Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2760 The long-lost freshness

Ships using "mist" as energy traveled through the white sea with a sad atmosphere, salvaged the floating corpses that had transformed from ghosts into humans, and used mist refrigeration to quickly freeze and preserve them, waiting for subsequent processing.

Yuena's move was of great significance. It greatly gained the favor of everyone in Baihai. Speculations about her true identity also abounded. Someone quietly abducted the legendary "God of Fog".

Hermit Elgon took back the five-element short staff, remained silent for a moment, and sent a message to the White Sea beasts living in the Forest of Awakening. Continue to sleep peacefully. The crisis in the White Sea has been resolved.

Mr. Luo's huge and terrifying body disappeared into the deep sea and disappeared from everyone's eyes. At the same time, a spiritual light appeared on the shore of the white sea, looking like a mini translucent octopus.

"Thank you." The big squirrel Elgon nodded. He was worthy of being an apostle who inherited the power of Taichu. Each of them has something extraordinary.

"It's just a transaction," Mr. Luo replied.

Ye Lin appeared next to him and sat cross-legged on the ground. Otherwise, his height would keep looking down at the big squirrel Elgon, which would be a bit rude.

Yuena originally wanted to go back to drink tea and fight with Yimi Wu, but after thinking about it, she came over. She had a new idea, whether she could spread God's revelation in the God Realm.

For example, there is a newly built Church of Light in the underground center of the Demon World, where Domina Hayley works.

While developing believers, it can also add a line of professions to the divine world.

Ye Lin took off his coat and laid it on the cold cement floor, adding a soft cushion. Yuena nodded her smooth and white chin with satisfaction, gathered the hem of the archangel's dress, bent her beautiful long legs, and hugged her knees. Sit down gracefully.

The soft cushions used to be used by rice cakes to sleep on.

The combination of two humans, a big squirrel, and a mini translucent octopus is undoubtedly very eye-catching. The old city lord Qingyuan of Baihai, the great elder Luton, the navigator, as well as some strong practitioners and Scholars of knowledge are moving closer here.

Under the premise that Ye Lin and Yue Na released their kindness, their shocked heartstrings relaxed while maintaining respect. They wanted to get closer and see if they could ask for anything.

The strongest people in the God Realm are the three hermits. They all have elegant and easy-going attitudes and temperaments, and therefore cultivate a positive atmosphere in the God Realm where people are eager to learn and ask questions.

The movement of Ye Lin and Yuena sitting on the floor made Elgon's eyes move slightly, and he said, "Mar mentioned you. The stars in the world outside the God Realm are bright, and someone holds the blade in his hand."

Mar didn't mention his name or image. He only said that the disciple liked to "meddle in other people's business" and that they would definitely meet each other if they were destined in the divine world.

There was a little misunderstanding when they met at the door of the store, and now they formally introduced themselves, the hermit who stayed behind in the God Realm, and the "variable" that Mal favored.

"By the way, Mr. Luo, how did you sneak into the God Realm?" Ye Lin asked.

The mini octopus turned his spiritual power into a real voice and replied: "After I said goodbye to Bakar's underwater city, I tried to get closer to the God Realm. I have reached the limit of the ocean in the Heaven Realm, so I tried to Looking for legends.”

Ye Lin was not surprised at all that Mr. Luo could find the God Realm. Although mental strength and intelligence were not completely related, the powerful being of the former would definitely not be a big fool.

Moreover, Mr. Luo's own intelligence was ridiculously high. After being transferred to the Sky Curtain Behemoth, he quickly figured out the ins and outs and raised a series of far-reaching philosophical questions, including the most important "blade" and "sword holding". or” question.

That is, whose hand the Trial Blade is in. Of course, these are old stories.

"I dived from the bottom of the sea to the God Realm. I encountered a barrier on the way, but there were many gaps. I just found a hole and came in."

Ergon was slightly ashamed after saying this. With your huge body of several thousand meters here, the so-called "hole" is probably as big as a mountain. There are indeed many problems with the barrier of the God Realm.

