Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2791 Squint’s evaluation of Arad

Chapter 2792 Squint’s evaluation of Arad

Enix's inner demon problem has come to an end for the time being, and her method of resolving her inner demons has also allowed everyone to re-understand the power of faith.

Respecting Hutton Mar's artistic habits, everyone usually hangs out in the white Remedia Cathedral. The priests there are all vivid examples.

The more sacred texts you understand and the more devout your heart is in serving God, the easier it will be to receive additional revelations from God and gain the power of light or fire.

Believers: Part of the strength of believers comes from their own hard work, and a considerable part is the gift of God. There are many cases where believers have achieved enlightenment and achieved breakthroughs by studying the holy books.

Therefore, their realm and breakthroughs cannot be seen from the perspective of ordinary practitioners.

Of course, this gift is not obtained in vain. Believers who have understood God's revelation must follow God's will to save the suffering, and then review prayers, hymns, etc. every day.

If the believer's own will is weak, or if he deliberately does something that God cannot tolerate, then all the gifts will be withdrawn, and everything will be in vain.

Pies and braised pork will not fall from the sky in vain.

He sipped the tea leisurely with his eyes narrowed, and at the same time he praised the honey cake made with the honey of the Black Wind Forest. He also did not forget to despise the sugar cane, and said lightly: "You are also in the divine realm, why don't you understand your position? No Know your own meaning.”

Ye Lin shrugged awkwardly, then listened to Mi Miyan's opinion and tried to let go of his consciousness barrier to listen to the voice praying to his name.

Sure enough, he heard countless human beings calling his name or the title "God of Justice". They were praying to him, expressing gratitude, talking, and cursing... The number was like stars in the sky, and dense emotions appeared in his eyes. The light spots reflect two worlds respectively.

The place where his name is called the most is the demon world in the mirror dimension... No, it should be called Terra now. He has restored the octahedral structure into a vibrant planet.

The name "God of Justice" was also spread here.

And the dimension of chaos, that is, the world with the mythical beast Lao, who once came like a god on a thunderstorm night and sealed Ozma.

Every prayer to him is a unilateral establishment of cause and effect. Ye Lin can grasp these ethereal threads, receive his own gifts, and popularize his own idea of ​​God.

He can also cultivate his own followers, develop a unique line of professions, and write his own holy text, requiring his followers to recite it every day and kneel down in piety.

Narrowing her eyes and raising her slender hand, Yuena immediately wiped the pastry powder off her fingertips with a soft tissue. Even this little thing had to be attended to, but it filled her with nobility.

"Are you interested in developing your own faith? Gathering the will of all the souls in the world is also a kind of practice. Listening to all the things in the world, their prayers and complaints, is like walking on the fire of civilization again."

Squinting his eyes lightly revealed a way to continue practicing in the divine realm, which is to see the world through the eyes of believers. Although the effect is not as long as Yelin's journey against the river and personally walked into the fire of civilization in history, it is still A proven method.

Of course it's okay to be lonely and arrogant like Kahn.

"In the past, gods would occasionally incarnate themselves, or change themselves to experience the world in person. They believed that works derived from life and wisdom had a kind of infinite possibility."

The ancient god Terra and the goddess of beauty Venus were both like this, but the latter unfortunately fell and was filled with evil, and almost died.

Narrowing Eyes provides a new way of thinking. There is no need to force the river of time to break through to the divine realm. It also hints that Siatt can try to use his power to bless those who pray.

"Sister Siatt, hehe, you know, I have always respected you." Yimiwu held the eldest lady's wrist and acted cutely. If the wealth is not going to others, I will be the first test subject.

First, maximize my luck value, and then manipulate the power of destiny so that an incident in which a yellow-faced woman kneels down and washes my feet will definitely happen in the future.

Yuena secretly rolled her eyes. If Lord Remy hadn't been there, she would have scolded Dwarf Melon for his obsession and delusions.

"It feels so troublesome." Ye Lin frowned and scratched his hair. He was used to being a shopkeeper. The bunny girl Rossello was taking care of the Wuxuan organization, and the things in the mirror dimension were also handed over to the right people.

Let him begin to empower believers, write holy books, issue divine will, and clarify a set of order, unless...

"Remy, why don't you let me try being the Lord of Heaven for a few days, and I can learn from your experience."


A terrifying sky thunder fell on the spot where Ye Lin stood just now, and the rock turned into red liquid. He narrowed his eyes and retracted the finger that summoned the thunder. Is this guy getting more and more courageous?

The resting mythical beast Fuzhu was awakened by the thunder. Soft little clouds rose from his feet. Without touching the ground, he walked out of Dornier and stared curiously at the stylishly dressed man with narrowed eyes.

"Fuck, you little guy, you've grown so big." He narrowed his eyes and seemed to recognize the mythical beast Feitiao. He smiled and waved, asking the little guy to come over and sit on my lap.

Squinting his white fingers, he rubbed Fu Zhu's forehead, then took care of his big tail, and said in front of Ye Lin, "You must want to ask me what happened to the God of Mist in the God Realm, right?"

"No, I want to ask you what you're eating tonight." Ye Lin calmly refused to admit it and changed the topic casually. Damn it, how could he be beaten to it by narrow eyes every step of the way.

A man who loses the initiative will be unable to hold his head high for the rest of his life.

"How should I put it?" He squinted his eyes and pondered for a moment. When he raised his head, his eyes seemed to see through the divine world at a glance, the divine body sleeping in the mist, and said: "Her condition is not much better than that of the fallen Venus. She is also like Enix is ​​also trapped by the world he protects, and he is a gentle child."

"But..." He narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "God, even if you are dying, it is not that easy to die. We all have reasons to want to continue living."

The second half of the sentence seemed to have a different meaning to Ye Lin's ears.

"I'll give you some extra science." Remy straightened his body slightly, probably just moving his body, and said: "In the divine world, promises and memories are concepts that override everything else and are the basis for the development of that civilization. "

Ye Lin and the others had only been in the God Realm for a short time, and they had not yet been able to deeply understand the details and civilization characteristics of the God Realm.

If we use two words to describe Heaven, they are unyielding and sacrifice. These two concepts are the foundation of Heaven's scientific and technological civilization and are the "bones" in every Heaven's body.

"Where is our Arad continent?" Yuena asked curiously.

Remy raised two fingers and was about to comment when Ye Lin took a few beautiful photos, squinting his eyes like a pair of scissor hands.

If only she could compare both hands to scissors and roll her eyes and stick out her tongue.

"Don't retouch the pictures. I'm very beautiful just like this. Retouching the pictures will destroy my beauty." She glanced at him with squinted eyes. She was not modest about her appearance at all.

"Arad used two words to evaluate, namely hero and destiny. This destiny does not refer to Siatt, but a kind of absurd meaning."


Siatt and the others were all slightly shocked and fell into thoughts of memories. Heroes who were accompanied by their fate seemed to appear in their sights.

Borodin, Aragon, Rommel, Ozma, Kazan, Michel, the Four Saints, Giger, Hareth... the Four Sword Saints, and now us...

The absurd stories of their fate are still talked about to this day.

"God will not interfere with God's choice, just like Puxia returned to the beginning." Narrow eyes turned the topic back to Wu Shen and said: "But if she still has a desire to survive, I can help some little ones. busy."

Squinting eyes basically revealed the information about Mist God. Her condition was not much better than that of Venus when she fell, and she should be an ally.

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