale.

Now Landus stands on two feet, his front hooves have turned into human claws, and his facial features, especially his eyes, are also evolving towards humans, which naturally causes the uncanny valley effect.

After receiving a strong kick, Landus' ferocity increased instead of decreasing. The blood flowing out of his mouth turned into ice. He opened his mouth and spat out a cold current carrying broken ice. Sharp ice spikes sprouted from the ground where it passed. .

"It's endless, you are really a born bad guy." Sophie flashed past, approaching Landus at a speed as bright as light, and punched him with a fist, causing stars to fly out of his eyes and a few more teeth to fly away.


"Who are you?"

Landus spoke human words, shook his huge head vigorously, and actually said something other than "Enix".

"My name is so long, the greatest original dragon, the eternal dragon god, the forerunner of the dragon clan, the seed of wisdom..."

At this moment, the energy and aura of the fire god Enix once again erupted in the Antana Port. The energy and breath were overwhelming, rendering the sky a fiery red color that could be heard from all ports in the Eternal Continent.

Sophie hadn't finished speaking a bunch of long-winded names. Like males fighting during courtship, Landus charged at Sophie again with huge double-horned weapons.


"Hey, you're not a good person, are you? Enix is ​​the wife who abandoned you heartlessly. I can hear your resentment even from the heaven and the devil's realm."

Sophie frowned, a little impatient, and decided to be polite first and then ice.

In terms of etiquette, my sister has already given you enough face. If you don't accept and disobey me, I'll kill you and freeze the uneaten meat.

Forget it, Sophie felt like she had no appetite at all for the elk that had transformed into the uncanny valley effect.

"Sophie, do you want help?" Gu Yu, who had been missing for a long time, leaned out half of his body from behind a boulder and pointed at Landus, who was still going crazy.

The vegetable parrot showed a rare cleverness. Mailu was very interested and insisted on dragging her sister Sophie and Mi Gao to enjoy the fun of climbing the mountain step by step.

Seeing that the boss was walking step by step, Puff was too embarrassed to rush up first.

Gu Yu made an excuse to "go jungle hunting" to find out if there were any high-value monsters or minerals in the Blade Valley, and wandered away at the foot of the mountain.

Then, his body skills were like lightning, and he rushed to the top of the mountain in one breath. He had plenty of time to make himself a cup of tea and rest for a while.

"No, once you take action, Landus' bone fly will slip even when he stands on it."

Sophie pressed her hands against each other calmly, and her finger bones made a clear crunching sound. She used her brute force to fight against the ferocious beast Landus, and easily gained the upper hand.

"Why did Enix betray you if you're still howling without the soul-sealing stone? You should tell me."


Sophie cut off one of Landus' huge antlers with one palm, then grabbed the other one that was still intact and waved it in a semicircle in the air, giving Landus a powerful over-the-shoulder throw. In an instant, The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the sounds of various bone cracks seemed like a burst of intensive firecrackers.

The well-behaved Mai Lu sighed helplessly. She can communicate with all things, but if people don't want to communicate with you, there's nothing you can do about it, so let Sophie treat people with her strength.

"With such long nails, didn't your mother teach you to pay attention to personal hygiene?"


Landus was writhing in severe pain because Sophie pulled out one of his nails, which was dripping with blood and the pain in his fingers was excruciating.

"You just keep going crazy and don't communicate. If you are left alone, you will be harmful to others. You can go lay your body in front of the city hall."

Another terrible kick, Sophie kicked off another of Landus's horns, her raised fist faintly roared with the original power of the dragon, and with the threat of infinite death, she used a little less than 10% of her strength to beat Landus to pieces. Duce relaxed.

Sophie suddenly turned her head and glared at Astra, "You can't eat this, the corpse is useful."

Astra Sansan fluttered her wings and backed away, and then she and Little Toni went to the Blade Valley to try some game meat, arm in arm.

Just when Sophie turned back to glare at Astra, Landus breathed heavily and got a rare respite. His voice was hoarse and he coughed out blood foam and said, "Don't kill me."

Sophie was slightly startled when she heard this, and then teased and said: "You can still beg for mercy? I thought you were just learning to speak, and you can only say those few words."

"When a person is about to die, his words are also kind." Gu Yu nodded in agreement, with an evening primrose dagger flying on his fingertips, and said calmly: "In the past, no matter how vicious and vicious people were, I would cut out their hearts, bones, and stab their waists. When you eat it, your mouth becomes super sweet and soft.”

Sometimes when someone is stubborn and continues to curse, Gu Yu will stab him in the throat with another dagger, thus silencing him completely.

Landus has been stripped of the evil soul-sealing stone, and the fact that he continues to go crazy can only mean that it is his personal problem.

Now that I feel the strong threat of death, I will be afraid and beg for mercy even if I am mentally ill.

"What were you doing just now? It's too late." Sophie was about to punch Landus to death.

"Sophie, wait a minute!"

"Okay, okay, that means my sister is soft-hearted, otherwise you would have been lying at the gate of the city hall." Sophie stepped aside and looked coldly at Landus, who was covered in blood and had many broken bones, and threatened: "Say what you have to say, otherwise I will ask Gu Yu to give you a full body massage before you die."

Mailu intended to keep Landus alive, but had no intention of treating his injuries. This situation would depend on his subsequent attitude. He asked curiously: "Why do you resent Enix and say she cheated on you?"

"She just deceived me!" Landus shook his huge head, spit out a few more teeth, and said, "I thought she was dead, but she wasn't. She just didn't want to be friends with me."


Sophie, who was about to eat vegetarian food (drink juice), squirted out in one gulp, her eyes filled with disbelief. I didn't hear what you just said, could you say it again?

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