Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2853 The Flower Language of Steel Balls

Chapter 2854 The Flower Language of Steel Balls

Of course it's okay to ask for money, but Sai Fupo has conditions.

Doctor Sai gathered up his skirt and sat on the edge of the bed, next to his sister, tilting his head slightly and wondering, supporting the construction of "Wahait", it sounds very powerful, but what does it have to do with me.

Not long after, Ye Lin walked into the bedroom with a plate of soft bread. His eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had discovered a great new world.

Although Sophie and Mailu are sisters of the same origin, they are of different races. In addition to similar bodies, their facial features and temperaments are very different.

The other two pairs of sisters, Penosio and Krach, one red and one blue, Guyu and Youyu, also have different appearances and temperaments.

Only Celia and Sailimin's facial features and appearance are almost completely similar, and they can pretend to be dressed in each other's clothes, making it difficult to tell who is who.

Even their seemingly different temperaments of a rich woman and a doctor can be transformed into each other. The rich woman Sai can dress up in a fresh green dress and is beautiful and elf-like, while the doctor Sai can also dress up in jewels, grace and luxury, and have twice the happiness.

The only difference between them is that Sai Fupo's figure is plumper and Doctor Sai is slimmer, but it is impossible to tell when they are wearing clothes.

"The flower language of steel wire is tolerance and wealth." Celia raised a green jade finger with a smile: "I rarely do this kind of business that has no return at all, so, one million at a time."

Normally, Selia would never ask for such a thing. Yelin would give him as much as he wanted. If the money was not given to him, how could he give it to outsiders?

Perhaps she was influenced by the love drama. At this moment, her eyes were filled with gentle light and endless love, and the cold steel turned into silk around her fingers under her gaze.

According to common sense in the world, the ultimate form of love is marriage, which means that two people have achieved perfection and made it public to the world. From then on, they will hold hands and watch the sun and the moon together until they grow old together.

But after marriage, the love becomes more vigorous and stronger. How to express it? Saifu Po doesn't know, so let's do it first.

Doctor Sai listened for a while, but seemed to understand. His cheeks turned red, and he quickly waved his hands and said: "I am not a vegetable aid expert. I don't support people, and I am not short of money..."

"What, I gave him the money." Saifu Po rolled her eyes cutely, and then skillfully tied her hair into a high ponytail with a hairband.

Dim the lights in the room. How much you can take from me depends on your ability.

Celia thought that Sugar Cane was still sealed by her and her abilities were limited.

At the moment when the power of time was flowing, Celia suddenly felt that something was wrong.


Ye Lin stared at the ceiling, dazed for a while, and then carefully picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table. Mrs. Sai and doctor Sai were lying quietly on the left and right, their eyes slightly distracted.

He dialed McShell's phone. After ringing for a while, the caller answered, "Hey, General, what's the matter?"

Michelle held her mobile phone between her head and shoulder, staring at the computer screen full of numbers and curves. Their happy vacation was over and it was time to get to work.

"Well, do you still remember the matter of raising funds for the project?"

"Remember~ you have already got the money from the housekeeper? Tsk tsk, I will send you the payment account number later. How much have I got? I don't want anything worth tens or hundreds of dollars." Michele joked, and then I heard Sugarcane’s unfinished voice coming from the other end of the phone...

"One hundred million."


Michele was stunned for a moment, but he didn't think too much. The Celia Chamber of Commerce has a big business, and its business spans several worlds. It's easy to spend 100 million in working capital, which is a drop in the bucket.

"Thank you, Miss Celia, for your generosity. If it weren't for the special meaning of Vahayt, I would have wanted to paint the Chamber of Commerce's badge on the ship." Michele said with a smile.

Hearing Ye Lin's voice on the phone, Celia raised her soft and white body with a slightly hoarse voice, her beautiful eyes full of weirdness, and asked: "When did you break the seal..."

Ye Lin took the phone further away and whispered: "Yesterday when I was verifying my love with Michelle..."

The gray-white hair has been spread out and draped casually on Celia's fair shoulders. Her delicate and beautiful face is now filled with the afterglow of love, her eyebrows are full, and he has given her too much love.

The doctor's body fragrance on the other side is mixed with the aroma of herbal medicine, which is equally charming and charming.

"Wait a minute, Michele, I'll work hard and add another two million!"


next day

Michele received a support transfer of 104 million from the Chamber of Commerce. He does not need to repay it, it is all his heartfelt wishes.

"The Selia people are quite nice." Michele gave a thumbs up in praise.

Xiaoyu pulled the sugar cane, breathed orchid into his ear, smiled and said: "I also want money, what should I do?"

Ganzhi thought for a moment, and then an idea flashed. He could make money from Celia first, and then if Xiaoyu wanted money, he would give it to her one million at a time.

Hutton Mar Opera House

The Opera House is a newly built building in recent years. It has the appearance of a cut half onion, and the color is also Hutton Mar's usual white.

Hedunmar, known as the capital of freedom, has the largest number of adventurers in Arad, with prosperous commerce and bustling traffic.

Queen Skadi believed that "freedom" should be filled with order and culture to enrich the spiritual world of her people, so she ordered the construction of several new buildings containing cultural atmosphere.

Including opera houses, libraries, schools for cultural subjects, etc.

Ye Lin queued up to buy tickets at the opera house. Today's troupe performed very well and had a high reputation. It was much better than the troupe Xiao Su and the others watched yesterday, so it was a bit difficult to buy tickets today.

"Tsk tsk, His Majesty, the most powerful adventurer and the Emperor of Heaven, almost couldn't buy a ticket~" Ye Lin pulled Alijie, who was smiling happily, into the opera house. The little girl had been thinking about it.

"Without you, my night will no longer have any light, because you are my only moon..."

The male protagonist on the stage was half-kneeling on the ground, raising his hands to reach for the sky. Every expression on his face was full of sadness and hesitation. His exquisite acting skills made every audience couldn't help but applaud and praise him.

The actors on the stage maintained their professionalism and continued to perform without being affected by the audience...

After watching the superb performance, at the door of the opera house, Alijie wiped the tears of emotion from her eyes, put her hands in her pockets, smiled shyly, "Brother, close your eyes, I have a gift for you."


Ye Lin closed his eyes, and then heard Alijie's voice full of shock and regret... "How could it be like this? I finally made it yesterday with the help of Sister Siatt..."

In her hand, she held a bag of chocolates wrapped and sealed with red silk. Because she kept it close to her body, it was somewhat melted by the body temperature and had lost its original love shape.

"It doesn't matter, no matter what it becomes, it will be with your full heart, Alijie." Sugar Cane untied the red silk, took a piece of chocolate that had melted, but solidified quickly because of the cold weather outside, and put it into his mouth.


As he chewed the sugar cane, he suddenly wanted to cry, and then he hugged the little girl who was only half a head shorter than him.


At the corner of the opera house, Feng Ying secretly watched with a telescope in her hand. She was not following him, but just happened to be shopping. She said, "Are you going to cry? This is not like sugar cane. Has Alizee touched his first love?"

"Who knows." Xiaoyu shrugged, then turned into a master of love and analyzed: "Maybe it's Alijie's pure love that made Gan Cane, who was covered in scum, suddenly feel guilty. He is the only one who has Alijie, and his family The household registration book is so thick..."

Then Xiaoyu started to run away again, holding up the telescope and teasingly said: "Alizee is going to make Guangzhou kneel down with guilt, take possession of it all to herself, and then take him back to be a star slave."

Thanks to the boss "Midon-chan" for the 500-point reward. You don't need to reward me every time you come back, _(:зゝ∠)_.

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