Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2778 Tailor-made for you

Seeing that she was looking at the photo in ecstasy, the navigator joked: "Smart Ms. Hemo Ni, have you guessed something from this photo?"

He Mouni not only has a heavenly singing voice, but also has an exquisite appearance painted with magic brushes. However, her previous dream was to be a scholar who benefits the divine world, commonly known as an "inventor".

Another title for scholars in the divine world is “inventors.”

Moreover, Hemo Ni has a Chongquan Scholar certificate, which is equivalent to graduating from the ivory tower in Baihai. He also has some small inventions, such as recording microphones and so on.

"Well... the world under the sea is real. The person suspected of being Mal comes from the world under the sea. Also, you have established a good relationship with the other person. The thousand years of waiting in Baiyun Valley have become valuable." He Mo Ni I talked about a few key points.

As for the reconciliation between two young friends like Leaf and Muse, it has been clearly shown in the photos, so there is no need to go into details.

"How do you know that I have established a friendship with him?" When the pilot asked a long question, he held his forehead and sighed. Nonsense, if people didn't recognize you, why would they give you this photo.

"Let me change the question. Why don't you guess that Leaf and Muse are back?"

He Mo Ni gently put down the photo, took a sip of the slightly sweet potion, and said with a smile: "If they really came back, you would have captured them and brought them back to Starfall last night."

She was very precious to her apprentice Leaf. The navigator believed that men were of no value to her, so he remained unmarried and single. The extremely talented Leaf was almost treated as a sister or even a daughter by her.

Moreover, and Mo Ni also speculated that Leaf should have described the appearance of the pilot to the "unreachable" person, such as the habit of tying up his hair, relatively simple clothes, especially the body characteristics, that is, big breasts and perky buttocks. Full and mature body.

And then he is still an origin-level powerhouse. It is no exaggeration to say that the only person in the God Realm who meets these detailed conditions is the Navigator.

This speculation also comes from a habit of Ye Feng. Ye Feng actually does not like taking photos. He once said, "Travelers always go on the unknown road and will not miss the scenery behind them."

And the pilot doesn’t have the habit of taking photos, so in another world, Leaf wouldn’t have a photo of the pilot to show this person.

So if the navigator could get in touch with the mysterious person, there is a high probability that the other party took the initiative and was recognized by the other party... However, all subsequent speculations and Mo Ni did not say anything.

The navigator smiled and applauded, and said: "No wonder you wanted to be a scholar before. I also met a talented scholar in Baihai, but she seems to have been wasting her talents, which is quite regrettable."

"I don't think so, I just do." He Mo Ni corrected seriously with a smile, "I have a Chongquan Scholar Certificate."

The navigator nodded helplessly and spread his hands, then took out several forms given by Ye Lin and found a black pen to fill them in. The forms were bound and had a silver-white sticker on the back.

I remember Ye Lin said that if he peeled off the sticker, the form would be sent to him.

She tried to study the mystery of the stickers, but found no unusual magic in them, probably because of the difference in realm.

Space magic...if archers could master the power of space...

While she was writing the contents of the form, she was chatting with Mo Ni about recent events. Her best friend was weak and didn't go out much, so the only way to get fresh news was through newspapers and dictation from others.

"Is the name of the scholar who wasted his talents you mentioned Ricky?" He Mo Ni was thoughtful, seeming to recall something.

"Yes, do you know her?"

"I've never seen it, but I've heard of it. She's quite famous among academics, but she has a bad reputation. She's a staunch theorist and not interested in turning theory into reality. But she has an article about fog particles. The paper is very good, I have read it several times, what does she look like?"

He is obviously the most outstanding singer and musician in the divine world, but he keeps asking about academic matters. It seems a bit of a waste of talent, but it is actually a last resort.

She is too weak to hold concerts in public, and rarely goes out for fun. She usually spends her time writing lyrics and composing music, and looking at academic knowledge.

People have to find something to do, otherwise they will get bored.

To be honest, the navigator has no idea whether the heavenly herb recorded in the medicine books that can "reborn" a person can be found. If there is no more news, she will find a way to contact Lord Algon to ask.

"Ricky, she is very tall and fashionably dressed. Her hair is tied up with a hairband, and she wears a pair of amethyst glasses. She has a beautiful appearance and a good figure, but she is really theoretical when it comes to academic research and does not do anything... …”

The navigator recalled the scene where Ye Lin used a "crystal screen" to communicate with the heavens. The person on the other end seemed to have completely shocked Ricky.

"I think Ricky may change, and she may grow into an outstanding scholar." The pilot had an intuition and immediately smiled: "I have extended an invitation to her. If Bai Hai can't stay any longer, Just come to Qianhaitian to find me."

The navigator continued to immerse herself in filling out the form. She wrote from back to front. It was her personal habit to finish off the more difficult things first, and then fill in the small questions at the front.

Anyway, there is no time limit.

"What have you been writing."

"The form Ye Lin gave me said that he would try to tailor a training plan for me, and there would be a chance to break through the unreachable realm."

The phantom of a green date negated her archery skills, which were almost the best in the God Realm.

She was a little unconvinced at first, but it was you who stepped back ten meters, ten meters... which annoyed me, so I became distracted.

But in retrospect, would the enemy give her a chance to distract herself?

Qingzao's education did not increase the realm of the navigator, but rather cultivated the state that an archer should have, which is steady, sharp, precise, and vigilant!

"This person's name is Ye Lin." He Mo Ni pointed her handsome finger at the blurry figure on the newspaper, representing the "unreachable" realm of another world.

"Uh...well, he named our realm the Transcendent."

The words on the form are very mysterious and seem to contain special magic.

One question, for example, is "What do you think the next step in your archery should be?"

She was so immersed in writing that she unconsciously wrote more than 10,000 words. It seemed that the writing space was only the size of a palm, but it was enough to accommodate all her understanding and insights.

It was as if she was demonstrating her power to the other party!

When the navigator suddenly came to his senses, he felt increasingly that the night forest was unfathomable, and his expectation became stronger and stronger.

He is the first and only transcendent who is willing to teach his experience. I really owe him a favor, no... it is more important than a favor.

A higher realm is fascinating.

"Interesting, please take a look at this first." He Moni handed the first form in front of her eyes, blocking the leader's view.

The form that should be filled out first should be placed at the end. The entries on it are name, gender, date of birth, whether you are married...

You're crazy, can't you see that I'm a man and a woman?

The navigator twitched his lips and wanted to complain, but then thought that this might be a common format, and reluctantly expressed his understanding.

Then height, weight, bust, waist, hips...


If it weren't for the magic mystery contained in the table at the back, the navigator would have thought it was a model's information sheet.

She knew her height, but her weight and body measurements had not been measured for a long time. A person who did not pay attention to grooming would not be proud of her figure.

But does this personal data have anything to do with breaking through the transcendent realm?

Are fat people or thin people not allowed to break through to a higher realm?

"Maybe it's a common format, but I really don't remember." The navigator lowered his head and glanced at the fullness of his chest.

"You said it was tailor-made for you. Of course, everything must be done in every detail." He Mo Ni smiled, found a measuring ruler from the room, and said with a smile: "Take it off, I will help you measure it."

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