Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2856 The

Chapter 2857 The "specialty" of heaven

The matcha cake and fried shrimp are obviously delicious, but my brother had previously hinted that this store was not delicious. It turned out to be because there was a lady in the store who had a close relationship with them.

Alijie was not only deliberately being jealous and mocking, she was also stating a fact that was real and could no longer be true.

From the bustling Hetton Mar Town Hall to the poor back streets, to any coffee shop, pub, fashionable nursing shop (Doris), I can meet your girlfriend everywhere.

Originally, Alijie wanted to see the Moonlight Tavern. I heard that there was a graceful, elegant, sexy and mature proprietress, and she was an extremely rare elf. I'm afraid... hum.

"Hahahaha~ You deserve it!" Kanina put it aside and couldn't help laughing. She just likes to see the sugar cane deflated in embarrassment, allowing you to tease me, a girl as innocent as a piece of paper.

"Two more cups of coffee, one with extra sugar for Alijie." Ye Lin slightly glared at Kanina who was gloating about her misfortune, and whispered again and again in secret, I will propose marriage to your father Dulf tomorrow.

You also know that as long as I speak personally, this thing will almost certainly happen.

Kanina immediately shrank her neck and curled her lips in displeasure. Gancan was really not an alarmist. Her father, the high-level paladin Dolph Reminis, had always spoken highly of Ye Lin, revealing both in and out of his words. With appreciation.

Two more cups of coffee were served, one with extra sugar for Alijie and the other for Ye Lin. Kanina deliberately chose the most bitter coffee beans.

"Please use it slowly, you want to order something more." Kanina smiled sweetly, because Da Keer had already eaten and rested, and she would not move for at least half an hour.

Really arrogant employees, lazier than the boss.

"No need~ you go and do your work." Ye Lin waved his hand, as if he thought he was the boss here, which made Kanina's teeth itch with anger.

Alijie also nodded and said no. She was already seventy percent full with one cake and one fried shrimp. She elegantly picked up the coffee and took a sip. It tasted really good.

Because her own powers failed for the first time since she was a child, Alizee felt frustrated and became interested in Da Keer.

The "culprit" Da Keer still looks calm and calm now, neither happy nor sad, with no expression at all. She is sitting aside reading a newspaper from today. No matter what news, she can't move her expression.

Her "facial paralysis" was not a deliberate act, but a natural indifferent character. Even when Ye Lin took her to a room alone, Da Keer remained motionless from beginning to end.

He could pose however he wanted, but Da Keer would not waste his energy, nor would he hum, lying on the bed like a salted fish... like a delicate doll with a heartbeat.

Moreover, Da Keer resisted giving him verbal rewards because it was very troublesome and tiring, and she herself was not happy.

Two days ago, Da Keer was dragged by Kaninara to watch a love opera. Da Keer remained expressionless throughout the whole process and silently ate a large bucket of popcorn.

It's terrible to be secretly discussed by the young lovers nearby about such a girl. She looked at such a touching plot without any expression changing, even if it was just a little bit, she was like a puppet throughout the whole process.

This is very wrong. Even a lady with no experience in love should show curiosity. At the very least, she should applaud politely.

Therefore, it is speculated that Da Keer is either the kind of ascetic who is "unfeeling and righteous", or that she has been hurt by love, and the word "love" has been completely crossed out from the dictionary of life.

They were more inclined to the latter, and then chatted about which scumbag had hurt such a girl who was outstanding in appearance, figure, and temperament.

"Brother, is there any way to make her expression change?"

"Yes, Da Keer has a desire to collect and likes some beautiful and strange things."

A sharp pin, a piece of neatly broken glass, half an ancient gold coin, a concubine's incense stone from the Borodin Empire... Da Keer's favorite things are not regular, and she even coveted the eldest lady's magic sword Leivo. Ting.

Alijie nodded slightly, then touched her pockets. The only foreign items on her body were some money, a mobile phone, a gemstone necklace given by her brother, and a pocket revolver.

Almost every woman in Celestial Realm has received professional military training, and shooting courses are still compulsory.

So Alijie came up with a clever idea, took the initiative to sit next to Da Keer, introduced herself, and then took out the pocket revolver...

Look, look, look, this is a "specialty" of our heaven. For ordinary people, a gun is faster than a sword seven steps away, and within seven steps, a gun is faster and more accurate.

Even ordinary people who are not cultivators have a chance to kill professionals head-on with firearms.

"Alizee..." Ye Lin hurriedly held down Alizee's little hand to prevent Da Keer from becoming the second Becky.

Ever since Becky killed the kobold Dohead, the deputy leader of the Kaxiu sect, with one shot in the Silent City, he has always felt that his big slingshot was not cool enough and was not enjoyable to use.

Dr. Gina and the others spent a long time and many methods to give up the idea of ​​Becky carrying a sniper rifle.

Little Becky is innocent and cute, and can also draw fairy tales and cartoons. Her two thin twintails are full of energy, and the big slingshot she often carries on her back adds a bit of childishness to her childhood.

If Becky changes the big slingshot on his back to a sniper rifle in the future, it will no longer be childlike, but a sad boy scout.

Alijie pouted. It was too vulgar to give money. The necklace was a gift from her brother and she definitely couldn't give it to her. Then the only thing she could do was...a mobile phone that could read the news and chat!

So she showed Da Keer her mobile phone and played some interesting short videos. The purpose was to attract Da Keer and observe whether her expression would change.

Da Keer nodded slightly, but still showed no change in expression, and said calmly: "Da Keer also has one of these black rectangular crystals. It can be as bright as you at first, but it won't shine anymore."

Even though she sounded surprised, Da Keer's face was still paralyzed, which inevitably made Alizee feel discouraged.

Ye Lin gave Da Keer a mobile phone and taught her how to play with it, but she seemed to have forgotten how to charge the phone... She just needed to put it in the sun for a while and it would be fine.

Ye Lin folded his head and was speechless, and now he wrote a note as a memo to Da Keer. It can be charged with solar energy or use a crystal conversion device to generate celestial electricity.

"Brother, help me quickly~" Alijie gave me a coquettish look, I have nothing left on me, please help me "unfreeze" Da Keer's expression.

Ganzhu, who was very good at acting like a baby, nodded confidently, then put a hand on Da Ke'er's ear as if to keep it secret, and whispered something into her ear.

Then something incredible happened. Da Keer, who had always been expressionless, showed a strong expression of shock, and then turned into a look of deep envy when she looked at Alijie.

Alijie's power was activated immediately, and she clearly captured Da Keer's emotional changes. She was completely shocked and envious, yes.

After paying the money and leaving the cafe, Alijie immediately held his arm and kept asking him, brother, how did you do it and what did you say in her ear.

"Want to know?"


"Then you have to..."

Ganzhe gently held Hongxia's little face and kissed the fragrant and shy softness. Perhaps the confession made Alijie more courageous. She quietly let go of her neat white teeth and tried to get involved with her brother. Together.

Was it because the little girl had drank coffee? Her mouth was sweet. Ganzhu couldn't imagine how sweet Alijie's first kiss would be in another place.

The way he made Da Keer's expression change was to tell her "Alizee is the emperor of heaven"!

In Da Keer's impression, the emperor was super rich, with mountains of gold coins, and he could have whatever he wanted. Everyone would give her the best money and the most happy career.

The job that Da Keer wanted to be the most was that of emperor, but he was just the kind of foolish emperor who only wanted to eat, drink and have fun, and tried every means to collect taxes.

So when she found out that Alijie was the emperor, she was shocked and envious. It was great, everyone would give her money, and she had so many beautiful things.

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