Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2755 The Dragon King’s name

Compared with the "green red panda and big-headed duck" I saw before, the big squirrel beast in front of me was quite inferior in terms of appearance, and its hair was uncombed and messy.

When it raised its head to look at Xiao Su, its eyes were not as soft and gentle as those of the mythical beasts. Instead, they were a bit human, obscure and deep, with a sense of scrutiny.

Although the "squirrel" is very small, it feels like a very old elder checking the incompetent younger generation.

Mailu knelt down and gently touched the squirrel's head. Her face was full of care and compassion, and she murmured: "How pitiful, no one takes care of you."

After that, he took out a small wooden comb, took off the "squirrel's" headgear, and skillfully combed the curly pink fur, making it nice and clean from the head to the tail.

The "big squirrel" was stunned and motionless, like a steel sculpture.

This girl... is not simple!

"We have to leave, otherwise I'd like to wash your fuzz."

Mailu smiled and waved her hand, "Goodbye, big squirrel, take care of yourself."

Ye Lin and his party disappeared into the street for a long time before the stiff squirrel slowly turned its neck and stared at the innocent shopkeeper who had witnessed the whole process. He erased this part of his memory with a tap of his short stick.

Even when Mal and Kelton were still in the God Realm, they didn't dare to give it a smooth coat.

"Is she the girl who paid...why did that man make me feel so much deeper and unfathomable?"


"Let's go eat!" Sophie suggested, touching her belly. Puff and Astra stood aside and nodded vigorously in agreement. We hadn't eaten for twenty minutes, and our bellies were almost starving.

Without waiting for Yelin to say anything, Sophie couldn't wait to get into a restaurant on the roadside. I didn't care. I was hungry and didn't have the energy to go shopping.

"Then let's try the delicacies of the gods." Ye Lin shrugged, then looked at Xiao Su with malicious eyes.

Let's get some "gold coins" from the Seal of Heaven. We are all poor, otherwise we can only pay with bricks.

"Tch, what kind of store is this? Do you think I'm an ascetic ascetic?" Sophie's face was full of displeasure. After waiting for about ten seconds, her mood calmed down, "Let's go to another store."

Because this store hardly offers meat, the meat on the menu only has some seafood and some poultry. When it comes to beef thighs, there is no beef, and when it comes to braised pork, it is even more unclear.

Sophie scanned the fantasy and creative buildings in the God Realm with high spirits, such as a docile cylindrical building main body, supported by a dozen powerful arms at the top, and a dozen mushroom-shaped sub-buildings blooming, which is very important for architecture. Materials and physical mechanics have very high demands.

This hotel is quite large and offers a richer selection of meat products.

Xiao Su asked for one of the "mushrooms", which was reserved, but it didn't cost her any money anyway.

Sophie described her needs to the charcoal-skinned Fire tribe waiter, "Meat, yes, all the meat will be delivered, don't worry you won't be short of money."

The location of the hotel is very high, about thirty meters high. Through the bright and clean glass windows, you can see a corner of the beautiful and magnificent White Sea. At noon, the sun is bright and the fog is thin. There are occasionally a few sailboats passing by the seaside, which is unbearable. The broken tranquility is picturesque.

The meals are served one after another. Bai Hai's diet is relatively light, mainly vegetables, and the meat is meat with less fat content.

So Sophie and Puff have a very low opinion of Bai Hai. Without the pleasure of eating meat, what's the point of living?

Ye Feng's master, who has an excellent figure, big breasts and round hips, is an unmarried pilot, and he comes from Qianhaitian, another continent in the God Realm.

The food culture is relatively popular in that place, with excellent condiments and stews.

"I want to go to Qianhaitian where there is stewed meat~" Sophie poked at the meat in the bowl with her chopsticks without interest. It was lean meat, less oil and less salt.

Puff responded, "I want to go too."

Ignoring the "wailing" of the two little rice cooks, they still rated Baihai's food very highly. It has less oil and less salt, mainly vegetables and eggs, and is nutritious and healthy. It is an excellent weight loss and health meal.

