Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2838 Becky can drive

"Mrs. Mei Li is really free and easy, hahahaha..." Michele held up the glass and smiled, claiming that the liquid inside was wheat juice, but the kind with bubbles.

Meili has the demeanor of a young professional. After get off work, she turns off her phone and doesn’t care what the company does. I’ll read the news the next day.

Only ten minutes after leaving the banquet venue, Mrs. Mei Li has already blocked all their accounts, making it clear that I am completely retiring. Come on, don't come to me if you have any problems. Everyone can spend their time in peace and don't disturb anyone.

Gina, Lindsay and the others all shrugged helplessly. We were so annoying that we didn't seem to give them a chance to greet each other during the holidays.

Ye Lin was also blocked. Only the account of the chief palace maid Ma Lin was still in Mrs. Mei Li's normal friend list. Ma Lin represented the face of the royal family and was Alijie's microphone.

Alijie's own account is private. She dresses the account space in a cute pink color and changes her avatar to a cute one every few days. The content posted is all about cats and dogs, as well as delicious snacks.

No one knows that this account belongs to His Majesty the current Emperor.

"The masters have all run away. Let's wrap things up quickly and retreat after eating." Ye Lin winked. Everyone became more free and lively when Mrs. Mei Li was gone. Some people took out cigarettes from their arms and started puffing away. fog.

"Well, I'm full." Dr. Nairn gently wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, then breathed a sigh of relief and was finally able to leave.

She had been eating since the beginning of the banquet, chewing slowly and barely speaking. She only occasionally raised her head slightly to look at the strangers nearby and then quickly lowered her head, like a burrowing rat trying to reduce its sense of presence.

Little Baihua also put down her chopsticks and stopped when she was almost seventy-five percent full. She called it losing weight... Girls have a thousand or ten thousand reasons for losing weight, even if they are really not fat and are still very slim and well-proportioned.

Dr. Gina stood up, picked up her fashionable bag on the back of the chair, and signaled that let's go. I could already smell the smell of second-hand smoke.

Don't imagine that people of high status are all well-mannered and elegant, and they will swear in the same way when they are in a high mood.

"I'll go check out the children's table." Ye Lin nodded, and then went to the table where Alijie, Little Lantern and the others were.

Kong Kongyi was lying on the table, dizzy, insisting on trying the white wine that the adults drank, and asked me to get the strongest one!

After two cups, I didn’t know what to expect. I complained loudly that it was spicy and not as refreshing as wheat juice.

The little lantern stared straight at the ceiling with a pair of big eyes. He was drunk but not drunk, but his brain was a little stiff.

Becky and Alicia drank orange juice. Not only was Becky a good boy, but Becky actually wanted to try wheat juice.

Instead, she was "threatened" by Ye Lin, saying that if you get drunk, someone will steal your big slingshot.

"Alizee, let's go." Ye Lin picked up a drunken little mermaid on the left and right. Their magic power has reached its limit. It is estimated that in about half an hour, the two girls' calves wrapped in stockings will race. Instinctively turned into a fish tail.

"Yes." Alijie has a quiet and pleasant face. Today she is wearing a blue and white girl's palace dress. Her warm brown hair is not styled and is simply combed behind her back.

When she stood up, she was obviously a head taller than Becky and Little Lantern. She was already a tall and graceful girl.

Just when Ye Lin, Jacket and others informed him of this and were preparing to retreat with their families, an out-of-breath young man suddenly ran towards the door of the banquet hall. As soon as he entered the door, he looked left and right looking for What was he talking about and murmured:

"Meili, why didn't you tell me when you held the retirement ceremony here? Oh~ I understand. You must want to end your working life secretly, and then show up in front of me to surprise me. In the end, we can travel around the world together, but I can’t wait to see you, Mellie…?”

Roy Hartwig looked around the hall, and picked a flower that was used to decorate the atmosphere in the banquet hall. Then he straightened his collar and smoothed his hair into a three-quarter length.

Roy still learned from his friends where the banquet was held. Mrs. Meili had not invited many people, but he was not there. Roy thought she must have forgotten accidentally.

Dr. Gina smiled and kindly reminded: "Uncle Roy, Meili left twenty minutes ago and blocked our contact information. No one can contact her."

"Ah...?" After hearing the news, Roy couldn't help but feel downcast for a while. Why didn't Meili tell him?

He won't leave without saying goodbye and then disappear for a long time like he did more than sixty years ago.

