Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2804 Revisiting old things, quantum bomb

"no problem."

Yelin agreed readily. If it weren't for the friendship and politeness of friends that prevented him from turning around and leaving, he wouldn't have wanted to chat with Santorini over coffee on the hotel's open-air balcony.

It is true that everyone who has interacted with Santorini, such as Luo Lian's father, mayor Ajialu, and Xuzu envoy Nuoyu, all say that he is a very knowledgeable gentleman with elegant and polite conversation, and a little bit more A precious sense of adventure.

But Ye Lin had more important things to do with Satomai, and he was so full of love that he couldn't wait to have any extra thoughts about drinking coffee with Santorini and having a long chat at midnight.

But they are friends after all, and the future exchanges between the two continents are very important and of great significance to the principality. Skadi hopes to achieve perfection, and Ye Lin also believes that former Speaker Santorini is a very suitable candidate.

Seeing that Ye Lin agreed so readily, Santorini was startled for a moment and was speechless for a moment. Many of the words he had prepared earlier were rotten in his stomach.

The other party's ready agreement revealed many details. First, Ye Lin had already had the idea of ​​setting up a diplomatic envoy in the Eternal Continent, and he had taken this issue into consideration.

He is worthy of being a talent of thousands of years. Not only is his military strength second to none, he is known as the strongest in the Arad continent, but his wisdom and thinking are also extremely meticulous.

Secondly, Yelin can influence Queen Skadi's decision-making, and they live together warmly like a family member. All she needs to do is let her know if anything happens.

This definite discovery made Santorini sigh slightly. The coffee he sipped in his mouth suddenly lost the richness and richness of the past, and was full of bitter taste. It was obviously his favorite variety.

Santorini controlled his complicated emotions very well, lowered his head and took another sip of coffee calmly and naturally, and then asked gently: "Tell me about the Eternal Continent, their customs, styles, rules and taboos. , is there anything I need to pay attention to? I think it won’t be too long before the next big voyage starts.”

"That's annoying."

Ye Lin used the Eternal Continent as the topic to chat with Santorini about related matters. If he wanted to understand another world, it seemed that it would be better to chat with the local Xiri, but that was not always the case.

The thinking of a native of Xiri tends to ignore some things that she considers normal.

Half an hour later, Ye Lin had already introduced him to the geographical environment and social characteristics of the Eternal Continent, and also gave him a map, which was a replica of the world map of the History Library.

"I also brought you a small gift. I wish you a good night, so I'll take my leave first." Ye Lin put down a small gift box, which contained some spiritual herbs for health care and instructions on how to take them.

When you don’t know what to give as a gift, as long as it’s “good for you”, there’s basically no problem.

"Thank you, I'll be disrespectful." Santorini smiled. He had a hundred reasons to believe that this gift was Ye Lin's last-minute idea.

After Ye Lin left, Santorini glanced at the clock on the wall. It was still an hour before his normal sleep time, so he could study the map and make a plan for a diplomatic envoy.

This time he took the initiative to ask Ying to go to the Eternal Continent, not only because he still had a little passion for adventure in his bones and took advantage of the situation to sail, but also because he wanted to live in a different place.


Ye Lin opened the door and saw a soft and clean big white bed in front of him. Satumei, who secretly said "Waiting for you", was lying in the middle and fell asleep soundly. She had exhausted all her energy today. After taking a shower, I felt tired and sleepy all the time.

In addition, Ye Lin never came back, so he accidentally covered his head and fell asleep.

The golden hair woven by the beautiful sunshine is spread on the back like a blanket, the tall white body is wrapped in a lake blue silk pajamas, and the delicate and flawless skin reveals a charming charm because it has just taken a bath not long ago. Healthy pink.

It is undeniable that Satou Mai has a princess-level appearance, figure and beautiful temperament.

"Wake up, the night is still long."

After waking up the dazed Sadomai, she stupidly climbed up and sat in a very flexible duck sitting position for a while, then a shy blush quickly appeared on her beautiful cheeks.

It's broken, and I no longer have the courage to seduce sugar cane secretly.

"My princess, you are as dazzling and charming as the sun." Ye Lin did not hesitate to praise him, and then asked her if she could change into the clothes and boots she wore during the day.

It's that red and white lady's dress, with a small brown leather rope-tied vest on the upper body, which has the effect of slimming and cinching the waist.

"What's wrong..." Satumei frowned and glanced at the darkness outside the window and the clock on the wall. The night was still long, so why did he wear daytime clothes.

"It takes me back to the first time I saw you, that moment of amazement..."

Satumei was so coaxed that she obeyed the instructions obediently. She also felt that matching clothes could better highlight a girl's taste and temperament, making her the most perfect version of herself.

