Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2848 The old man was still very thin

Chapter 2849 The old man was still very thin

"Fat Lao, will the beam you activate hurt anyone?"

Siatt showed a "kind" smile, you are "fat" again, right? Believe it or not, I will put you in a lighthouse and light it up.

"Let me see."

The lighthouse of Mospis is no longer in its original position. The continental plate has moved greatly, and the direction in which the circular hole is aimed has also changed greatly.

The abandoned lighthouse is just a navigation instrument. It is not so spiritual that it can automatically calibrate the position of another lighthouse.

If there is a spiritual response through the mist of the mist god in the divine world and the initiative to change the position, it is estimated that at least it must be at the level of an archangel's holy object, such as Michelle's Holy Light Cross and Rafael's Holy Sword of Flame. etc.

A mysterious brilliance appeared in Siatt's eyes, and the essence of the world suddenly turned into countless dense threads in her eyes. It was no longer the cold sea water, the stone lighthouse, nor the blue sky and white clouds.

Her eyes were chasing something until she could see through the world of gods...

Siatt didn't notice that Ludmila was playing the navigation instrument in the correct order. After repairing it, it produced a huge amount of energy, and a beam of light shot towards the mist of the God Realm.

"No one was injured in the distorted light." Siatt felt relieved and raised his hand to reflect a strange scene.

The light just now didn't hurt anyone, and it might even bring some good luck.

The white clouds in the sky were as huge as cotton and in various shapes. The clouds were like floating islands and cotton fields... But before they had time to appreciate the beautiful scenery, the scene moved forward very fast. In an instant, a terrifying shadow broke into their eyes, and the sky suddenly became gloomy.

It was an unbelievable huge mountain and a huge city. The cold nature of the metal reflected the sun's rays and blocked the warmth and brightness. A breathtaking giant mechanical island floated in the sky, like a piece of the planet. Debris fell into the sky, and strong energy glowed from the bottom of the city.

The angle of view captured by Siatt was only a small part, but it was roughly estimated to be 10,000 meters wide. However, the giant mechanical city in their sight still required them to look up, and it was difficult to see the whole picture. I am afraid it was just the tip of the iceberg.

The light beam she inspired passed under this mechanical city. It was powerful and brilliant, but it was also fleeting.

"It should be the fog of Chongquan Continent..." Ludmila murmured infatuatedly. She didn't suddenly come back to her senses until the screen captured by refraction disappeared, blinked hard, and then said: "I was distracted, that one Mechanical City should be Wulan, the most important spring in the God Realm, and is also known as the Trade Capital and the Promise Capital."

"Wiran... looks so majestic, dozens of times bigger than the hanging cities we have seen." Mo Mei expressed a little surprised. The outer shell of the city seemed to be made of pure metal. One can imagine how terrifying its physical weight is, and it can actually be suspended in the sky.

"Well, Wulan is a suspended mechanical city. It is also a work that symbolizes the highest craftsmanship in the misty mechanical era of the divine world. It is the brainchild of many scholars and the hermit Kelton. There are millions of people living in it. Legend has it that it can Never fall in the sky.”

Although Wulan is a city of machines, its environmental bionics are pretty good, with mountains, water, and forest parks. However, the highly condensed mechanical crystals have also produced a series of negative problems.

For example, basic living necessities are never enough for oneself, and the lack of farming means that food can only be purchased.

And a considerable number of people do not have jobs, so they can only go to the bottom of the Machinery City to participate in a "body exercise" activity, contributing part of the energy to Wulan's suspension in exchange for materials and money.

"Actually, I have never been to Kiran, I just heard from my companions in the pirate group." Ludmila was slightly embarrassed. Although the mechanical city of Kiran is extremely prosperous and fascinating, pirates are not qualified to approach the trade capital. .

There are a lot of airship cruise guards near Kiran, and they look like seagulls patrolling French fries. Even the most powerful pirate group will feel numb when facing Kiran's heavy defenses.

Although I heard that the Wandering Association had drawn up a recruitment plan for the Blue Eagle Pirates, it was later suspended due to some reasons, and Ludmila did not have an honorable status to enter Kiran.

Alijie thought for a while and asked incomprehensively: "It's majestic, but are there any benefits to living in the Mechanical City?"

Born in the Heavenly Continent, she still prefers the down-to-earth feeling now. That kind of solid and stable basic happiness can only be understood by those who sail frequently.

