Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2763: What to do if you are a monogamous couple? Let’s think about it again

Beautiful scholar Ricky, to put it mildly, she is a theoretical person. To put it bluntly, she is just talking big words and bragging without achieving any results.

If Ricky were placed in the age of the Mechanical Seven Gods of War in the heaven, everyone would wish that one minute could be as long as an hour. Among the members of the Seven Gods of War, except Hayd (Held), they would stay up late every day, trying their best to squeeze out their own strength. Because of this, Lati became addicted to cigarettes.

It is estimated that in a few days, Ricky, who can only talk empty talk, will be directly expelled by the serious Taneba for stepping left foot first when entering the door.

However, from what the navigator said, it seemed that Ricky's theory was not all fantasy. Someone made a fog machine based on her theory that was very effective, but the success rate was not high.

He has outstanding appearance and figure, and is talented, but his personality is a bit arrogant, does not understand etiquette, does not know how to get along with others, is too lazy to practice, and longs for the recognition of others... Yelin gave Ricky some impression labels when they first met.

At first glance, it seems that the other party has quite a lot of problems. If there is no change, Ricky will probably stop here in the academic field and will hardly achieve brilliant achievements.

Ye Lin believes that Ricky has a lot of room for improvement, but she needs an excellent teacher to properly address her problems.

Lots of shortcomings = lots of room for improvement!

As Hermit Elgon disappeared, the strong men and scholars of Baihai all stood up. You looked at me, I looked at you, and then secretly looked at Yelin and Yuena. The reason why they didn't leave immediately was because of their status. The two people who became fans haven't left yet.

There was still no one around the beautiful scholar Ricky, and she looked so alone like a wild rose growing alone. She was somewhat used to it, and she thought she stood out from the crowd.

Ye Lin smiled and asked, "Are there anyone from Baiyun Valley here?"


"Hello, I am the great elder of Baiyun Valley, Luton."

Grand Elder Luton came over. He had a thick blue beard, eyes like lightning, and a very tall figure. When he stood, he looked like a giant bear king. His single size could bring great oppression to others.

In the God Realm dominated by Five Elements Magic, Luton is a relatively rare practitioner of physical arts, but he can also release powerful thunder and lightning power through the huge fog war hammer and the fog gloves on his wrists.

Luton seems to be powerful and heroic, with a voice that can stun a cow, but in fact he is quite kind.

Yelin smiled and remained silent. The other people in the God Realm understood instantly and understood that this suspected "Lord Mal" did not want others to know about his conversation with Luton, so they all said goodbye one by one.

"Thank you for your hard work fighting for the White Sea." Yuena responded with respect and a smile, as if she was a local "indigenous".

She couldn't really be the God of Mist who was more mysterious than the Hermit... Many people were full of doubts and kept looking back when they left.

Only Ricky, who was not very discerning, had not left yet. He looked at Ye Lin from time to time, hesitating to speak, as if he had something to say.

Ye Lin nodded to Ricky, calm down, and then said to the great elder Luton: "The lighthouse that has been extinguished for thousands of years will soon light up again."

"What?!" Luton suddenly clenched his fists to hide his shock. As the great elder of Baiyun Valley, no one knew the meaning of this better than him.

The lighthouse route has been extinguished for nearly a thousand years, and the great elders of Baiyun Valley have passed it on for several generations. Many young people have asked whether the lighthouse will still light up, and whether the outside world is real.

Occasionally, people from other organizations will ridicule Baiyun Valley for its meaningless persistence. What should you do with this time?

"It's true." Ye Lin confirmed again, then took out two exquisite gift boxes and said with a smile: "Not long ago, I was helped by your Erich and Shu Mu from Baiyun Valley. I was in a hurry. This is Please bring a little gift back to them for me."

Herald Erich, Earth Keeper Shumu, and Grand Elder Luton were surprised when they heard this. Their two talents were good, but how could they compare with Master "Mal".

If they can help, it would be nice if they don't cause any trouble.

He had previously assigned two people to investigate the anomalies in Kukai. Maybe "Mal"-sama knew them at that time, and they were really destined.

But Luton then thought about it. Considering the special nature of that girl Shum, it was not impossible. Could it be that Master "Mal" knew Shum's true identity.

