Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2830 Don’t be a traveler

Chapter 2831 Don’t be a traveler

The dishes cooked by Ye Feng are not very attractive, they are just a random stew of various ingredients piled together, and there is no exquisite cooking skills. At most, they pay attention to the timing of adding various ingredients according to the cooking time of the ingredients.

But it smells very strong and tastes surprisingly good.

Shilin held a warm small aluminum box, which contained about a small bowl of stew. The ingredients included chicken pieces, potatoes, onions, green and red peppers, and mushrooms. Because it was a stew, the overall appearance was average. .

"It smells really good, thank you for the treat." Shilin's eyes lit up after taking a bite, which was comparable to the teacher's craftsmanship.

In the western sky, the huge red sun shines its afterglow through the branches of the hollow trees in Grand Forest, and when it shines on the face, it can no longer bring any more warmth.

The forest environment has always been dark and humid, especially the "flowing jungle" that has restored its magic power, making the chill a bit more severe.

While Shilin was eating happily, Liangfeng ostensibly enjoyed dinner together, but in his heart he kept accusing himself of having relaxed his vigilance too much recently, and unexpectedly, Shilin quietly walked nearby.

As an excellent traveler in the God Realm and a disciple of the Lord Navigator, staying vigilant when in a strange environment is always the first priority. You should explore possible dangers nearby and set up triggering alarm props.

Fortunately, Shilin was not one of those nasty monsters, otherwise she would have been in danger just now.

"Thanks for the hospitality! Leaf, are you an adventurer? Why do you like camping?"

Shilin asked curiously while helping her put away the camping tools. By the way, she told her that if you don't leave Grand Forest before sunset, no matter how unlucky you are, you may not be able to get out of here for a month.

That means life is in danger!

The Grand Forest is a flowing jungle, with trees, rivers, piles of stones, etc., undergoing radical changes every day. Only the elves and tauren races who lived here before can grasp the rules of change here.

"Well, I am a traveler and an adventurer. As for camping, I like the scenery and the sense of security that camping brings."

It is easy to understand that she likes scenery. Mountains, rivers, forests and grasslands, nature creates a world of magical colors. Shilin likes to look at the quiet and clear lakes in a daze.

As for security, how safe can camping be?

Li Feng happily picked up his luggage and Xuanji bow, and was happy to share the beauty of camping with his new friends.

It just so happened that the sky was getting dark, so she asked Shi Lin to conceive a scene in her mind... At night shrouded in darkness, the deep ink was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers. There were no villages or shops nearby. You were alone in the wilderness and could only Hear your own heartbeat.

Reality tells you that there is no way to continue moving forward in the dark. The biting cold is gradually getting worse. The darkness is like real water, and the suffocating feeling of drowning comes from all directions...

Suddenly, you are crawling into a soft and warm sleeping bag, a brightly lit camping tent, and a warm, full belly.

"Oh~~ I understand! It's similar to the power of a quilt. As long as you get inside the quilt, you won't be afraid of ghost stories." Shilin nodded with understanding. The camping tent at night concentrated on the feeling of smallness and light. , warmth and several other safety elements in one.

Sister Miraz also said that when people are afraid, they will instinctively seek a small space to protect themselves, reduce the probability of being discovered by wild beasts and monsters, and also act as a physical barrier.

It goes without saying the importance of light and warmth.

Li Feng is still very confident in her skills as a traveler. How is it possible that Shilin said she can't find a way out? She is a traveler who is good at venturing out.

A quarter of an hour later, facing the intricate trees and shadows, Liangfeng scratched his head in embarrassment and asked Shilin to lead the way.

Gran Forest is so scary.

On the way back, Shilin was introducing the situation of the place where she was staying.

"Although Teacher Miraz and I run a medical clinic, we will also provide free accommodation to friendly friends."

"Our medical clinic was renovated into a hotel. The former hotel proprietress is now a millionaire. In a sense, this hotel is her first industry and the place where she started."

The lights were already on at the Grand Forest Hospital. At the door, three large gray-white dogs with sleek coats were dozing in a wooden dog house. When they heard the slightest footsteps outside, they immediately raised their heads and propped up their ears. When he saw it was Shilin, he immediately jumped out and waggled his tail.

The three puppies brought out from the top-secret area now have the size and momentum of adult wild wolves. Because they have been imbued with the transference aura, these guys have more flexible speed and stronger attack power, and can defeat professional By.

