Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2809 Senior Saler, you, Saler, you...

"Good legs..."

After Ye Lin said this, he wanted to give himself a slap in the face. He usually touched his legs to eat tofu and then praised him profusely, so it became an instinct.

Saler withdrew his kicking leg and stood like a green pine, full of vigor and vitality. His strange-colored eyes were like hawks, constantly examining Ye Lin, who was slender but not tall and had no thick muscles. Strong doubts arose in his heart. .

No one understands the power of her kick better than her. It can destroy cities and mountains. If she takes advantage of the power of heaven and earth and strikes with all her strength, she can shake the continental plate with a heavy kick.

Ye Lin took out a broken jade pendant from his pocket, pretended to be very distressed, and said in a thankful tone: "I have a magical treasure that protects my body. You know, I am still proficient in magic."

He was not prepared to reveal to Saler that he was actually stronger, but he had to find a way to explain how he blocked her fierce and domineering blow so that the sparring ended peacefully and smoothly.

Saler's God of War kicks are extremely powerful with the blessing of the holy steel golden dragon boots. The same physical skills practitioners are absolutely unable to withstand it. Ten wind-shaking mental energy shields stacked together will collapse at the touch of a touch.

In the same realm, it is estimated that only Mo Mei's mental energy shield can withstand the opponent's incredible kicking skills.

If in the future, Zara's realm can transcend transcendence and reach the highest level, her legs can kick planets like balls.

"That's right." Zale nodded gently. Of course she knew that Yelin himself was a very powerful magician.

According to the incompetent Isabella, Yelin's magic master is the "soul" of the Principality of Belmare. The legendary white-clothed magician Marr is much richer than her, and his strength is unknown...

The God of Fighting, Sal Maya, the old god Nine Dragons of the Void Ancestor, the two-thousand-year-old Sword Master Sodros, and the white-clothed magician Mar.

From the perspective of most people in the Arad continent, the legendary color of the first two is almost the same, with Mar being the highest and Sodros in the middle.

Saler is not interested in rumors and rankings in this area, and has never cared about it.

She herself still has plenty of time and opportunities to move towards a higher realm. Her legend has not yet been completely written down. There is a large blank space for writing, and self-confidence is one of the indispensable beliefs in the journey of cultivation.

Using a magic jade pendant to block her strong kick seemed to make sense in theory, but was it really the case? Ye Lin ignored a very important factor, which was the sense of feedback that Saler received.

As the god of fighting, Zale has extremely exquisite control and sense of power. The kick attack just now was fierce and fierce, but almost all the power dissipated the moment he was hugged by Ye Lin's arms. The feet were like mud cows entering the sea, which in turn shattered the hegemonic armor.

In short, the force feedback is unreasonable. Normally, the jade pendant should block the kick, but Saler will also feel the feedback of a head-on collision, instead of suddenly losing the power of his legs like this now, which is worse than kicking cotton. Feel uncomfortable.

Combining defense, offloading, and counterattack into one, are they all the effects of magic? Then your jade pendant is quite powerful.


The two of them heard the sound and looked up at the same time. Saler's right foot, the holy steel golden dragon boot made of rare materials and master skills, suddenly had a very obvious crack on the surface, and the magic lines inside were even more broken. Tattered.

Ye Lin was stunned and then scratched his head, thinking that he should use his time power to pause for a second, "I also know a little about the blacksmith's abilities, so I can help you repair it."

"What happened, what happened..."

When the huge commotion in the back mountain slowly subsided, the disciples from the dojo hurried over. They guessed that Master Saler was doing it, and then they discovered a strange scene...

Master Saler was sitting on his knees on a smooth blue rock. The sword god was sitting next to him and said this. He actually held the master's shoes in his hand and put them on his lap and kept "looking around".


Senior sister Liu Fei stopped the curious junior sisters who were poking around, quickly made a silent gesture, and then signaled to step back and not to disturb them.

"I have heard of it." One of the junior sisters murmured, "Some men have special hobbies, and those are our master's shoes..."

"What's wrong, Master? Isn't Master very young and beautiful?"


Ye Lin repaired the boots with pure dragon blood and dragon scales. The material was taken from Trobot in the dragon dimension. It was of a higher grade than the original golden dragon and holy steel, and the magic lines engraved on it were doubled.

"By the way, please help me improve this shoe." Zale's character showed that he was not polite to Ye Lin.

She seemed to have unintentionally explored a secret of Ye Lin, but if she thought about it carefully, it would not have a big impact on her. There was no blood feud between them, and a stronger opponent would urge her to continue to move towards a higher realm.

Moreover, since Sara Maya openly runs her own teaching dojo, it proves that she is an open-minded and good master who is willing to share her own skills and achievements, and wants to see generations of future generations rise and flourish.

If the younger generations can surpass themselves, Salle Maya will only respond with heartfelt congratulations.

While Ye Lin was repairing shoes, he brought up something he almost forgot to ask, and said, "Saler, you said before that you and Tarin were destined. Was it an excuse to give me face, or are you really destined?"

Sal Maya glanced at him with a faint gaze, "Show me how big your face is..."

And this guy's words are becoming more and more disrespectful. Before, he was calling you by his first name, Saler.

"Well, my little realm breakthrough has something to do with Taryn."

Salle Maya sat on the stone and leaned back slightly, supporting the smooth stone beneath her with both hands, bending her left leg without shoes, and talked about her experience about five days ago.

At that time, she had just returned from the virtual homeland and got off the bus on the west coast of the principality. The port on the west coast had a direct ship to the port of Cape Dia in the Empire. The return to the dojo was faster than the carriage on the road.

It happened that at that time, the news that the first navigator Sadumai discovered the "Eternal Continent" in the New World was filled with newspapers, teahouses, cafes, and pubs in major cities at an almost massacre level... As long as we talk about the recent news, we will definitely There is an eternal continent.

Old scholars also said that this great voyage challenged the geographical common sense of the world, had a huge impact on everyone's thinking, and was of milestone significance.

"When I knew that thousands of years of common sense in Arad society would suddenly be broken, I suddenly realized that nothing in the world is fixed and can be broken and surpassed, and the same is true for martial arts."

Saler also consulted a geographer, who told us that the earth beneath our feet, the towering mountains in the distance, and the vast sea are actually constantly changing.

It's just that the magnitude of the changes is so subtle that our naked eyes cannot detect it. It takes tens of thousands of years to detect some changes. More obvious changes require hundreds of thousands or millions of years to record, which far exceeds the records of human civilization.

However, the world is indeed changing all the time, and no one knows whether the future will be full of vicissitudes of life.

"Talin is from the Eternal Continent, so she must have some luck." Salle Maya revealed the final reason.

Yelin nodded, returned the modified boots to Saler, and said with a smile: "I want to go to Weitalun to see if there is any news for your good disciple."

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