Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2744 Believe in science!

Enix thanked Yuena while holding the hard-shell holy book and then floated away, without responding to the "believers" on the ground who cheered her name enthusiastically.

She herself was still in a state of confusion, her thoughts were confused and confused, as if there were ten thousand Astras running around in her mind.

She urgently needs a quiet place and a spiritual pillar to guide her future direction, so how can she respond to the expectations of "believers".

The flaming phoenix left the sky, heading towards the vast sea. Ye Lin provided her with a quiet enough place, that is, an isolated island with two-legged sharks and toucans that no one had set foot on.

And an extra reminder, don’t pick out the eggs, those toucans are quite vindictive.

The crowd cheering and praising Enix were stunned when they saw this scene. The lively and noisy atmosphere came to an abrupt end. You could hear a pin drop. Why did Enix, the great patron saint, leave so suddenly without saying a word to them? explain.

"Lord Enix, she is in a field that we cannot get involved in!" Taryn's master, a fighter in the realm of awakeners, now has a childlike appearance, with a rosy complexion on his face, and his decayed body has become much more flexible because of that "spark" .

"Yeah yeah."

"It's absolutely true. Lord Enix is ​​a god, the great God of Fire, who burned the evil black dragon with flames."

In fact, there is no need to explain too much about the reasons for leaving. The believers will figure out the rationality of all Enix's actions.

In layman's terms, they are fans, and serious believers can also be ridiculed as "brainless fans". Every port is once again lively, praising Enix's name.

"Let's get out of the way."

Ye Lin waved his hand, and there were already many brave people approaching the flaming battlefield. There was no shortage of "adventurers" in this world, and when there were more people, they would definitely be chattering around them.

The sun's rays and the sight of all things were distorted into a whirlpool. When the whirlpool was smoothed out and restored, they were no longer where they were and had arrived at the southwestmost promontory of the Eternal Continent.

The rocks here are rugged, the wind is strong and the waves are strong, and the moist smell of the sea dispels the heat caused by the sky-burning flames just now.

Yuena put away the fairy tale book a little embarrassedly. Among her space props were many leisure story books, such as a complete set of adventure travel notes written by the curator, a collection of He-Man's poems, and various miscellaneous books, and even There is a bundle of books about pregnant women and babies.

It's not that Yuena wants to see this, but pregnant women or women who have just given birth often come to the cathedral to pray. Their maternal faces are kind and gentle, longing for their children to be blessed by God.

At this time, Yuena and Glendis would give each other one or two related knowledge books after praying and take them home to read.

Lord Remedios is a gentle and kind goddess with infinite brilliance who controls the life and light of the beginning.

But the goddess really doesn't care about the prayers of every believer. God's revelation cannot come to everyone, so sometimes... we have to believe in science!

Although it seems weird for a group of paladins to promote "science", it has to be said that it is really useful. The scientific methods of raising babies and raising babies summarized by Tianjie can solve many common sense problems.

"Forgot!" Yuena slapped her forehead and said in a slightly regretful tone: "I forgot to ask Enix for the book fee."

The church's holy books support the public in purchasing simplified versions, and also allow clergymen who unfortunately lose their holy books to reapply for internal special holy books.

But you have to pay an additional book fee.

The revenge war incident came to an end, and Mo Mei returned the topic to the right track, worrying: "Do you think Enix can survive the inner demons?"

Although everyone has not known Enix for a long time, her noble qualities, elegant conversation, and achievements in cultivating the Eternal Continent make everyone willing to make her a friend.

"It's difficult, very difficult, not ordinary." Siatt made a judgment with the eyes of the goddess of fate. She saw that the bones buried underground were inextricably linked to Enix.

This kind of causal relationship is not a malicious desire to seek revenge on Enix, but rather a cause and effect that Enix himself has never forgotten and "actively" established with the underground.

Enix didn't say it, but in her heart she probably always felt that the hundreds of years of suffering in the Eternal Continent were inseparable from her.

Siatt pursed her lips and sighed, feeling distressed, and said: "We all know that kindness is not guilty, but we are not the parties involved, so it is difficult to understand her state of mind at the moment."

"I hope God can respond to her desire and untie the knot in her heart." Yuena drew a sign of a cross on her chest and prayed for Enix.

If this knot cannot be untied, Enix will be trapped in the peak state of his origin for the rest of his life. Even if he reabsorbs the eternal fire of the life power subsystem, he will not be able to produce a gorgeous qualitative change.

For practitioners, seeing the end of the road at a glance is undoubtedly very cruel.

"Boss, what can you do?" Mo Mei looked at Ye Lin expectantly with a smile, and moved from the twisted space to the southwest corner. The boss remained silent.

It is recognized by the whole family that the boss is a eloquent and eloquent person who can always solve other people's psychological problems in unexpected ways and angles... and underwear.

"I have no choice but to pray that squinting my eyes will have some effect." Ye Lin frowned and admitted his shortcomings, then mentioned another thing and said: "The residents of the Eternal Continent pray to Enix, Enix Si prayed to Remy when he was confused, so...who would Remy pray to when he was confused?"

Of course, the problem is not specifically about Narrow Eyes. The implication is that there will always be a peak in the level of power. Who at the top of the pyramid will answer his call and prayer.

"If you really encounter difficulties, you can only seek help from people in the same realm." Mo Mei felt that the complexity of the boss's problem was probably as complicated as Enix's, and analyzed: "It's almost like a lone wolf and a wolf. The concept of group.”

Siatt thought for a while and added: "If it is a matter of the enemy's strength, it is true that you can only ask for help from people in the same realm, but if it is a psychological problem or something, there are always a few outstanding wise people among billions of living beings, and three people can go together. There must be a teacher for me.”

But if the conditions are set to extremes, for example, who should Caroso pray to, or in other words, who should Ye Lin pray to?

"This question doesn't seem to be true." Mo Mei keenly caught a flaw, laughed, and then said quickly: "If anyone can force the boss, Caroso, into a desperate situation, doesn't it mean that they are not the top of the pyramid? The enemy is the strongest."

At this time, don’t pray to others, pray to yourself. The only one who can respond to you is yourself.

The rest is a psychological issue, similar to Enix who now has inner demons.

In fact, Squinting Eyes may not be Enix's best solution, but the situation was quite urgent at the time, and Enix was in such a confused state that people would be fooled. Yuena suddenly got the idea and simply gave her a holy book, which provided a temporary solution. Urgent need.

At least give her a spiritual pillar to keep her from collapsing.

Therefore, it is particularly important to have a solid spiritual pillar.

Just like Terra to Held, Hebron to the old man Luke, etc.

"Boss, what is your spiritual pillar?" Mo Mei asked casually. Just now, the sea in the distance suddenly shook with huge magic power. Dragon King Bakar seemed to be doing something.

Ye Lin pondered, then put his hands together and bowed to Siatt, then bowed to Mo Mei, followed by Yuena, Xiaoyu, the curator, Mailu...

"You mean, we are your spiritual support? That's disgusting." Mo Mei pretended to be trembling and shrugged, which is what old couples do.

"That's not right." Yuena pointed at the three demons and Ningpa and said, "Ye Lin deliberately ignored them."

"Naiko!" Ye Lin straightened up and proudly said his spiritual pillar, but was then knocked away by Xiao Su's falling flower palm.

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