Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2834 Mechanical Queen

Chapter 2835 "Mechanical Queen"

"Okay, don't hang around me anymore, just do whatever you need to do." Mrs. Mei Li waved her hand tolerantly, and then stuffed some more fine tobacco into her tobacco rod.

Judging by her frequency of smoking, she would be an old smoker, but Mrs. Meili is nearly ninety years old. Anyone who talks to her about how smoking is harmful to health is simply making themselves uncomfortable.

Mei Li is in a very happy mood now. Even though she is one of the greatest scientists of our time, she also likes to relax without using her brain. After all, scientists are also human beings.

"Oh, right."

She suddenly stopped everyone who was already four or five meters away from her and was about to leave. It seemed that she had something to say that she hadn't thought of just now.

Dr. Nairn smiled secretly and explained in a low voice: "This is Lady Meili's habit, or a little trick."

In fact, it was not that Mrs. Mei Li forgot something and remembered it later, but it was intentional.

She believes that a long conversation can easily lead to mental fatigue. If the things discussed during the period are not recorded specifically, they may be forgotten occasionally. Therefore, when people leave and then call to stop, the other party's memory will be particularly clear.

It also means that what she wants to say next is the key point. Remember it and never forget it.

"Nairn, don't make a big fuss about my retirement ceremony. Just make a casual announcement, and then just have a meal with familiar people."

"Okay." Nairn nodded quickly. Lady Meili will do whatever she says and will report it to the chief maid Ma Lin later.

"Ye Lin."

"I'm here, you give your orders."

Ye Lin immediately bowed slightly to greet him. He had always been full of traditional virtues of respecting the elderly and caring for the young. He respected Meili, Shaying Belit, the master and so on.

Then he tenderly loves the little witch, Xiaosu, Youxia, Naiyali, Ningpa and other children who are girlish in age or appearance.

"I heard that you have an organization in the Arad continent called the Adventurers Alliance? How about you introduce it to me? There are still many places I haven't been to."


Mrs. Mei Li seems to be determined to retire. Not only does she not want to take up work, she is also eager to sign up for a "tour group", which is the Adventurer's League.

"OK, no problem."

Ye Lin readily agreed, you are the oldest and the oldest, and the heart never grows old. If I say more "safe" things, it will probably be counterproductive and make me unhappy.

"Yes, I appreciate your cheerfulness and obedience, but you are not that obedient."

She lit the stuffed fine tobacco with a lighter, took a puff of smoke, and recalled bluntly: "I remember when I first introduced Gina and Lindsay to you, I reminded you to be honest and don't reach out. I’m coming here.”

Well now, all the female members of the Elytra of the Seven Gods have some unclear relationship with you. Even Nairn, who is extremely afraid of strangers and will stutter and become nervous when the number of strangers around him exceeds one, has been praised the most in my ears. It's you too.

The so-called people become better with age. Although this description is a bit rude, it is somewhat reasonable. Meili sees everything clearly.

Several people's expressions were slightly embarrassed, and they lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Meili. The customs in the heaven were not like the magic age in the Arad continent, and they still advocated monogamy.

"Okay, let's go." Meili was too lazy to chatter with them, and she had to give Ye Lin some face.

There are three and a half people who can really impress Mrs. Mei Li, Herman, the most skilled person, Beilean, the former highest priest who died of overwork, and Ye Lin, who solved the apostle.

The remaining half is the current emperor Alijie.

"Fish, I want to eat from a foreign island. If the route to the divine world opens, send me a message."

The tobacco turned into the comfort that filled the chest in the bright red flames, and then exhaled a mist full of the owner's emotions. Mrs. Mei Li squinted her eyes slightly and watched their leaving figures through the second-hand smoke.

"It's great to be young. If I could be sixty years younger, I would also like to find more beautiful girls to be romantic with, haha..."

When Naien held her hand reluctantly just now, Meili could clearly feel the enviable softness and smoothness of the skin on her hand, which was in sharp contrast to her own wrinkled hand.