After the meal, have a cup of fragrant tea or coffee, and pour a glass of juice or milk for the Mailu and Demon Realm people. You will feel indescribable peace and comfort at this moment.

Ningpa gently tugged on Yelin's clothes. Her soft pink hair matched her cute little girlish face, and her big, bright, vertical pupils had a different kind of hint...

"Ahem, I'm going to feed the pet." Ye Lin took Ningpa to an unoccupied room.

"Desire is like a bone scraper." Feng Ying, who was passing by, said meaningfully.

"I'm a tough guy!"

The height of the glass window in the room is about 1.2 meters. When the petite Ningpa sat with his back by the window, his head was completely hidden. Only two bright crest feathers that replaced the dragon's horns protruded from the window edge.

Ye Lin stood behind the window with his hands on the edge of the window, looking out at the picturesque white sea. There were two crown feathers swaying around his waist.


Kukai Part 2

The Qingyuan warship docked at a huge floating island in the sky. Facing the raging wind, strong men with surging aura and fearlessness in the wind emerged. The hurricanes in the sky and the sea stagnated under the terrifying pressure.

The Great Elder of Baiyun Valley, Luton, stood on the edge of the floating island and looked down. He said with a bold voice: "I really want to see if the world under the sea is real."

The Baiyun Valley guards the ancient waterway from a thousand years ago, but there has never been a signal from the world on the other side. The news has been cut off. Maybe it has been completely wiped out by that race.

What remains is the legend of the sea.

"Every year, people try to leave from Kukai, but no one ever comes back." The Lord of Qingyuan City glanced at the expressionless pilot captain without any trace, and heard that she had a reckless apprentice who went down.

"Kukai has been swallowing a lot of sea water, mist, and magic power. There will always be an end, maybe an abyss, or maybe another world." The pilot said calmly.

People standing on the shore have no right to laugh at the brave men who brave the waves.

There were still people who wanted to say something, but they were shocked by the strength of the Navigator, which was second to none in the Qianhaitian Continent and was also the top in the entire God Realm, so they shut up knowingly.

It's rude and immoral to make fun of someone else's apprentice, and Qian Haitian's pilot came to help Bai Hai voluntarily, which is a favor.

The old Lord of Qingyuan City cleared his throat to calm everyone down and said: "A magic storm will usher in the second area in half an hour at most. Everyone, be careful and return to Qingyuan immediately after half an hour."

Figures with powerful auras swept out of the fog warship. Their positions had been assigned in advance. Once they found a damaged seal, they would immediately use the fog machine to notify everyone.

The mist boots sprayed out two streams of air, and the pilot jumped towards a gray boulder protruding from the boundary between the air and the sea. Water splashed around, and it felt cold to the touch. There were some dark vines growing on the boulder, and there was also a faint wisp of air. The weird smell.

"It would be great if the flowers I raise have such vitality... Sure enough, they have evil aura, but why is there still a wisp of fire?"

The navigator scanned the surroundings with cautious and sharp eyes, and at the same time took off a fog machine from his flexible waist and let it fly. This dragonfly-like fog machine can track the places with the most evil spirits. It is one of the very practical props in the God Realm.

call out!

The pilot didn't look back, and hit a spider the size of a washbasin with a backward arrow, and dark green blood splashed into a ball.

Not a monster, but a guy infected by the breath of a monster.

As time passed by, an ominous wind slowly blew in Kukai's second area. Everyone's heartstrings gradually tightened and their faces became solemn.

Once the storm in Kukai appears, they must evacuate. If they wait next time, they don't know how long it will take. Many things will be unpredictable.

The pilot was as fast as lightning, passing over floating islands and boulders. Suddenly, she stopped, her pupils shrank, and she found a brand new writing mark on a floating island.

"I conveniently used Dragon Language to temporarily block the crack, but it can only temporarily relieve the urgent need. This cost me half a minute of my life."

There is a sign pointing to a haircut behind the text. Looking in the direction, a dark abyss-like gap is gushing out with thick demonic energy. There are countless powerful malicious forces trying to break out of the abyss.

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