Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2785 “Money-burning” Hobby

However, the current experimental data is very sparse and insufficient. Ricky has only experimented with white rats, and both himself and Cynthinia experienced hallucinogenic phenomena.

The white mouse showed a strong state of restlessness. It took about a quarter of an hour after the fog dissipated to slowly return to normal.

At the academic exchange meeting a week later, thin data and information were not convincing. Only multiple experiments can reflect the rigor of science.

If Ye Lin hadn't left early, she would have wanted to test Ye Lin's reaction to the mist.

"It's very valuable." The navigator nodded and affirmed her research, and then walked towards the room filled with fog. Now she wanted to try it herself.

The energy of mist is closely related to the life and cultivation of people in the God Realm. To put it bluntly, there is mist in her body now.

Watching the pilot calmly walk into the fog, her figure was submerged, with a lingering look of fear on her face. Cynthinia said in surprise: "The pilot seems different from those dignified and indifferent big shots. Her personality seems to be more easy-going, but she is really... are willing to experiment on themselves.”

"The premise is that you are valuable and interested in her. Of course, there is nothing wrong with what you said. She is indeed a nice person."

People in the God Realm are as familiar with the mist as spreading their palms in front of their eyes, and they have developed a habit of thinking.

Just like when an ordinary person speaks a series of words for ingredients such as radish, cabbage, pork, silver carp, etc., he will not even think about their specific appearance in his mind, because he has instinctively become accustomed to these things.

A voice came from inside the room, "Ricky, increase the concentration of the fog. The current one is useless to me."

"Okay. Navigator, please pay attention, remember what you are doing now, and speak out immediately if you see something different with your eyes."

The huge mist extractor made a huge sound and then started to operate, extracting the omnipresent mist in the God Realm and turning it into purer energy and injecting it into the room. The light of the magic array on the wall also became much brighter.

As time slowly passed, Cynthinia and Ricky's expressions of surprise became more and more intense. The energy of the mist now was ten times more powerful than before. It was not an exaggeration to say that it was highly poisonous. The navigator made no sound at all. Not sent out.

Cynthinya frowned and said worriedly: "Is nothing going to happen?"

"I'm fine, continue." The voice of the navigator came out again, sounding calm and without any abnormality.


He truly deserves to be one of the great figures in the God Realm, second only to the Hermit. This determination and strength impressed Xynsinia.

Time continued to pass for a quarter of an hour, and the fog concentration had reached seventeen times what it was just now, which was already the limit.

It's not the limit of the pilot, but the limit of the mist extractor. This extractor is an ordinary model. The highest efficiency is fifteen times extraction. Ricky slightly modified it and increased it by two times.

The pilot's long hair, eyebrows and face were covered with a layer of misty water drops, and his clothes were damp, as if he were in a hot sauna in a stuffy house, which had affected his normal breathing.

She regretted returning the form to Ye Lin just now, otherwise she could have written down the current situation to hear his opinion.

Lord Mal and Lord Kelton have not returned to the God Realm for a long time.

The extraction of mechanical limits, hallucinations have not yet appeared, could it be the hallucination of the two of them due to their low strength and excessive pressure.

After deep contemplation, the navigator made an astonishing decision. She took matters into her own hands to condense the energy of the mist.

Drops of misty water like soybeans appeared drop by drop, and fell to the ground. Then they were gathered by the magic array on the wall, and gradually gathered into a thin layer of water, three to four centimeters, covering her feet.

For ordinary people, this concentration of fog energy is enough to kill instantly.

The pilot bent down and restrained a handful of misty water, but suddenly found a pair of deep eyes reflected in the water, which were completely different from hers. They were as dark blue as the sea, calm and waveless, and her mind also appeared for a moment. The trance between...


The navigator who walked out of the room nodded to Ricky. Although the hallucination only appeared for less than two seconds and was not as rich in content as Cynthinia, it did affect her.

"The concentration threshold is directly proportional to strength. The stronger the person, the less affected they are. Unreachable realms should be completely exempt. The possibility of subsequent mutations cannot be ruled out, but there are more ordinary people in the God Realm." The pilot said his own Experience and provide more useful information to Ricky.

Before leaving, she added: "Try to find out the cause of the mist's hallucinations and how it mutated. In a week, I will take you to the ivory tower gathering."


"Who are those blue eyes? Why did I see a pair of strange eyes in my hallucination? Do any of my friends have blue eyes?"

Although Ricky's eyes were blue, they were far less noble and deep than the other's, and the difference was still obvious.

The navigator believes that a huge change is quietly taking place in the divine world.


Eternal Continent

The mythical beast Xiaogan, who was muttered by Mi Gao and Astra, shook his beautiful head slightly and reluctantly used the secret method of transformation to shrink his body.

Some creatures just like to be "big" physically, and it makes no sense to go smaller.

In terms of the most natural and vague biological instincts, a large body often means strong strength and is also a symbol of status.

Fu Zhu's size slowly shrank in the light, and the golden horns on his head became miniscule and cute. The fur all over his body was soft, and the little Fu Zhu appeared with a beautiful big tail behind him. His body shape was now similar to that of the flame cat Dabao.

Xiaoyu looked at Fu Zhu carefully for a while and muttered: "Why does it smell like a silly roe deer? The big eyes are full of clear stupidity."

Ye Lin also thoughtfully prepared a nest that Mi Gao had used before, with fine velvet. In the past, when Mi Gao was drunk, Mai Lu was not allowed to go to bed, so he gave her a nest to sleep in.

The flame cat Dabao curiously circled around the pretty face, then stretched out his fleshy paws to play with the opponent's beautiful tail~

Cats always have an inexplicable curiosity about their tails.

"Fat Bunny's pet is so nice." The little witch was lying lazily on the sofa, her clothes slightly disheveled, and what she was holding in her arms was not the Bad Bunny, but a large bag of original potato chips.

Crazy Bear is a good friend, and Bad Rabbit is a kind of occult medium but does not have his own spiritual consciousness, so the great little witch does not have his own pet or corresponding supporters.

The little witch rolled her big eyes, full of weirdness, smiled, raised her little feet, and said: "Gang Cane, come here and be my licking dog."


Ganzhe fluttered his sleeves, knelt down on one knee next to the sofa, kissed the white and flawless instep, and said expectantly: "I will be your licking dog, will you lick it for me?"

"Of course."

Soon, Yimi Wu understood that this was a pun, and immediately glared at him, snorted and pulled back his little feet, "No, you've been dumped by me."

Yuena passed by, took a handful of potato chips from her potato chip bag, and scolded lightly: "Dwarf melon, if you have nothing to do, you should develop other hobbies besides handwork. Have you gained weight? "

"Curse, is it okay to pierce a villain..." Yimi Wu pinched his belly and said that the yellow-faced woman was just talking nonsense. I don't have a body that can't gain weight.

"For example, if you have any special skills, try to use them more."

"I... I'm pretty good at stabbing people."


"I think I'm pretty rich."

Yuena rolled her eyes helplessly, clenching her fists and wanting to beat this girl. If you are in trouble, you will get gold bricks, right? And they are the size of standard construction bricks.

"Then you develop some money-burning hobbies."

The normal one is like the madman Ruike, who is willing to buy luxury houses, luxury cars, expensive jewelry and clothes, and the abnormal one is Biana, who goes to the West Coast Racecourse to gamble on horse racing.

Be paranoid and go into business and investment.

Guyu looked over, his mind was clear, and he muttered: "A hobby to burn money? Why, Yimiwu likes to visit graves?"

A ray of light suddenly lit up in the room, and the form from the navigator was delivered.

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