As we get older, we have to face helpless situations such as slow memory, cloudy thinking, fragile body, and wrinkled and sagging skin.

Everyone is getting older, but there are always people who are young.

As for those races that have long life spans and are still full of energy after hundreds of years, they are really enviable.


The Celestial Network spread heavy news that Merry Faionil will retire from the Elytra of the Seven Gods, and will no longer be a member of the Seven Gods, nor will she be the leader.

Her Majesty Alijie agreed to her request and thanked her for her dedication during her more than 50 years in office. Next, there was a series of introductions to popularize her research results, which was as dazzling as a storybook.

There are two things that people in the Celestial Realm care about. One is that members of the Seven Gods Elytra, which has a lifetime honorary system, rarely retire while they are still alive. Moreover, Mrs. Mei Li is in good health in all aspects.

The second is who should fill the missing positions of the Seven Gods.

Most people are leaning toward the famous aristocrat Mychel Coolio. Regardless of her research results or noble status, no one is more suitable to fill this honorary position than her.

"Hehe, hehehehe..." Michelle couldn't help but sneered, stroking her delicately dyed shoulder-length hair with her fingers. Her eyebrows were neatly trimmed, and her skin was fair and fair.

"Does it make any difference whether I serve as the Elytra of the Seven Gods or not? I'm still very busy all day long, and I don't lack the allowance."

When Meshel secretly performed the mission, the little white flower Lindsay took her place, so Meshel used to be the Elytra of the Seven Gods, but not now.

Like Giselle, she was in a special case, and everyone in the Celestial Realm thought she had been killed.

Michelle took a sip of the orange and waved her hand: "I'm not interested in that position. Give it to someone else. If you really want to give me a formal reputation...well, how about the Machine Queen."


The Mechanical Head was once used to call Herman, the Mechanical King was the maker Luke, and the Mechanical Three Magic Gods were the folk names given to Lindsay, Nairn, and Gina in recognition of their outstanding contributions to new energy research. , which reduces electricity bills~

Of course, Siman Industrial Base was very unhappy with them.

Therefore, Michel felt that if he had to give himself a name, he would definitely have to be unique and sound more powerful.

In short, she has "disliked" the Elytra of the Seven Gods.

"And the three of you are hopelessly stupid, with the same intelligence as Agui." Michelle's face suddenly straightened, and he scolded Xiao Baihua and the three of them vigorously.

Agui is Mia's cute pet turtle, a mechanical turtle with the intelligence of about six or seven years old.

"Mrs. Mei Li should retire if she wants. Not only should you not persuade her, but you should also obey and agree with her. Then you should naturally promote policy changes and modify the system of the Seven Gods. You are too idolized by all of Irina's policies."

"You mean to expand the number of members?" Xiao Baihua frowned. This was obviously unreliable. The number "seven" in the Seven Gods' Elytra, the Seventh Empire, has a special meaning.

"No, no, it is to set a specific retirement time for the Elytra of the Seven Gods, such as seventy years old, no, sixty years old. Once the age is reached, he will retire from his position, and then he will be admitted to some kind of hall of fame."

Lifetime is an affirmation of the Seven Gods' Elytra, but Meshel believes that it does not need to be this way.

We can first acknowledge the contributions of the seniors, but we must also stimulate the influx of new blood.

Life-long system with almost no end in sight. To put it bluntly, other scientists can almost only wait to see when the current person dies...

Take the youngest white flower Lindsay, for example, she became a member of the Seven Gods Elytra at the age of twenty-eight.

So starting at twenty-eight, and ending with retirement at age sixty, if seven people are randomly distributed within thirty-two years, the Elytra of the Seven Gods will usher in an abdication and new selection in about four or five years, which is much better than the lifetime system. .

Every time she passes by the Silent City, Meili seems to have a voice saying, "That woman is really exciting, hehehehe..."

Is that what you said...

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