Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2737 Xiao Su is mighty

However, the "rebirth" ability of the Phoenix is ​​not always activated. For example, right now, Enix is ​​clearly risking everything and burning the source of the flame to launch an attack.

Without everyone's timely help, Enix would most likely have died completely in the flames, her body and soul would be destroyed, and she would not be reborn from the ashes, and she would not be found in the underworld.

Yuena went through the back door of heaven and obtained detailed information about the phoenix from her colleague Archangel Rafael. She learned that the resurrection of the phoenix requires huge energy, and the current Enix obviously does not have this condition.

The burning sacred wood exudes a charming fragrance, and the flames of Taichu interweave the brilliant shadow of Taichu Wuxuan. Ye Lin is truly generous this time, and the resources provided are amazing. He collected hundreds of kinds of holy trees and burned them together. .

Among them, the rarest ones are the tree of heaven and the tree of the underworld with roots in the cold pool of the underworld. He is probably the only one who can shamelessly pick leaves and break branches, and no one else can.

Not to mention anything else, the tree of heaven is a tree spirit in the divine realm. Whoever dares to pluck its leaves is a close friend with squinting eyes. Even a slap in the face and an archangel's embrace can't pull it back.

"In the name of death, I forgive you!" Mavis also helped, her cool and beautiful smoky makeup face was solemn, her eyes turned into a deep dark world, and she saw a ray of true spirit in the flames of the burning sky, Enike Si is going to die soon.

With the blessing of power, in an instant, the almost dead true spirit shone in the dragon flames of destruction, suddenly becoming immortal.

Most of Kedrach's body was burned away by the flames of the phoenix. The dragon's meat was fragrant and then turned into charcoal. If it had been the black dragon before, he would have died on the spot.

However, now that it possesses the contaminated fire of life, it is quickly reborn perfectly in the flames. In the end, it is the winner in this battle.

It originally wanted to completely burn Enix's soul to avoid future troubles, but that ray of true spirit never died out, shining brightly in the air, and it could not destroy it even if it tried its best.

Ye Lin led the confused true spirit and let Enix fall into the flames of the burning sacred tree. The weak true spirit suddenly became much stronger, and then placed it together with the flame in the flourishing canopy of Wuxuan Phantom. , rebirth and transformation in the burning of fire.

Forgotten names emerged from the depths of memory again, and the residents of the Eternal Continent earnestly shouted "Enix", the patron saint of this continent and the great creator.

They could see wisps of faith power gathering towards the burning crown of the holy tree Wuxuan, blending fiercely with the burning flames of the holy tree and becoming part of the flame.

Enix's path to transcendence will be composed of the burning of the sacred wood and the power of faith. She is the "god" of the Eternal Continent, which means that if Enix loses the faith of the residents again in the future, her realm may change. Therefore damaged.

However, the opportunity to transcend is hard to find, and this small price is as light as a feather compared to it.

"It turns out that death can also deny death. Does it mean that life can also be deprived of life?" The studious and inquisitive curator found it very novel, and then proposed a new concept.

In the Yin-Yang Fish Tai Chi Diagram, the eyes of the dark fish are pure white, and the eyes of the pure white fish are dark. Is this a vague demonstration of the two attributes of "life and death"?

"Who is protecting the true spirit in secret? Enix's helper, come out!"

Kedrach's black-gold scales are extremely dazzling under the sunlight, especially since it has just defeated the Flame Phoenix and declared its hegemony in the sky. At this moment, it is the second sun in the sky and on the earth. It has a huge body and unparalleled majesty. Has a strong domineering divinity.

Its huge lava-like eyes stared at the phantom of the holy tree, hesitated for a moment, and then opened its fanged mouth to swallow the phantom and the real spirit. Even if there is a powerful trap inside, it can be reborn quickly with the "fire of life" .

Enix must die!

Then Kedrach jumped directly into the air. The green holy tree and Enix's last true spirit were right in front of him, but his body went straight through it, and the boiling flames all over his body did not affect the holy tree and true spirit. .