But Roy soon became excited, because his account had not been blocked and he could still communicate normally, but the other party could not read any messages he sent.

"Arad Continent, Adventurers Alliance." Ye Lin pointed out a key place, and it was almost certain that Mrs. Mei Li would leave the heaven.

"Thank you, thank you." Roy was in a high mood and rushed out without sitting down for a while.

"Come on, uncle!" McShell waved his fist to encourage Uncle Roy, who was charging for love. Then after the other party left, he sighed with regret and shook his head: "It's hard to understand, it's hard to understand."

Everyone can see that Uncle Roy's infatuation has remained unchanged for decades. No matter how hard his heart is, it can turn into softness around his fingers.

But Mrs. Mei Li's reason was not at fault. She was not a cultivator, her energy and blood had weakened, and her skin had begun to sag, but Roy was still young and energetic because of the Tower of Despair.

Although Mrs. Meili's attitude towards Roy has improved a lot because of his persistent pursuit, Meili will fall out on the spot once marriage is discussed.

Are you kidding me? I am already in my 80s and marrying you in your twenties will make the whole world think of me in the future.

If you're not ashamed, I'm still ashamed. Wouldn't my great reputation be ruined in one day?

"Well, if you think about it carefully, it's pretty hard to be tight." Gina opened the car door, threw her bag in first, then stuffed the two drunken little mermaids in, and said, "Mrs. Mellie will be ridiculed. Roy will be ridiculed for eating young grass at an early age and staying with a rich woman. Roy doesn't care, and there's no way Meili doesn't care."

It can be said that even if they finally get married, they will not be able to hold a public wedding because the age gap is too exaggerated.

Dr. Gina once joked that she was a mature woman eating young things, so she found a very young and handsome "white-faced girl" who was many years older than Ye Lin.

However, the age difference between her and Ye Lin is acceptable to the world. The age difference in appearance is not obvious, but it makes many people feel envious and even jealous.

Some people envy her for being able to hang out with a young, promising and handsome general, while others envy Ye Lin for spending the night with a plump, mature and beautiful doctor.

"Meili and Roy, there is almost no solution, no solution." Xiao Baihua was also very sad.

Lindsay received a relatively traditional family education, believing that the ultimate and most perfect result of love is to join hands in marriage.

If two people who love each other cannot enter the temple of marriage together, it would be really cruel. The delicate and gentle little white flower cannot bear to watch the tragedy that makes people cry.

Xiao Baihua bought a ticket to watch the love drama that has recently been shown all over the Arad continent in person.

Although some art critics think that the ending of the play written by Alice is too mechanical and seems to be a forced perfection. This move is quite superfluous and lowers the artistic content to a higher level.

But Xiao Baihua holds an objection. She personally believes that it is precisely the conflict between people's infinite yearning for beautiful love and the helpless reality that creates a series of huge tragedies and bitter stories.

That’s why so many people long for the deus ex machina and the ice and snow elves to fulfill their bitter but sincere love.

Love is very bitter, so I long for sugar from heaven.

Alijie got into the passenger seat, while Becky got into the driver's seat ahead of Ye Lin, proudly holding up a small notebook: "I'll drive, I'll drive, look, I have a driver's license!"

"Becky is so awesome." Yelin praised with a smile, and then immediately asked Gina with his eyes, what did you let Becky do when she was playing there, and why was her behavior getting weirder and weirder.

With the size and appearance of a child like her, is she qualified to take the driving license test?

Gina sat huddled together with Ye Lin under Alijie's resentful eyes, and said with a smile: "Special people are treated specially. Becky is super smart. Not only can he drive, but we are also planning to bring the unfinished Vaihart to life." Let Becky drive.”

Alijie was thin-skinned and was already sitting in the passenger seat. She was too embarrassed to open her mouth and change seats with them, squeezing together with her brother.

"Alizee, please sit with me. Michele goes to the passenger seat. You smell of alcohol." Before Ye Lin finished speaking, Alizee was already smiling, her big eyes full of happiness.

"Okay, I'll drink. I'll go up front to sober up." Michele and Alijie changed places.

The car is the command car of the war core workshop. It is large in size, powerful in power, and can carry a large number of people. It can pack them all away.

Dr. Gina explained that Becky's brain is the best dimensional navigation device and is a natural fit with Wahayit's space-time attributes.

Although Wahayit will definitely be equipped with the most advanced and sophisticated AI driving system, Becky can be regarded as a second set of backup preparations, and Becky himself is also happy to become Wahayit's deputy captain.

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