Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 274 The dream of the past, Natalia’s despair

"Boss, this is the Dream-Eating Tree. Aren't they all dead?"

Mo Mei knocked on the withered yellow tree trunk with her fist. The bark was cracked and dry, and there was no moisture inside. It was not in line with the characteristics of plants maintaining life.

"This is the Dream-Eating Tree. If you look carefully at the top of the branch, there is a layer of very light silver powder, Dream Powder, a very rare hypnotic material."

Ye Lin climbed up, pinched some powder and sniffed it. His head was dizzy and he immediately used a World Meter.

No one would have thought that a dead and twisted tree on the roadside in the dead desert could be the legendary dream-eating tree with miraculous effects.

"As long as Natalia can fall asleep, the Dream-Eating Tree will release sleeping substances, actively absorb spiritual energy, and capture the dreamer's dreams."

He spread a layer of mats on the ground and got a few shading boards to block the flying yellow sand and the scorching sunshine. He signaled to Natalia that she could go in and sleep.

"I'm...a little nervous."

Natalia clenched her hands tightly and bit her lower lip, her face full of anxiety.

Being swallowed by the dream-eating tree in her dreams means that she will once again recall her days as a slave in Delos.

Hunger, pain, blood and killing became the only colors in her eyes.

Although she joined the Revolutionary Army and organized the Oracle Corps to resist the empire, and had a lot of bad tempers, the bloody nightmare often made her wake up suddenly in the middle of the night, with cold sweat dripping down her spine.

"Don't be afraid. After this time, there will be no pain again."

Siatt comforted her in a low voice. Although she and Natalia had an unpleasant past, they were not acquaintances and were now sisters.

"I...I'm still afraid, what if the Dream-Eating Tree doesn't work."

She lowered her head and shook it vigorously, a trickle of cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and her cynical red eyes in the past were now full of panic.

"Natalia, look at me." Ye Lin suddenly shouted.


As soon as Natalia raised her head, Ye Lin covered her with her palms. After a few breaths, the poor tomboy fell asleep.

"If you do this, will she hate you when she wakes up?" Gu Yu raised her eyebrows. She often used this method, but she used the sleeping poison given by Paris.

"I don't know, but at least if she doesn't sleep now, the treatment won't be completed."

He patted the Dream Powder on his hand, and everyone stayed away, quietly watching Natalia's sleeping face. The search for blood butterflies had to be put aside for now.

Natalia's breathing became more and more even and steady, her face was peaceful, as if she was sleeping soundly.

But an hour later, her eyebrows suddenly furrowed, a look of panic appeared on her face, thin cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and her hands clenched the corners of her clothes so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

On the side of what looked like a dead dream-eating tree, a nearly transparent flame suddenly lit up on a branch. After breaking away from the branch, it slowly fell on Natalia's forehead.

Everyone held their breath, not daring to let out any air, for fear of accidentally blowing away the hard-won flame.

When the dream-eating tree swallows the dream, Natalia will basically not have nightmares again unless she deliberately recalls the past.

The flame, which was originally almost invisible and colorless, slowly became tinged with red as time went by, and seemed to take on a physical appearance.

Natalia's panic was relaxing, her brows gradually relaxed, her clenched fists slowly loosened, but the color of the flames became thicker and thicker.

The whole devouring process lasted for a full two hours before the bright red flame swayed back to the tree.

The next moment, everyone who was a little drowsy suddenly widened their eyes, looking incredulous.

The Dream-Eating Tree, which is not very tall, actually has flames of various colors on its branches, with at least twenty groups in total.

Each flame is a person's dream, which means that this ordinary-looking dream-eating tree has eaten the dreams of more than twenty people.

"Are you curious about the tomboy's dream, her past, and why this guy can sometimes make a person angry with his words? Siatt and I don't blame her either."

The magic power in Ye Lin's palm surged, and he took down Natalia's flame from the branches of the Dream-Eating Tree.

There is no touch or temperature, but it can move slowly under the nourishment of magic.