"Space enchantment?"

Keldrach's heart suddenly sank. Any existence involving the energy of space is by no means simple.

As powerful as His Majesty Bakar, the Explosive Dragon King, he also borrowed the space channel created by another apostle to reach the heaven from the demon world.

Where did the pheasants and phoenixes from the countryside get their space helpers from?

Ye Lin raised his head and looked at the situation for a while, then started teaching again and said with a smile: "Xiao Su, this is a hard-won opportunity. How about you break the blocking magic order."

"I can give it a try and give me the spell and composition of the blocking magic order." Xiao Su did not refuse. Bakar's original purpose of using the blocking magic order was to target Held, the Crying Eye, so he has a very strong Demon sealing effect.

However, Bakar was not able to override all magic. Held still used the alias "Hayed" to "sneak around" in the heaven and cause all sorts of troubles.

Therefore, the demon-sealing dragon language can be regarded as a targeted magic, and a powerful magician can challenge the demon-sealing dragon language in turn.

"No." Ye Lin spread his hands and said that there is nothing in terms of spells or magic circle foundations. You need to understand and study them yourself.

If you can break the blocking magic order, it can be regarded as a confrontation between you and the Explosive Dragon King Bakar in the magic field, and you won.

By then, your research and understanding of the magic lineage will be even stronger, which will be of great benefit to your future.


Xiao Su didn't say much. She became solemn, her short skirt fluttered, her ruby-like eyes lit up with the light of the Holy Spirit, and her whole body was enveloped in the light of the elements. It was extremely gorgeous. She was almost not restricted by the blocking magic order.

Xiao Su, who was in the Holy Spirit state, was in high spirits and began to analyze the inner meaning of the blocking magic order.

The demon-sealing effect of the heaven has long been destroyed and damaged, and it has lost its original research value.


Xiao Su touched the blocking magic order, and a fierce wave of magic erupted. Flames and frost rolled up thousands of feet high. The strange energy instantly attracted Kedrach's attention, who was shaking the blocking magic order that it had created with all its strength.

"She turned out to be a little red-haired girl." Kederach said coldly and sarcastically, but his actions were extremely ruthless. He directly summoned millions of dragon-speaking thunders, and the sky flickered and roared, rushing towards Xiao Su and the ground. residents.

The fighting method of coercing hostages is really cool for it.

"Shut up and don't disturb Xiao Su."

Ye Lin scolded lightly, "I'm so proud of you for giving you a meter of sunshine. You're just a tool dragon that I use to sharpen them."

In the sky of boiling flames, Kedrach's body suddenly shook, and then golden-red dragon blood flowed out from the gaps in each scale. There was a sound of bones cracking all over his body, and they were breaking one by one.


It roared desperately and struggled in the air. The fire of life quickly restored the seriously injured body, and a cool air rushed to the skull.

Who attacked it and what kind of laws caused it? It almost disintegrated and died in one encounter.

"We found the key point to block the magic order." Xiao Su raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

In a very short time, he is indeed the most talented new star in Tarakuta, and the teacher lineup is stronger than the last, including Mar's Seal of Heaven, Held, Eternal Holy Spirit Rez, Ye Lin, and Pushia.

She held the terrifying sky thunder in her raised left hand. The World Tree staff behind her exuded powerful magic power. Pieces of Holy Spirit runes revolved around Xiao Su, swimming in her hair, shoulders, thin waist and white silk. between.


Xiao Su raised her hand and waved it down hard, and endless light gathered with her movements. With a "crash", many huge fragments like transparent glass appeared and disappeared. She slapped the Eternal Continent's blocking magic to pieces. make.

In the Black Wind Forest, Ciri has been in a demon-sealed environment from birth to now. Ciri, who has been restricted for nearly 30 years, felt light all over. The suppressed mental power in her mind surged up like a spurt. Ciri felt an unprecedented sense of pleasure. The body floated, and it naturally broke through to the legendary realm.

Xiao Su stared at her palms, then looked at the face of the perverted teacher

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