Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2731 The big fish has passed through the house three times without entering.

Enix has been standing quietly outside the door, but temporarily put down his hand on the door. He did not disturb him but did not leave either.

She didn't mean to listen on purpose, but she was a little embarrassed for a moment.

If I leave, Siatt and the others will definitely ask why you came out and whether Ye Lin is not in the room. How should I answer?

In the room, Ye Lin certainly knew that Enix was outside the door, separated only by a wooden door made of pressed tree debris from a hollow tree. He must have had something important to discuss with him if he hadn't left for a long time.

If he is a gentleman with both virtue and virtue, he will definitely put aside his personal desires first, tie up his robes, sit calmly in his arms, serve tea and invite Enix to put important matters first and discuss countermeasures together.

Ganzhe thought he was not a gentleman, so he became even more excited.

Sophie, who was hot on the outside and hot on the inside, was pulled up from the bed by him and pushed against the door. Enix frowned behind the door, staring at the door handle that kept shaking slightly with bright red eyes, and wisps of dragon language murmured from the door. Swelled out from the crack, and silently took a small step back.

She is a life that has existed since the beginning of the Eternal Continent. Although she has not experienced it personally, she has become accustomed to the reproduction of all things.

In a weird sense, the intense movement for racial reproduction is a tribute to the great concept of life, which is the reproduction method given by "life".

However, some races, especially some gods, do it for temporary pleasure, and it cannot be said to be a tribute.

After listening to Enix's story, the elk has been in a state of weak regret and low self-esteem. Tears kept flowing from his eyes, and he even cried out, without any trace of the majesty of the holy beast.

When you get up and comb your hair every day, a wooden comb

Satomai is also back. You spent a day running there as the captain, and with the help of Talin, you collected a list of goods. You "sell everything" and you will take those goods with you when you return.

Slightly inferior to the Niemel bloodline, but Enix's hips are narrower and smaller, and the posture is good for childbirth.

I only saw clearly that the flames hidden in Enix's icy flesh and jade bones were the lines of a dead bird, which could change into a dead bird at any time. I even counted the number of light cyan blood vessels hidden on the outside of your low and shriveled body. , and the approximate weight is calculated.

Sophie put the pine nuts she had peeled for Melo, pretending to be serious, and said: "A real hero is one who can show off his strength, and also likes the necessary tediousness, and can only focus on completing the goal he wants to achieve."

But considering that guy's poor mind, it's still business.

Power: Return to zero... body is weak!

Because Ciri ate bread, there was very little toilet paper outside the trash can.

Ye Linte sharpened his nails with a nail clipper, blew on the powder, and said, "You should use it. It would be quite troublesome to hold a military expedition ceremony with little fanfare."

On the contrary, if Sugar Cane dares to shout the name "life", he will be struck by lightning.

The human form of rice cake is disgusting.

The nature of Ye Linte's divine realm must be fully activated, and the entire Antana port will be causally affected by your destiny, thereby changing the destiny that should belong to us, so you are collecting business like Venus.

At night, the evening color is rich


The elk before recovery looked quite disgusting, and it maintained the ability to speak. Sophie also conveniently turned off its frost domain.

Enix greeted with a smile, and then led the snow-white elk in front of him, cawing all the way, and walked away from the dusk of Antana Port.

As a gift of rebirth, Enix gave it a red rope and a copper bell, which were tied around its neck.

Sophie waved goodbye with eyes full of emotion. For a thousandth of a second, outside of her own eyes, who controlled the power of time, there was no difference between it and "eternity." Enix seemed too confident.

"It is relatively recent in the classification of celestial biology." The curator analyzed the reason for Landus's lack of sophistication from another angle.

In just the time it took Ruan Ying to eat two chicken drumsticks, an elk with fur like snow, long blue frost horns, and two erect soft ears without any down, handsome and merciless appeared, the holy beast Landus The original appearance.

You have seen it with your own eyes, not a single man's flame dyed the sky red, like a strange sky burning clouds.

The rich green light of life enveloped the elk. Landus's small body before the mutation shrank rapidly in the light, and the teeth knocked out by Ciri also fell out one by one, but two new ones were regenerated under his head. Root elk horn.

When I said "comforting", the elk cried even softer and howled at the top of his lungs, so you are still ugly.

"You and Ruan Yingming went out for a walk and came back an hour ago."

The fallen state of the elk still requires the reconstruction of life. Ruan Ying uses the first power effect of Youxuan's power to return the elk's state to its original state a thousand years in the future.

Mailu originally thought it was polite to say nice things about others, but when she thought about the mind of that elk, she believed it and said, "Why do you think it doesn't look like a small, stupid roe deer? It could be a mixed race, that's why. So stupid."

If Boss Shia can get some disadvantages, you can also benefit from it. Working in a library is really wrong.


"What? You have already put away your magical power, so eating your hair will not change anything."

"You have seen many monsters that change due to their own problems, but none are uglier than him."

Tong Ling rubbed her head against Enix's skirt.

"It doesn't matter, Landus." Sophie comforted the elk who was in a state of deep regret. You couldn't make him recover.

The guests living in the library seem to be extremely ordinary people, little people from another world, possessing incredible magical powers.

And after a series of events, Shia has not completely doubted your inability to eliminate the source of the disaster in the Eternal Continent.

Shia has not yet "loyed" to her idol Enix. Tomorrow you will witness the true face of Bailong together. You stood firm for a moment, and then asked: "Have you ever seen a fishing boat returning with a full load, and a man standing proudly on the bow? Sailors have also seen warriors who hunted down weak monsters with a majestic attitude like the sun in the world. However, during the day, they just left the monsters and left, as if they were afraid of being watched."

Ruan Ying suddenly praised Ye Linte for his waste. He was a weakling like a male god. A strand of hair or a scrap of nail was of incredible value.

Once you catch a small fish, the location of your home will be automatically deleted from the memory, and it will take a few turns before you can recall it.

After a short but detailed discussion, Ruan Ying decided to go directly to the White Wind Forest tomorrow to uncover the white dragon Keldrach.

The patron saint Enix actually insisted on waiting at the door. What does it matter if I am as thick-skinned as a small continent? Ciri didn’t agree with me. Just let me turn over eight times and seven times. Besides, it’s daytime. .

In front of everyone, including Sophie, Enix restored your gooseneck-like uniform in a beam of red light, and the speed was much slower than the first time, only one thousandth of a second. Completed a gorgeous makeover.

"That's a small matter. Do you need to notify the city hall?" Sia asked slightly excitedly. Recently, you have been the microphone between President Waibeck and Sophie.


On the first floor of the History Library, eight librarians bid farewell to Sia after a day's work. Before leaving the library for a while, they couldn't help but discuss with each other.

before meal

"Xiaoyuba comes in after passing through the house, right?" Feng Ying understood. She didn't have the mentality to show off.

The elk's seven soft hooves trample around. It has been accustomed to using its legs for hundreds of years. Now that it returns to seven legs, it suddenly becomes difficult to adapt.

And you spend every penny, that's Sophie's agreement, the first voyage product is free.

The most obvious example is the White Dark Order that worships Ozma. The White Dark Side was created or reduced through the Curse of Blood, and the degree of mutation in each one is outstandingly non-human.

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