Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2741 Another mechanical revolution

The Dragon King looked at the man in front of him who greeted him "Zilaimi". He had a tall body, handsome features, and an outstanding temperament with a pair of particularly deep black eyes, like a deep dark night, and he didn't know how many stars were hidden in the dark night.

But there is no memory of the other person in his mind. Who are you? Are we familiar with each other?

"The deeper the impression, the more likely it is to be forgotten, just like when you are deliberately looking for something, you suddenly can't find it." Siatt joked and couldn't help laughing.

The stronger the "existence" that materializes magic, the more problems may arise, including loss of power, memory loss, etc.

"Bakar, do you still remember what happened yesterday?" Siatt asked the Dragon King in turn about the time point to see what his condition was.

After hearing this, Bakar stared deeply at Siatt's beautiful and flawless face, and then turned to the trio of street gangsters who maintained a basic attitude of respect for him. His frown never relaxed, trying to figure out the relationship.

After a long while, he tapped his head with his thick fingers and nails and said: "My memory should be pieced together from various time and space, like a puzzle with half the number missing. Yesterday, maybe I just came to the heaven, or Could be my funeral in flames.”

After a pause, he said calmly: "Materialized magic is essentially creation, including fairy tales, ballads, real and unreal things. However, when it comes to basic life and wisdom, it can never be used perfectly."

He expressed understanding of his current "deficient state".

"Dragon King, you really don't remember me? We have a life-long friendship." Ye Lin came over and asked very seriously. I watched you fall with my own eyes. There is no doubt that we have a life-long friendship.

Bakar said: "Unless you can piece together the remaining fragments of my memory."

Xiaoyu came over, clicked her tongue a few times at the Dragon King's incomplete state, and then brought up a very crooked topic, saying: "Bakar, do you think the two of them are a good match?"

With a weird smile, she tapped the eldest lady and Ye Lin with her slender fingertips.

"Not worthy."

Dragon King Bakar was nonchalant about this question and said calmly: "Unless he has strength comparable to Siatt, what's the use of having a soft skin."

His arms are thin and his waist is not strong. There is no heroic spirit at all.

Look at our dragon men, these muscles, this physique, what does it mean to be a man?

Ah, this, I am despised!

A bunch of speechless black lines appeared on Ye Lin's forehead. He first glanced at Kedrach, who was hugging each other in "gay love" and was so poisoned by the old man that he couldn't die or live, and his whole body was green.

Then the golden symbol of the gear of time suddenly lit up in his eyes.


In an instant of absolutely stagnant time, the burning flame solidified the lively shape, and the bubbles of rotting flesh exploded in half. When the light was still, it seemed as if it could pick up a strand and string it into a pinhole.

A vast and blurry river of time appeared in Ye Lin's eyes. The branches going down from the middle were like branches. He reached out his hand to grab the time and picked up some of Bakar's memory fragments.

In an instant, new memories emerged in Bakar's mind...

"Fuck! The future will be really colorful!"

No one expected that the Dragon King would suddenly utter a foul language. His grumbling look was in sharp contrast to his majestic and unpredictable powerful temperament just now, as if he was suddenly possessed by a strange soul.

Upon seeing this, Brona muttered in a daze, "It's bad, it's bad, the dragon clan has no future. Ningpa has been trained to dare to betray openly, and now the Dragon King is also making indecent swear words in public."

The original dragon Sophie has been completely "controlled" by the goddess of fate. Astra is still a loser and a terminator of leftovers. The dragon clan has no future. Who can take over the dragon clan?

The memory fragments Ye Lin picked up not only included Bakar's, but also forced the process of some major events, not limited to apostles, gods...

For the Dragon King, who always likes to have fun, of course he is happy when he sees things, and his emotions are surging. Then he thinks of his situation, which is just a "ghost" that reappears due to magic. How can he not feel regretful, and then ruthlessly He cursed.

"Why didn't I think of it, why didn't I think of it, how could I..." Bakar repeated his regretful words three times in annoyance, referring to the method of dividing Sirocco's soul into seven parts and gathering them again to be reborn.

If he had known earlier, it's not like he couldn't have tried it.

Ye Lin raised his hand and took out an exquisite crystal goblet, filling it with the Dragon King's favorite red wine in the heaven. This type of wine still exists in the heaven, and it is very expensive. "Recipe".

Merchants did not dare to directly put "Dragon City Tribute" on the bottle. Regarding Bakar, the Exploding Dragon King, the people of Heaven gnashed their teeth in hatred whenever his name was mentioned.

Therefore, the businessman's ingenious thinking means that it is the same ancient formula discovered by his ancestors, and the blame is thrown to the ancient heavenly people.

Come and drink to our reunion.

Bakar shook the crystal glass, put it under the tip of his nose, took a sniff, and concluded directly: "This is not the kind of wine I used to drink."

Master Sommelier Bakar personally gave his judgment. It is not the original Dragon King red wine. You don’t need to drink it in your mouth to know that the taste is far different. You are a cunning businessman.

"It's so abominable, curse them to go bankrupt." Ye Lin complained lightly, and then replaced it with the lava liquor obtained on Vara Island, a specialty wine of the Volcano Dragon Clan.

While Ye Lin and the Dragon King were discussing the bill, Kedrahe died three more times on the ground, constantly begging the Dragon King Bakar for mercy.

Bakar drank wine and waited for the burning sensation of the lava in his throat to disappear. He asked directly: "In addition to Nimpa, Eclair, and Brona, how many other things in the ancient heaven have you intervened in."

The implication is that this future world is so prosperous, lively, and colorful, and I also want to take a piece of it and have a taste of it.

Bakar was inspired by Nimer and was extremely intelligent. In addition, Ye Lin showed his skill in memory pickup, and he immediately concluded that the existence of the Jie Liuzi trio was inseparable from Ye Lin.

"Well, as for the dragons, Gojeda, Spitz and Scatha are still alive. As for the humans, Supreme Commander Irena, noble Sarah Venn, and staff officer Rosa Jurgen are all alive... Then Belisk and Megilia should use the Creeping City to reach Trobot."

Familiar names were mentioned one by one, and Bakar's palm crushed the wine glass on the spot, and the wine and glass shards were mixed together, just like his messy mood at the moment.

It's unbelievable. It feels like high-level dragons and human heroes are all living well in the "future", but I am the only one missing.

How about I create a group of giant dragons, and you bring in a group of humans, and we can start the mechanical revolution all over again.

It still has the original main staffing and the original flavor of war.

"Actually, I have always wanted to save you. Really, do you still remember one of the legacies you left in the ancient Dragon City, your original fire?" Ye Lin mentioned a past event.

He and Little White Flower Lindsay found the Undersea Dragon City that Bakar had deliberately left behind on the seabed, thus manifesting the Dragon King once, which was the back-up left behind by Bakar himself.

"But that avatar of yours was so immortal that it went to Held's territory in the demon world to make noises, and was caught red-handed."

Ye Lin was very helpless and spread his hands. The key to your resurrection, the Dragon King's original flame, was made into a lantern by my daughter Yako. It's very precious.

In fact, the little girl, if you coax her and trade her with a new toy, there is a high probability that she can replace the lantern.

But the child's mother, Held, solemnly reminded her not to resurrect Bakar.

Otherwise, with his bad character, he would definitely go to the Moller Valley and play the piano hard, which would be very annoying.

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