After Luton took the gift, he paid his respects again and left. Yelin did not take the initiative to explain his identity. When the other party returned to Baiyun Valley, the two girls with white stockings would explain the ins and outs for him.

Now only Leaf's master, the navigator, and Ricky, who seemed to have something to do, were left. Yelin suggested finding a quiet place. On the way here, he saw a well-decorated coffee shop.

In fact, the towns on the edge of the White Sea have long been empty of people due to evacuation, and everything is quiet.

"Are you rich?" Yuena reminded through a voice message. We two seemed extremely powerful and respected in status, but we didn't have a single God Realm coin in our pockets.


Ye Lin twitched his lips, not thinking of using materialization magic to create something out of nothing, but sent a message to Xiao Su, "Good apprentice, please lend me some money."

Ding Ling Dang Cang~

The Seal of Heaven was exposed to "gold coins" again, and Ye Lin used space magic to retrieve the gold coins.

"Xiao Su, it is a great kindness to help Jianghu in an emergency. There is no way to repay it, I can only promise it with my body."

"Promise me with your body... then chop your hands off and give them to me."

Ye Lin choked up something smartly by Xiao Su, and Ye Lin knew it and stopped talking. He guessed that Xiao Yu must have come up with the idea nearby. Xiao Su, a good boy, would not mention such a bloody thing.

"Bring me a drink when you come back." Xiao Su sent a message, and then directly blocked the perverted teacher unilaterally, waiting for him to calm down before returning to a special caring friend.


The owner of the coffee shop ran away in a hurry and seemed to have not returned yet. The shop was empty. The coffee machine used in the God Realm was very obviously different from Arad.

Ye Lin glanced at the menu and left enough money on the table.

"I'll do it." The navigator skillfully operated the coffee machine. She knew that Ye Lin was not from the God Realm and was not very skilled in the use of fog machinery.

The coffee with four times the richness was filled with hot steam, and the pilot brought a small plate of marshmallows, "Sorry, I personally like a stronger taste, so I accidentally made it like this."

"It doesn't matter."

Yelin and Yuena sat side by side, with the navigator opposite him and Ricky opposite Yuena.

"This is my wife Yuena, a paladin inspired by light." Ye Lin introduced.

Yuena smiled gently, stretched out her hand and shook hands with the navigator and the confused Rick.

As expected of the scheming Sugarcane, her identity was revealed in one sentence, and at the same time it evoked the freshness that the pilot captain needed.

What is the Light Revelation, and what is the Paladin.

As for Yuena's "Mrs." identity, Ye Lin believed that this was the most correct choice. She could not deceive the pilot and say that she was unmarried. Yuena was just a friend. That would be a big trouble.

Yuena didn't care that he was already a great benefactor, so how could she deliberately let down the yellow-faced woman again?

"Afraid of being stabbed through by the holy spear Brionac in the middle of the night..."

And it also laid the groundwork for the navigator and Ricky to realize that I have actually been married... more than once.

If they are monogamous like the ladies in black dresses, then... think of another way.

Ye Lin looked at the beautiful scholar across from him and asked, "Ricky, I heard from the pilot that you never put your ideas into reality. Why?"

"As expected of you..." Yuena secretly rolled her eyes. She immediately understood the clever arrangement of her own sugar cane as an old couple got along.

Ricky is in a situation where she has no friends and is ignored by other scholars. She is able to sit here drinking coffee because of Ye Lin's invitation, and she also has something to do.

If she started the conversation with the navigator first, Ricky would probably not be able to talk to her for a long time, and it would be very embarrassing for her.

So Ganzhe opened up the topic with Ricky first, letting her know that she was not left out. When chatting with the navigator next, Ricky had the initiative whether he chose to listen or leave, which would make Ricky feel very comfortable. .

Yuena took a sip of the bitter coffee. Without reading her mind, she could guess that Ricky's favorability towards sugar cane must have soared a lot.

Shumu (tentative translation) is a very special existence in the God Realm plot, similar to the 110 version of Meshel, running around with adventurers.

Then I discovered that Shumu’s vertical painting looked somewhat similar to the mist god, with a white skirt, long blue hair, white silk... the mist god looked like an adult Shumu.

Wu Shen does not have independent drawings for the time being, and only pixel images appear in the plot.

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