"Good luck, prosperity, and avoidance of misfortune, all be well-behaved~"

After Shilin was accepted as Miraz's apprentice, she lived with him in the medical center. Because she felt that the names Ye Lin had given to the three big dogs were too unpleasant, she advocated changing their names.

Originally, there was a dog who wanted to be named Wong Cai, but Miraz rejected it. We opened a medical clinic, so Wong Cai was not the only one.

"Teacher, I'm back, and I made a new friend~"

Shilin put down the herbal basket behind her back. There were about ten herbs in it. It was a very good harvest today.

In the hospital, the mature, gentle and beautiful Miraz smiled and teased: "If you don't come back, I will go looking for you... Is this...Leifeng?"

"You know me?!"

"I don't know." Miraz shook his head slightly and explained with a smile in her suspicious eyes: "But I heard Ye Lin talk about a girl from the God Realm who carried a bow that was taller than herself."

Meaty legs, two-toned ponytail, these are features Miraz is embarrassed to mention.

Sauron passed by carrying a basket of drying herbs and nodded lightly to Ye Feng without saying a word, thinking that there was no need to communicate for the time being.

There are four people who live in the hospital. Besides them, there are also...

"Miss Celia!"

Leaf was very surprised and surprised to see "Celia" here. Miss Celia, who was extremely wealthy and ran a huge chamber of commerce, actually had the identity of a doctor.

Wow, sister Celia is not only beautiful, but also kind-hearted.

Under the premise that they are both businessmen, the monopoly chambers of commerce in the God Realm are barely worthy of carrying shoes compared to her. They are so different.

After the misunderstanding between Leaf and Muse was resolved, Ye Lin first sent her to Vetalon, and then returned to Hedunmar together. Muse introduced the good sisters she met in the Arad continent.

Doctor Sai was stunned for a moment when he heard this, smiled and nodded without any explanation. Her original name was indeed Celia, and it was Sai Limin whom Yelin and Siatt used to distinguish themselves from their sister, the rich woman Sai.

"Lingfeng, Ye Lin is holding a battle meeting in the God Realm at home. As a native of the God Realm, why don't you go back and listen to it? There is a portal to go home above the medical center." Sai Limin asked with a smile, still writing in her hand. Writing today's medical diary.

"I'm not planning to go back. Muse and I are different. Travelers have the ideal to open up the world and will not miss the soil they have walked on. The memories in our minds are already precious enough. The only place travelers look at for a long time is the starlight in the sky."

After the misunderstanding between her and Muse was resolved, Muse took her hand and invited Lingfeng to stop being a traveler and instead join our band. I will give you the position of deputy C.

Very few people know that Ye Feng actually has a melodious and beautiful singing voice and has the potential to become a "muse".

The Wandering Association's anthem "Star March" is the best sung by Ling Feng, otherwise the two of them would not have agreed to sing together when they were young.

Of course, Leaf rejected the suggestion of sending a little muse, and I finally got a response from Sagittarius.

Sai Limin put down her pen, took out an herb from Shilin's backpack, washed it and made tea, and said, "If you don't go back, how about telling us the story of the God Realm."

The herbs in her hand will have a refreshing fragrance after soaking, and the taste is slightly sweet, which can replace tea leaves.

"Yeah, no problem."


The battle meeting in the God Realm ended successfully. Everyone was very interested in discussing the possibilities of the God Realm and the broken sky routes.

Only Muse pressed the troubled eyebrows, and the premonition was not good. Everyone should be friendly.

After the meeting, Smila and the others went to visit the night market in Hedunmar. Celia suddenly hugged Sugarcane from behind with a smile, put her hands around her waist, hugged him, and pressed her cheek against his back.

"Honey, look, it's getting dark."

For the first time, Sugar Cane shivered with fear, and said with a dry smile: "I haven't eaten dinner yet, Sai Sai, I want to go to heaven tonight. Little White Flower said that Mrs. Mei Li is going to start from July." The position of God's Elytra has been retired, and as a friend whom I have made over the years, I have to go and see him off."

"It's not like I'm retiring tonight, I'll go tomorrow!" Celia said one word at a time, with a hint of "threat" on her pure and refined face. "You try to run away."

Not only was she beautiful in appearance, but she also had an outstanding figure. She was a top goddess. However, Ganzhe's face became more embarrassed, and there was even a drop of cold sweat on her forehead.

Suck yo yo~

Bibi bit the straw of the yogurt and curiously looked at the embarrassment on Ye Lin's face. Then she tilted her head and muttered to Mo Mei, "Sister Mo Mei, what's wrong with him? He looks like he has something to hide."

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