"Boss, can you peek into other people's dreams? Does this count as an invasion of privacy?" Mo Mei asked in a low voice.

"I need some material assistance, because the tomboy has very clear dreams and has been in a gladiatorial arena, so I want to see if I can find something that the empire is researching from that nightmare. This is very necessary. When she wakes up I'm going to apologize."

He glanced at Siatt, who shook her head slightly and said it didn't matter. She was used to the scene of the transfer experiment, and it didn't matter whether she watched it or not.

"Golden crystals, magic essence, dream powder, and... death snowflakes that won't melt."

All the materials were crushed into foam and slowly thrown into Natalia's dream flames. The death snowflakes were picked up on the road.

There was actually something icy and cold in the desert that would not melt. He discovered a special element anomaly.

The formula for awakening dreams was given by Alice.

The Delos Empire has been conducting various horrific experiments such as transfer experiments and magic gun experiments, but Natalia once stayed in the underground arena, which was a place where the empire often tested various experimental products.

As if the materials just put in were gasoline fuel, the flames in Ye Lin's palms roared to Laogao, extremely strong.

Everyone was shocked by this sudden scene, and subconsciously looked away. Then, a thick layer of white mist came from all directions, surrounding everyone in the team, and even felt a slight chill on their bodies.

Why did thick fog suddenly appear in the desert?

"Don't move. This is the reappearance of a tomboy's dream. All of us are in the first-person perspective. No matter what happens next, don't be afraid. The one who has endured it is Natalia."

After Yelin whispered his instructions, he slowly closed his eyes. The dream flames he inspired would take him to experience Natalia's lingering nightmare from a first-person perspective.

In the field of vision was a tall fence equipped with iron spikes. The yard was filled with iron cages. Most of them were open and empty, and a few of them still contained a few shivering animals.

There were some anxious-looking people around, some of whom were wearing heavy shackles, and they should be criminals.

Everyone slowly walked towards the small exit in the corner of the courtyard. There was a rusty iron door, and two expressionless Imperial soldiers stood next to them. They looked at them as if they were looking at a rotten potato or smelly meat.

He himself, or Natalia at the time, slowly walked towards the door.

There is still a large yard behind the door, surrounded by walls that are too tall for ordinary people to climb. However, there are some large glass vessels in this place, which contain a disgusting green potion.

The smell must be very pungent because many people, including myself, covered their noses.

A researcher wearing a white uniform covering her face handed over a test tube filled with green liquid. Because someone in front of her refused to drink, she was warned by an imperial soldier. She could only suppress her nausea and drank it before rushing to the third courtyard.

There were many strange devices placed in the third courtyard, with an additional entrance and exit, and twice as many soldiers as the first two courtyards.

Everyone was sitting quietly, frowning, but from time to time, there was a shrill wail coming from other places, some from animals and some from humans, which made people feel numb and panicked.

Natalia moved her palms, wondering why there were solid brown marks on this green grass.

Suddenly, a female knight in gorgeous and exquisite clothes walked in from the third entrance. Judging from the badge on her chest, she was still a trainee knight and needed to pass the final assessment.

Although he looked much greener and more immature, and his little face was full of nervousness, Ye Lin still smiled secretly. If the child guessed correctly, it should be Siatt.

Because nobles rarely come here, Siatt actually came here to visit as a knight, but she never expected to be involved in the transfer experiment.

However, because Natalya's gaze just glanced over and she didn't know Siatt at the time, she didn't pay attention at all. His eyes could only stare blankly at the blood stains on the lawn again.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly there was a noise in my ears, mixed with some crying.

His eyes swept around, and he saw that the young trainee knight was arguing with someone, and seemed to want to leave.

But within two seconds, his eyes turned back. He guessed that Natalia's current state must be extremely numb, and even her dream memories were somewhat unclear.

The mysterious potion I drank earlier may have a slight mind-anaesthetizing effect.

I don’t know how long it has been...



A sudden earth-shaking loud noise made Natalia's numb eyes clearer, but the next moment, her vision was swallowed up by endless white light, and the impact of turbulent and roaring airflow, even scraping away the lawn. Land.