"Well, it's a long story, and it's quite embarrassing..."

Kelton the Hermit led the second golden age of the God Realm, which was the Age of Mist Machines. The Mist Machines entered every aspect of people's lives in the God Realm.

As a result, the demand for "metal" in the God Realm has reached an incredibly strong level.

In the Chongquan area of ​​the God Realm, there are a large number of metal mineral deposits underground. Naturally, they have been wildly excavated. Metal is wealth, and metal is power...

"Ahem, by the time we suddenly came back to our senses from the golden age of fog machinery, the Chongquan area was already riddled with holes. Most of the land was filled with abandoned mechanical garbage. Water sources and soil were polluted. Many places were damaged. I can no longer live normally, so I can only move to Wulan."

This is one of the costs of crazy development without regard for the environment.

As for the so-called "trade capital", it sounds very powerful, but it is not the case. All items, including basic rice, flour and rapeseed, need to be purchased in the mall. Isn't this "trade"?

The image of the God Realm has completely dissipated. Siatt's red eyes returned to purity. She looked at Ludmila and said with concern: "Sister, do you want to return to the God Realm? I can send you there now."

A long, long time ago, when Siatt was still very thin and wearing white stockings, she received Ludmila's life-saving help while escaping from Delos.

So even though Siat is now stronger, fatter, and no longer wears white stockings, she still respects Ludmila.

My sister must really want to return to the God Realm.

Ludmila's heart ached when she heard this, and she couldn't help but take a step forward, which seemed to mean that she was one step closer to her hometown of God Realm. She slowly shook her head and said, "If it weren't for the agreement, I would have just I take the initiative to ask you to set sail."

She made an appointment with Muse, Leaf, and Aiello to return to the God Realm together.

But Muse is still hard at work writing songs, the Leafs are still camping and cooking their own stew, and Aiello has a new bassist joke...

People in the God Realm attach great importance to their agreements. Even if there are no earth guardians nearby to witness, they believe that the earth under their feet has remembered this moment and all of this.

So with this agreement in mind, Ludmila couldn't rush to the God Realm alone now. She didn't expect that with the blessing of the good luck beast, she would find the guiding lighthouse of the God Realm for the first time.

On the other side, Natalia, who was staying on the Saint's Call, finally made friends with Xiaogan and was able to touch its soft down.

"Tsk, tsk, you guy, you must be pestering me because you think I'm lucky." Natalia was proud for a while, and then drove the Saint's Call soared from the sea, level with the 100-meter lighthouse, and the bottom of the boat Water drops were still falling down.

"Sister, brother-in-law~ Hello."

Yelin and Siatt couldn't help but look at each other in surprise. Natalia's mouth turned sweet. Did she eat honey?

The tomboy jumped into the tower from the Saint's Call with great agility, and hugged Rebecca whom he hadn't seen for a long time?

Dear sister, where have you made a fortune recently?

"Hey, who is this girl with a flat chest?" Natalia looked at Alijie with an "interesting" look, wondering, are there really girls who only have a head but not breasts?

Alijie's height is almost the same as hers, but her chest really doesn't rise much.

Rebecca quickly raised her eyes and whispered: "Natalia, she is the Emperor of our Seventh Empire, so you must respect her."

The top floor of the tower was very small. Even if she spoke in a low voice, Alizee would hear her, but at least she showed her respect.

"Ah, she looks so young and she becomes the emperor?" Natalia looked stunned for a moment. Did my ears hear it correctly?

The kind of emperor who commands thousands of troops and is super rich? !

"Why do you look like you just learned that Alijie has been reported in newspapers in Arad continent?" Ye Lin said doubtfully.

Natalia immediately replied with a proud expression on her face: "I don't have time to read the newspaper. I only heard that the emperor of heaven is very young."

Then Natalia patted Alijie on the shoulder, nodded heavily, and said: "I think we are destined, and we will definitely become close friends."

Thanks to the boss "Dikladuo" for the 1666 points reward.

By the way, when I was looking for Natalia’s lines, I accidentally found this sentence...

"Why did you give me a gift suddenly? Interested in me? But I'm sorry, I'm not interested in you. However, since you have given it away, I will not refuse. 』

There is a certain one (the sense of déjà vu in Tang Niu’s inequality, I accept ≠ I agree.)

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