Elgon, who was staying in the God Realm to shoulder the responsibility of guardianship, soon discovered this uninvited guest. It happened that Elgon's creed of dealing with things focused on harmony and communication, so both of them were lucky that a fight did not break out.

As a highly intelligent being, Mr. Luo immediately noticed that there were many extraordinary things about the God Realm. The magic flowing in the sky and ocean was more intense and powerful than the Heaven Realm, and the big squirrel negotiating terms with it was very powerful.

A happy agreement was reached. Mr. Luo could wander around in the ocean of the God Realm. The restriction was that he was not allowed to do harm to the people and beasts of the God Realm, otherwise Elgon would take action.

"Lord Elgon, and..."

The strong men from Bai Hai came one by one, their expressions not hiding their strong curiosity about the identities of Ye Lin and Yue Na.

Although everyone believed that Ye Lin Bazheng was the hermit "Mal", such unconfirmed things could not be said directly, in case there was an identity secret that they did not know.

So everyone looked at Elgon eagerly, hoping that he could confirm the identities and names of Yelin and Yuena, so that they could have respectful titles.

However, Elgon only nodded, then frowned and looked in the direction of the misty plateau, without revealing Ye Lin's true identity.

Respect is mutual, and Ye Lin has no intention of exposing it, so he won't say anything.

The navigator, who had only said goodbye to Ye Lin ten minutes ago, was also here. He was also silent, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

While everyone was scratching their heads and scratching their heads, she was the only one who knew Ye Lin's true identity, so this suddenly gave the pilot a very strange feeling in his heart, like a thirsty person drinking mountain spring water. Fresh and comfortable.

It was the freshness and sense of gain that she had longed for.

Then, the pilot glanced at Yuena who was sitting next to him without leaving a trace. It was she who purified those transformed ghosts. Her eyebrows were like willow leaves and her skin was as white as snow. She was such a beautiful and fairy-like girl.

Because Ye Lin and Yuena were both sitting on the ground, Mr. Luo was suspended one meter above the ground, and Mr. Hermit Elgon was not tall due to his race, so everyone was embarrassed to stand next to him.

So they sat on the ground one after another and listened to the conversations of the strong men in the "unreachable realm". Maybe they could gain something.

It’s really hard to cross that step.

Ye Lin smiled and waved to the navigator, and spread a soft cushion next to him. The latter hesitated for a moment and then walked over.

Perhaps, we can get some more "freshness" from him.


Yuena smiled and said hello, secretly complaining that only at a close distance can one more truly feel the exaggeration of the other person's figure. It can be said that it is already the limit of perfection. The excellent physique of the cultivator allows the pilot to maintain plumpness and not sag very much.


The navigator returned the smile and guessed that the other party was from the same world as Ye Lin, so it was normal to know her identity in advance, but he didn't know her relationship with Ye Lin.

"Kukai's troubled passage has been sealed. There shouldn't be any problems there, but Kukai is still Kukai." Elgon reminded lightly, don't think about using the bottom of Kukai to reach another world.

After the hermit confirmed that Kukai had come to an end, everyone's eyes couldn't help but be filled with horror and confusion. Not only did the powerful swordsmanship kill the monsters, but also the extraordinary magic sealed Kukai.

Is he Lord Mal?

Elgon the Hermit gave some more instructions. The crisis in White Sea is safe, but don't let down your guard. The island of Darkness is not peaceful either. It is another passage connecting the troubled land.

Elgon seems cold and aloof, and sometimes gets "impatient" when faced with silly questions. In fact, he is quite serious and attentive, answering all questions.

During this period, some people also tried to ask Ye Lin some questions, while they kept mumbling in their hearts.

Ye Lin's young and handsome appearance does not have the "majesty of a strong man" in any way. It is difficult for people to associate him with the previous strong man who continuously killed and surpassed monsters.

"That's it. Do you have any questions?" Elgon was about to leave. He had something to deal with and wanted to find out.

Why would the Land of Trouble know that something was wrong with the one in the Mist Plateau?

"There is a problem. We found that the fog machine used to search for demonic energy seems to have failed." A scholar said.

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