Chaos, despair, casualties, the only thing that was clear enough was the panicked cry for help in my ears.

When her vision returned to normal, she saw that she was in a dark and musty room, with a mysterious semicircular bead on the back of her left hand.

Ghost Fuzhu.

The transfer experiment ended with a shocking explosion of the transfer device. The researchers and soldiers were basically killed and injured, but those who survived had an extraordinary force pouring into their arms.

In order to explore the specific information of this power, the empire constantly puts pressure on the people who possess the magic hand to survive, allowing them to face various ferocious monsters and other slaves, fighting to the limit of the magic hand.

The best place to conduct experiments is naturally the arena where the nobles have great fun. Siatt, Feng Ying, and Mavis all spent time there.

The only exception was Cyrus. She volunteered to participate in the transfer experiment, and because she grew up with the third princess Isabella, she was quickly picked up after she was discovered to have survived.

Because it was impossible for all Demon Hand owners to be experimented together in one arena, and it would be too dangerous for the Demon Hands to gather together, Natalia was transferred to the worst and bloodiest underground arena in the empire.

What happened next made Ye Lin, who had been telling others not to get excited, almost break down emotionally.

Blood, stumps, cold swords, mortal fights between people, people and monsters preying on each other, all the tragedies that happened in the arena turned into an exhilarating carnival for the nobles watching, so harsh and painful.

Because the effect of the magic hand had to be observed, the empire would not let her die easily, but by using another method of oppression, she could win the battle and kill the enemy before she could eat.

Her opponent may be another slave or a monster. Every time, her eyes are blank, and she desperately uses the sword that will be confiscated after the duel to bathe in the blood of the enemy.

She didn't want to die so easily, she didn't want to go hungry, that's all.

Her extraordinary perseverance and talent for magic hands attracted the attention of some nobles, who allowed her to learn the forbidden sword technique that was once only practiced by nobles.

Of course, this is all for her to give a better performance!

Until Yelin finally saw what he wanted.

A dragon, an obviously inferior and semi-finished dragon-shaped beast, covered in green poisonous gas, was imprisoned by magic in the center of the arena.

This is Natalia's next opponent, and it is also the empire's attempt to completely suppress the Demon Hand's ability.


A low-end version of the Poison Dragon made by the Empire after the evil dragon Spitz. It has strong vitality and good poison ability.

The wings can be fanned to spread a dense poisonous cloud. If it suddenly descends on the battlefield, it will definitely bring unimaginable disaster to the enemy.

The most frightening thing is that there is not necessarily only one of this low-quality and inferior product!

I don't know if it was due to the magician's negligence, but the seal of Mauletus was opened, and the poisonous mist sprayed freely. The entire arena fell into panic, and all the guards were pulled to subdue this inferior product, which gave Nata the opportunity to fight. Leah's chance to escape.

Using her magic hand to barely break down the cell door, Natalia ran quickly, breathing heavily, and looked back from time to time.

Sure enough, as the key target of attention, the Arena immediately discovered and dispatched an elite troop to pursue him.

Natalia scurried around like a headless fly. Fortunately, she was able to escape the pursuers, but she stumbled onto the path and passed out.

She was really too weak. The use of the magic hand was a huge drain on her body, but the empire would never let her eat enough, and running around on the run completely depleted her physical strength.

Because of Natalia's coma, Ye Lin naturally ended his dream and slowly opened his eyes.

Theoretically, after Natalia escaped and fell into coma, as long as the Imperial Army subdued Mauletus and slightly expanded the search area, they could catch her again.

But probably after drinking the bitter potion, she finally received a sweet candy, and the passing Captain Root rescued her.

However, he had just escaped the pursuers but was exhausted, and unfortunately fell hard. At that time, it can be said that no matter who he was, he would be filled with despair, sadness and death.

It's no wonder that Natalia often wakes up in a cold sweat, because she doesn't know the news of being rescued later, and the end of the dream is a fall in despair.

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