The night is still long.


next day

After Ye Lin finished washing, he used purification magic on Sadumai, whose soft body was curled up under the quilt, sleeping soundly on her side with half of her shoulders exposed.

The purification magic afterwards has become his habit or instinct.

Ye Lin went to Shi Rui's room, leaving only Tarin still asleep. Then he met Shi Rui downstairs who had returned from buying breakfast. Instead of going to the restaurant arranged by her secretary Namu, she went out to find a breakfast shop by herself. .

The places you walk through with a "tour guide" are far less impressive than exploring them alone.

Before arriving in the Arad continent, Ye Lin gave her and Tarin a sum of money each for daily expenses and shopping.

"Ciri, get up so early."

Princess Pea smiled and nodded, blinking her eyes that were actually a little tired, and sighed: "On the first night in a foreign land, few people can sleep normally."

She slept only about half as long as usual last night, and she had several dreams in a row, dreaming that she was still in the history library of Antana Port, and dreaming that she woke up from a familiar room.

However, when she finally woke up, the feeling of difference in being in a strange environment immediately made Ciri feel dazed and anxious. Fortunately, Tarin, who was sleeping like a dead pig next to her, gave her some comfort.

On the way back, Xirui handed him a cup of rice-treasure porridge that was still hot and asked curiously: "The name of the owner of the shop where I bought breakfast is also Santorini. Are he and the congressman brothers?"

"Haha, of course not, there's a reason for that."

On the west coast of the Principality of Belmaare, in the Faroe Bay Islands, the name of one of the small islands is "Santorini".

Of course it was not named after the former Speaker of Santorini, but that island was named that way hundreds of years ago.

In places where the level of literacy is not high, it is very common to use names of places or cities, which means that they are blessed by that place and are blessed by that place. They believe that the earth under their feet has spirituality.

Therefore, the name "Santorini" is relatively common in the Principality of Belmare, but the former Speaker is the most famous "Santorini".

It's not uncommon to meet someone who calls himself "Vara Miranda Hutton Mar".

Similar names include "Mary Elizabeth" in the Dros Empire, "Minette" in Vanes, "Rebecca" in the heaven, etc., which are all relatively common names.

Ye Lin couldn't help but think of how Jacket, the Commander-in-Chief of the Heaven Realm, was complaining about his inability to name his daughter when he was looking for his daughter. If he was called "Quantum Explosion Bomb", Rebecca would be like this.

After they had finished their breakfast and chatted for another half an hour, Tarin and Satomai, who were still awake, were woken up by Ye Lin. Today they were going to the capital of the Principality, Hutton Mar, to meet with the distinguished Queen of the Principality. Skadi.

Queen Skadi warmly welcomed the two visitors from the Eternal Continent, and at the same time gave them a high degree of respect and freedom. They could choose to set up their diplomatic embassy in Nosmar or Hedunmar, and the Principality would provide them with protection.

After careful consideration, Ciri decided to set up an embassy in Northmar, where it was more convenient to receive ships from her hometown, and the Ajialu and Namu people were also very good.

Later, Sadumai presented precious navigation charts to the queen.

"Did you drink coffee just now?"

Satomai gently licked the taste on the tip of his tongue, and then blushed slightly. Coffee helped to wake him up. Was he hinting that he would stay up all night tonight?

“Santorini invites you, it would be rude not to take a sip.”

Ganzhe raised his hands to stroke her hair that was scattered on her shoulders, and kissed a pair of delicate and beautiful collarbones and shoulders. This red and white lady dress of Sha Doumai was very elegant. The important parts were wrapped tightly, but yet There are a lot of casual little sexy touches.

For example, the top exposes the shoulders and collarbones, creating an effect similar to a tube top. The long sleeves are loose chiffon, and half of the jade arms are visible when lifted up. There are also drawstring props on the skirt, which can expose the originally conservative knee-length skirt. Half of the snow-white and delicate thighs.

Moreover, Sadumai's figure is very beautiful, and she can fully support her sexy look.

"What are you doing..." Satumei was stunned, why did this man suddenly kneel down in front of him.

Ganzhe raised his hand and gently lifted up the hem of the lady's skirt. His legs were dazzlingly white, but his goal was not the beautiful legs, but Satumei's "good civilization".

When he was in the Eternal Continent, Sadumai often had good "civilized habits" in front of him. At that time, Gan Cane's "mouth" was extremely greedy.

The pure white silk headband that fits the skin is decorated with gold thread patterns on the edges, as if to truly demonstrate the truth that every inch of time is worth every inch of gold.

Satomai blushed, "If it's not clean, why are you so good at it?"

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