Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2844: Explode the fishing guy’s equipment

"Hearthstone Desert..." Ye Lin muttered the mentioned place name.

A mysterious and ancient lighthouse was discovered in the lawless zone. Based on the known information, it can be basically determined that that place was the coordinates of navigation with the God Realm in the past, and it was also the route of the Baiyun Valley Watch in the God Realm.

The general direction of the lighthouse should be correct, but the specific coordinates should not be at the edge of the lawless zone, because the connection between the heaven and the divine world was severed a thousand years ago, but the heaven continent was broken into four pieces at the end of the mechanical revolution. , about five hundred years ago.

The vast and infinite power of the Explosive Dragon King shattered the Celestial Continent, breaking it into four, causing the continental plates to move violently.

Therefore, the original specific coordinate position should now be somewhere in a deep and cold sea.

"Boss, let's go take a look. The meaning of Baiyun Valley is quite heavy."

"Well, that's what I meant."

"Speaking of which..." Dr. Gina frowned, not quite understanding, and said, "Have you not already been to the God Realm once? Why are you still clinging to an abandoned route?"

Can’t we use the newly opened routes? The new ones will be better than the old ones.

Ye Lin shrugged and spread his hands, saying: "The passage on the Eternal Continent cannot be used. Contact with non-original realms is almost lifeless. Our method of going there is equivalent to sneaking in and cannot be repeated."

He also made a very easy-to-understand analogy, which is jumping from the sky to the sea.

If you don't get eaten by marine life, don't get crushed by the terrible underwater pressure, and don't fall to your death when you break away from the big magic circle and fall to the Arad continent, all kinds of luck will add up to a successful stowaway.

It can be seen that Kelly's luck value is extremely high.

Moreover, the leakage effect of the big magic circle was later blocked by Ye Lin. If anyone still wants to jump into the sea and sneak into the sea, one of them will be like feeding the sharks, and they will die without survival.

Of course, this news was widely announced by the media throughout the heaven. Residents of the heaven are advised not to try jumping into the sea.

After all, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. Maybe someone will carry a parachute and jump into the sea for excitement.

Mo Mei skillfully tied Becky's twin tails with two rubber bands, and then put the big goggles on her head. It was perfect. Today, Becky is also cute and full of energy.

"Thank you, Sister Mo Mei, let's go, Kong Kongyi, Little Lantern, let's go out to play."

The three little girls jumped out to play, and all of them had money in their pockets. Becky's grandfather was the monarch of Hebron. Kong Kongyi and Xiao Lantern used to collect hundreds of smooth and round heavenly pearls. So they never had to ask Gina for pocket money, and they were even richer than Gina.

"We won't go to the Hearthstone Desert. Have a nice trip~" Dr. Gina waved her hand. The place was barren and deserted, with no trace of human habitation at all.

Including the mysterious lighthouse, which was originally discovered during the patrol of the Celestial Satellite.

The route to another world is of great significance, but it has nothing to do with the project they are responsible for. The value of additional scientific research is not high, so just leave it to the general.

"I want to take a look. It's also the territory of the Seventh Empire." Alijie also wanted to go together to inspect the borders of her territory.

And the news from Palace Lady Marin is that there is nothing that you have to deal with recently, so you can relax.

If anything, the candidates for the new Seven Gods to replace Mrs. Mei Li have been gradually announced. They are all outstanding talents from various regions and major scientific research institutions.

At the same time, the residents of Celestial Realm were extremely shocked at Meshel Coolio's abstention from fishing, and then speculated that she might prefer another name.

Decades ago, the Elytra of the Seven Gods was mixed with too many external factors, the spirit of scientific research was impure, and the value of honor was reduced. Truly talented scientists began to be respected as another title, that is, mechanical heads.

After Ye Lin, Alijie, Siatt and Mo Mei left, Dr. Gina comfortably raised her legs on the table, touched a pack of butter-flavored melon seeds, nibbled a few, and complained: "Seven Gods The three women in the elytra, plus the descendants of the famous Curio family, are actually useless and full of menstruation, which is so embarrassing."

We have to call cute Mia back quickly to improve the knowledge level of the experimental base.

Lindsay was still thinking about Wahayt and had no interest in making some meaningful jokes with Gina. She dared to use her mechanical assistant to open a virtual light screen.

Ye Lin said that the space-time battleship is a weapon that initially touches the realm of gods. It has only a hint of power, but it is far from comparable to the power of real gods, because gods are omnipresent and omnipotent.

Even if there are a hundred Wahat 0s crossing the star sea, they will all be destroyed by the gods.

So there is no way to truly rival or even obtain the characteristics of God.

Ye Lin said that given the current situation, if you want to achieve the above goals, you may have to find a way to kill the gods first.

For example, if you smash the Prime Horror Moros, you may drop a copy of "Primordial Power: Terror"~

If you kill the Styx fishermen, you will have a chance to get a complete set of god-level armor, crown, sword, and fishing rod~

"He said it very carefully, which proves that he has completely established himself in a field far beyond Wahayit." Xiao Baihua murmured to himself, and then couldn't help but frown, it was so strange.

Although the heaven is a world of technological civilization, there are also myths and legends, such as the fisherman and his three sons, the spell of the sea god...

Those existences that are beyond common sense are either not angry and powerful, or are extremely terrifying. How come the general Manoko is full of brains.

"I'll tell you a very scary thing." Michel tapped his fingers on the table, motioning for them to look over. I have something to say.

"Although Ye Lin provided ideas for improving the program, there is still no specific structure, so friends, I declare that the vacation is over, let's get to work!"



Madman Ruike was wearing a black tight-fitting uniform. He took out a bottle of pearl pink nail polish from the drawer and casually raised a pair of slender and straight black stocking legs on the table. His body was well curved and he gave his fingernails a beautiful care.

The pearl powder inside is real celestial pearl, which is expensive and is a luxury high-end product in cosmetics.

Ruike has always been accustomed to buying luxury goods to enjoy life, including expensive clothes, jewelry, luxury houses and cars. In daily life, he wears gold and jade and looks noble.

A video invitation came in. After the mechanical assistant connected, the person on the other side of the communication was her first and only man.

"General, what are you doing?" Ruike smiled charmingly, then lowered her head and continued to apply nail polish, especially her right hand, which was once a mechanical arm but was later restored to flesh and blood. She took good care of it very carefully.

"You are quite expensive." Ye Lin on the other end paused and asked: "How does it feel to lead the civilian use of mechanical prosthetics?"

"Very good." Ruike deliberately raised his leg, placing his beautiful black stocking legs near the mechanical assistant's camera, as if stepping on Ye Lin's face, and said: "I can live in an environment where everyone praises me, and I hate the indifference of the past. and arrogance.”

Various media are praising her mechanical prosthetic technology, which can give unfortunate people the ability to live a normal life.

Vicious soil can grow poisonous flowers, and a warm environment can gradually change a person's outlook on life.

Carestream enjoys its current reputation and ubiquitous praise, and feels satisfied that he can become a leader in the industry.

But the fly in the ointment is that she has never been able to participate in a major event related to the future of heaven.

Ruike spends money like water and still has ambitions. It is this very different personality that is incompatible with ordinary people, which makes her and Michele unable to get along.

"You are one of the candidates to fill in for the Elytra of the Seven Gods after Mrs. Mei Li left."

"Oh?" Ruike's eyes lit up, and he immediately pretended to apply nail polish nonchalantly, "You do it for me, I want that position, very, very much!"

The last time McShell was replaced, during the selection, she did not compete with Lindsay Rosen. The reason given by the judges was that she had an extreme personality and would conduct inhumane experiments.

Ye Lin shook his head and said calmly: "I just want to inform you in advance that braised pork will not fall from the sky, and other candidates are also very capable."

"Am I not your lover? If you can't handle this, are you willing to support me?" Ruike's eyes were flowing, and the heterochromatic pupils deliberately left by Ye Lin were quite charming.

"Wait a minute, I didn't seem to have given you a penny." Yelin corrected her wording. Ruike's character was indeed aggressive.

Without a penny involved, what he gave Ruike was a new eye, a new arm, getting rid of the blood curse infected by Lubat, and gave her a chance to be recognized by the heavens.

"Then what you mean is that you want to keep having sex with me for free?"

Thanks to the boss "tudou9" for the 100 point reward.

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